I have 2000 hours on this game, an hour on Mercy

She’s a main healer in team comps that don’t involve 3 tanks.

I think there are plenty of heroes who need changes first.

I’m pretty sure that’s already a thing if you look into the settings. hold down the button to go further or tap the button to cancel guardian angel.

I think it’s best for them to keep super jump as it is. right now, super jump is the main thing that separates a GM Mercy from a Platinum Mercy because it’s not terribly easy to pull off.

if they made it easier to super jump, they’d probably reduce the height at which you could jump to compensate and it’s not fair for Mercy players to have her skill ceiling lowered even further to help lower tiers get efficient use out of her.

What I have yet to understand is why she NEEDS to be viable. Why?

Brags about 2k hours played and 1 of that on Mercy.
Most of those hours are on Torb and Symm. (on console at that)

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WDYM its not like pros have a comp that uses her to solo heal… oh wait
4-1-1 is super fun in ladder btw

In all seriousness, yes at times 50hps sucks, but Mercy is fine on ladder play, until mid Diamond you won’t see GOATS anyway so why complain? If all games truly are 4+ dps, why not go Mercy and let her shine in a comp she works in.
Mercys only bad in high tiers rn bc high tiers do goats.

this is me agreeing with you btw ;W;

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Of course you think she’s garbage because you don’t play her and don’t know how to play her. So in your hands, she actually is.

Its a strange thing because we have two echochambers here, one who always says that “mercy is fine”, shes flawless and such along with another chamber what says shes a garbage tier hero and picking her is throwing.

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No my man I never said you didn’t have the hours to make a decision. I stated that you have not played her in comp at all. You always choose a different healer in comp. If you literally choose any other healer when the game actually counts, you know she is not in a " good state".

If you only have an hour on Mercy, you never liked her in the first place.

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She’s fine now but she may need to altered after Baptiste and the new changes come in.

I’ve seen Mercy with Pirate a lot just because she is able to ress the Bastion.

I probably would prefer an Ana but I’d take a Mercy over Moira no doubt.

Just like the Mercy mains themselves.


No, because I am not unaware of the situation. Those others are scary because you don’t know what follows EMP, or where RIP-Tire is coming from. When you get shattered? It’s a panic. With Mercy, I realize that I need to try harder to get kills and to watch my positioning, since everyone can be damage boosted. I don’t get a defensive rush with Supercharger. Or McCree, really. Not so much from Hanzo’s Dragon Strike.

She is literally objectively balanced.


I didn’t felt like play Mercy this season since this community always have mixed opinions about her even though she’s fine. I didn’t want to go through that during my time on ranked and I stopped caring about my SR entirely.
If I had spent time in comp mode, then I would be playing Mercy if the team needs one.

That will pretty much make Ana less rewarding for the risk taken. The reason Mercy got her healing nerfed to begin with is because she can heal through barriers and there’s no way of shutting her healing down except to kill her or bionade. Ana, who takes immense skills to be decent with, is so easy to shut down. You don’t even have to deal with her directly to do that, barriers, DM, and deflect can nullify her healing. In addition, Ana has to reload, Mercy doesn’t. Reverting Mercy’s healing will put us back to where we started before the support balance patch.

Edit: I forgot to add that I see a lot of Mercys in my games, and they’re doing well. The real support that needs help is Moira. She’s so bad, resource runs out very quick, healing orbs are inconsistent and can be eaten by D.Va, and her only defense ability is easy to bait.

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Quite a lot of posts in this thread, many of those which claim Mercy is fine but I can’t check their profile to see if they still or ever mained her in the last couple of months, appear to smell strongly of hate towards Mercy getting any kind of improvement or rework. Sort of reminds me of the hate Brigitte has received. Makes me wonder if it’s because there’s a cult of players who don’t wish to see Mercy improved or reworked simply because the team made an overpowered rework that was left somewhat overpowered for quite a number of months and therefore don’t want to risk seeing that happen again.

Don’t blame unsatisfied Mercy players for the team’s unacknowledged mistake and their choice of not acknowledging feedback in the stickied megabin threads, it’s not their fault that the rework started off the way it did.

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Have you considered that that one hour isn’t enough to learn the hero and determine its actual struggles?

I have 40-50 hours on Mercy pre and post rework and I don’t have issues with her at all in her current iteration.

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She definitely needs more healing output


I think Mercy is fine.
Your job is to boost snipers and keep squishier heroes alive.
I shouldn’t have to explain to a Reinhardt that he’s useless.
But Reinhardt, when you put down your shield, you’re useless.

Console is irrelevant. The game is not balanced around console and it shouldnt be. U literally have aim assist on console lol. Making overwatch for console is just so more people can play it and get money, but no one really cares about console.

Console players just don’t matter and neither do your stances.