Top 500 buddy.
Samito, a perennial top 500 player, the other day n spawn … Someone goes mercy…
Samito - “Why do people still pick Mercy, she is TRASH”
Top 500 buddy.
Samito, a perennial top 500 player, the other day n spawn … Someone goes mercy…
Samito - “Why do people still pick Mercy, she is TRASH”
As long as it fits your agenda and narrative.
Face it, you guys lost.
The whole #RevertMercy fizzled out, people aren’t buying it, people are not bots and they can see through the narrative to the real situation.
She is perfectly balanced and fits exactly the model she was originally designed for.
Don’t use the “but she’s boring” line, from a fun perspective she’s not changed since launch, she’s always been like that.
Give it up, the battle and war have been won, it’s just embarrassing at this stage.
There are M, GM, and top500 players successfully maining mercy, and she is also picked in meaningful pro matches, so I think the word here is “viable”, not “trash”
To each his own.
Want a top 500 Ana who has mastered her kit on your team or a Top 500 Mercy who has mastered her kit? I’ll take the Ana in almost every single situation.
The only situation in which I would want a Mercy over a Moira, is if we are playing on a map that isn’t flat with a lot of high ground areas…But …in that case, I’ll take Ana.
Agreed, Mercy is pretty trashy at the moment and needs re-balancing or a rework.
I’m sorry, but those changes you propose are an actual joke.
An argument could be made for 50-55 heals and a tiny reduction in cool down.
But that’s it.
She doesn’t need anything more.
I love how you snook in the invincibility change hidden amongst the other slightly more sensible stuff.
This reminds me of those people who buy airpods and say that they can’t hear broke Bois
The statement I replied to was one that said (gist, not a quote) Mercy is trash
It is entirely possible that the Ana would be better, but that then does not make the Mercy trash
My gripe with mercy is that as one of the most mobile heroes she’s put into a situation where she rezzes someone and is slowed to a crawl to the point of no movement which defeats her character.
As a Mercy main, No, I dont get the same defensive rush, I get a feeling of being useless and not contributing to my team fights like I should be. Valkyrie is a lot like Communism. It sounds great on paper but when executed it is beyond horrible and leaves you and your team questioning things. Often times even if I have Valkyrie ready I will swap to Ana or Moira to do a major push and just regain my ult.
…and yet she is played and mained successfully at every tier, including pro play
I guess my definition of trash is different than yours
Why do people still quote their signature lmao
Mercy lacks the burst impact every other hero has, she lacks the whole “wow x hero carried us” moment that others can achieve with enough skill.
The lack of player skill expression that was previously present with mass res is what makes people upset
I have ~135 hours on Mercy and I really don’t like her. I am still picking her because of raw healing. I really tired on her, it’s not fun and Valk doesn’t feels like ult.
Although I like Valkyrie as it is - have you taken a look at BigMainLittleChains?
No, that is not all she needs. Neither of us can truly know without lots of testing. I proposed a lot of slight changes that improve QOL which allows her to be funner to play. The change where I make her unable to be interrupted due to distance from her Resurrect target is not invincibility, as you put it, but something to allow an extremely long cool-down ability to not be interrupted many times over by short cool-down knock-backs. You can still be killed, stunned, or hacked out of it.
Oh my apologies, but respectfully, I’m going to have to decline. I would much prefer to keep fighting.
There is no “battle” or “war” going on, and your perception on how “embarrassing” the opinions that #MercyIsFine disagrees with, are not of my concern. There are people’s opinions being unheard, and their voices being ignored with their concerns regarding Mercy. And I believe that their thoughts are just as valid as those who think that she is “perfect”.
I intend on continuing to voice my thoughts and dissatisfaction with Mercy’s current state, as many others have, and will continue to vouch for a revert of Mass Rez + Tweaks, or a rework that makes her more engaging, rewarding, and impactful to play. I will continue stating my opinions on Mercy’s issues, until they are addressed - no matter how long it takes.
Thanks for projecting your opinions though! Your concerns and Ad Hominem is well-noted.
Seconded. I believe that she can certainly use some improvements. Right now, I’m not all that impressed with her current state. I think there’s more to be done, most definitely.
~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.
Not gonna take any mercy buffs if it’s at the cost of the few skill expressions she actually has to enhance her effectiveness and gameplay. None of those fix the core problems; she would still have lackluster healing and no carry capacity of her own.
You go girl.
Bang that drum.
Whilst your at it, please let me know of any feminism / identity politics rallies nearby, you fit the stereotype to know that sort of stuff.
I literally paraphrased what YOU wrote and you replied with the above.
Sorry am I missing something?
I don’t think it is generally known what the gender of this individual is
I have no idea, myself, though the blushes suggest female to me…
Agreed. One of the rework suggestions I’ve had that addresses not only her healing, but also her skill expression, impact, agency, and rewarding play can be found here. It’s certainly one of many idea’s I’ve had, but if you want, do feel free to give it a look. It meets the middle-ground of both lovers of Valkyrie, and Mass Rez as well. Titanium gave some amazing suggestions in their thread as well, which is one of (if not the) most popular threads in the forum. Highly recommend checking that out as well.
~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.