I hate these types of people. QP try hard

Are you surprised that people ask you to communicate when you play the hero that relies the most on communication out of literally all the heroes? Nothing worse than a Sombra who doesn’t even spam she is going to Ult and then Ults completely alone and asks in chat why nobody followed up when nobody was even ready to push.

If you call people “tryhard” for trying to win, the issue is with you, because you have to look at yourself first and ask why you did not try harder to win yourself. Doesn’t matter if it’s QP, people do their best to win because winning is fun and gets you the only reward the game has to offer, for playing, a whole lot faster.

I did do my best but it doesn’t matter if we lose. Its quickplay it yields no rewards

Winning gives you more experience which gets you faster to your lootbox, the only reward in the game if you only play QP/Arcade. Also winning in itself is a reward for many as it feels good to do so.

all matches give XP and xp gives you lootboxes
Comp gives you gold guns, wow. thats so unoriginal and innovative.

so basically comp gives more rewards and displays rank as well

Bad advice, OP.

I am so sick to death of any suggestion or concern expressed in QP being ignored with “It’s only QP” as though it’s a get out of jail free card… it’s still a competitive game… I had two people dancing in spawn today and someone else on our team even once I mentioned say “well, it’s only QP” while we were being steam rolled… great attitude, some of us think at least trying to win on QP makes using it for practice or whatever worthwhile… if all you want to do is shoot sh*t go against AI’s…

I think that it goes without saying that Quick Play is exactly that… it’s a way for players to quickly get in to Overwatch gameplay without much fuss.

That being said, there will always be different types of players and skill sets. Everyone needs to understand that not everyone will be playing at the same level / style. As long as everyone is trying and not being disruptive, that’s what counts.

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Perhaps, but dancing multiple times during a game… ah no… that’s just out of bounds… you are then sabotaging my game… they both got reported for it btw…

What if you want to play a regular overwatch match but casually?
Not like arcade with special rules, but just casual where you sit down, relax, play who you want and enjoy?
I hardly ever use mic as it genuinely causes me anxiety, am I to blame for not using it in quickplay?
I understand if it’d be about comp, but it’s just a fact that most people play quick play to relax and have fun (at least in eu server), so it’s not ideal for practicing for comp.
If you want winning to be your priority play comp.
If you want fun to be your priority play quickplay.

The thing is, Quickplay exists in a weird environment.

Competitive attracts tryhards, while Arcade attracts casuals.

Quickplay is the middle ground between the two, and so it attracts both kinds of players!

Theoretically, LFG was supposed to make it easier to sort through these sorts of players, so you’d get matched up with people who were as tryhard/casual as you are. But unfortunately, it seems like it’s really not working for a lot of people for some reason :tired_face:

Again, you and many others are using “Casuals” word wrongly. Casual players play to win, but they only don’t want to do extended effort, like analysing every situation they did wrong, or recording their games, etc. and they certainly don’t “practice”, because they have nothing to practice for.
The word you want to use is … “trolls”. They use QP to “practice”, and that’s actually disruptive gameplay - they’re not playing to win - which is actually the game goal, but playing for god knows what reason …

and also seems to be banned. Or he never started a game on this account.

Nope, winning is the goal of the game. If you play to “shoot some people”, you’re not playing the game… you’re just trolling. Like when you start the game of chess, and you pick up pieces and move them randomly … because it’s fun fun fun.

Again, if you don’t find fun in trying to win, then why playing the game in the first place? You don’t like the objective, you don’t like team play … I really don’t see reason why …
And somehow, when someone says “I’m trying to win” everybody asumes it’s mandatory to demand special comps, be toxic, and other “I’m 13y old edge lord and I play comp” stuff … Like you can not play to win without it …

Agree! Excessive emotes, much like other things have a proper time and place as well.

First of all you’re way to sensitive to the point that your own here crying about it. Just mute the guy and play on. Problem solved. It’s gets frustrating at times but get over it like the rest of us.

Hence why we need a “normal” mode, same restrictions as comp, i.e. leaving penalties, etc. but not with SR, or at least a variation of it. Comp, Normal then Quick Play … you can screw around all you want in QP then… dance on the payload while your team dies, whatever…

It is called “Quick Play”, not “Throw Play”.

You forgot the number one reason games exist: fun.

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This person gets it…

Personally I’d rather have fun and lose than win a stressful and unfun game but that’s just me :slight_smile:

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No, I didn’t forget it. Fun games are providing is related to their content, objectives, and rules. You should not play every game as a “sitting simulator” because sitting is fun to you.