I have 2000 hours on this game, an hour on Mercy

Moira and Ana actually have similar pickrates on console. But Moira is still terrible in GM.

Mercy is still the strongest main healer overall. Lucio is currently also the most picked off support too. But things might be changing when ever the new patch arrives.

Moira still needs a buff though. I suggested that Fade be 5 seconds from 6 seconds many times. It’ll actually help her in GM.

Brigitte though has the lowest pickrate out of any supports.

For the 3rd time, my argument is mostly for PC…Blizzard, does not give a damn about Console…like…

at all.


Making Moira’s Fade 5 seconds would be a huge both for her on all platforms. I think it will happen someday.

I played Mercy recently, for a change, and I found she was surprisingly better than I remembered…
Or, at least, I manage to get more res and survive more than I thought! :open_mouth:

Other than that I agree she lacks a oumpf factor…

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200 hours on Mercy here, since apparently that matters. She’s fine.

Mercy still works as a main healer, especially when paired with Zen. It’s not as easy to just left click your team to a victory now, but that has only made her more engaging. You need to utilize damage boost and discord orb as well as communication/target calling to take quick fights, if you try to outsustain the other team, you’re setting yourself up for failure. If you failed to adapt after her changes, the issue is with you, not the hero.

Ask any Widowmaker who has played against a good Mercy whether or not they feel fear when they hear her ult voice line - their answer will be yes. Widow is a free kill about 3/4 of the time while valking. Even going past that, Valkyrie is a fantastic ultimate when used properly. It needs to be used as a tool to engage, and since it charges very fast, it’s one of the best engagement tools in the game. Use it early and often to give your team the advantage going into a fight since there’s a good chance you’ll have your ultimate before anyone else in the game. Think of it as an ultimate that controls the pace/flow of the game, rather than one that you use to make hero plays.

This is completely dependent on the SR we’re talking about. Platinum and below, I’ll take the Mercy player 10/10 times. For diamond and above, I’ll usually take the Ana unless the composition calls for Mercy, and I don’t see anything wrong with that. Simple heroes are designed to be less effective at higher skill levels and complex heroes are designed to be more effective at higher skill levels.

You also mentioned that the only good thing Mercy has on the other supports is mobility. While it’s true that her mobility is absolutely fantastic and a serious asset, Mercy also has one of the single most powerful abilities in the game as part of her kit in resurrect. You absolutely cannot discount how much of an advantage being able to bring back dead teammates is.

The fact that they just massively buffed damage is the most compelling reason to not buff Mercy. If damage heroes are good, so is Mercy. Her ability to boost 30% of a target’s damage is incredibly valuable, so we should expect to see her a lot more once DPS heroes are viable again. I hate trying to predict future metas because the game is unpredictable, but I would expect to see a lot more from Mercy in the patches to come.

We’re in a meta where DPS is as weak as they have ever been and healers with AoE and stackable auras are as strong as they have ever been. There couldn’t be a worse meta for Mercy, in short. When we see the return of damage heroes, we’ll see just how good Mercy still is.


As a dps player I would rather have a Mercy than a Ana that can’t hit me or a Moria who can’t get to me any day of the week

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As a Mercy main (mostly in PS4 and some hours in PC) I think she is in a good place by 90%… The remaining 10% are just minor changes that need to be done (not buffs that will make her broken once more). Now with most of the healers in a better place, Mercy could use a little bit of attention

Mercy may have changed but she’s still a good healer if used properly!

You wont find any luck on the forums here; most people talk in a echo chamber of Mercy hate to the point of being a cult themselves.

They’ll put down any argument you have, soley because they dont want Mercy to ever be viable again.


I made a Mercy alt to learn her and only have maybe 6 hours as I largely gave up and made it a tank/support account instead. I feel she is just fundamentally flawed and way worse than Mercy mains make her out to be. Guardian angel in particular. I feel Mercy mains are just so used to how terrible she controls that they are fine with it. But if she had decent qol buffs such as a set guardian distance that you could increase by holding the button and a more official way to super jump, she would already be way better.

I mostly do not care myself as I never play her. I just have no idea how people tolerate her. The fast swap needs to be quicker too. If she is supposed to be a mobile hero constantly changing her job… she is just not that.


Y’know I really want to say you’re wrong, but you’re completely right that they’ll be biased when it comes to hours in-game. There was this one user on the forums who thought my 30 hours QP on Mercy wasn’t enough to say that she’s fine this current patch. Like I have 87 total hours and counting on Mercy since launch and I still think she’s okay in live and soon PTR.

The ult can swing a team fight if used correctly but it isn’t as volatile as something like nano boost or transcendence

In my opinion, the reason a lot of people (including myself) don’t enjoy mercy as much as before her rework is that she doesn’t make any “flashy” POTG plays (like the old 5 man rez) anymore which makes you feel less valuable to the team during team fights.

Please don’t even try to speak for Widow players.

She’s not so much scary with Valk as she is frustrating, because she moves too fast to attempt a duel, while having less risk of missing herself through a chip damage, unlimited ammo, projectile pistol.

This specific use case does not even remotely escalate Valkyrie to require a disengage/regroup.

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I’ve heard of this Mercy cult in many places and don’t intend to join such a thing we’re not all petty! But yeah that’s like one to what?

Any backup to that rather outlandish claim?

Are you scared when the enemy Zen ults? Lucio? Moira? Orissa? Which is scarier 3 seconds of increased health on the enemy or 15 seconds of team wide 60HPS/30% damage boost?

Res is one of if not the best abilities in the game. It undoes a death no matter how it happened and is very good against your team losing a player early in a fight or just getting a respawn back more quickly.

Care to backup that claim? Once again, I would say teamwide 60HPS/30% damage boost is pretty game changing.

Mercy doesn’t have to reload and doesn’t have to worry about LoS, barriers, or aiming in general.

Seems to be doing pretty well for Lucio.

Do you not remember how that went? Mercy was able to solo heal a 3 tank team comp reliably. That shouldn’t happen.

You forgot to include them it seems…

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Disagree, I have an hour exactly on Bastion, which has made me an expert on everything Bastion, and I decree that he’s balanced and possibly even overpowered.


While Mercy’s healing is low, it’s consistent, and in a pare with GA it isn’t that easy to shut down. But, to outplay other main healers on your rank they either should be very bad or you need to be a god. So on plat and below Mercy is pretty fine, maybe, sometimes, in certain comps…
Yeah, i would like to see more value behind a skill expression. But would like developers to? They were messing with her a whole year…

I’m willing to bet there’d be a lot of comments saying that if their opinion was positive towards Mercy, too.

mercy is absolutely fine and does not need any changes at all. For her skill requirments she actually does a bit too much.