I hate these types of people. QP try hard

So you’re implying that every game mode is to be taken 100% seriously?

Quick reminder that at first overwatch was supposed to be a casual only game

No, it doesn’t. Quickplay exists simply to play a quick game of Overwatch with no obligation to finish it, matches are “quick” down to the simple fact that it doesn’t require both teams for example to push the payload as far as they can or repeat till their time runs out. I wish people like your self would stop with these ridiculous imagined up ideas of what "quick"play actually is.

I know right!

I feel exactly the same way.

Today I went to go shoot 18 holes at my local golf course. I got on my horse and grabbed my polo mallet and began my round of golf. About half way through my first hole this “toxic” person came riding up on me in a golf cart, literally screaming at me. He told me to stop what I was doing and to leave immediately. I was like “broh, I am just playing golf the way I like to play”. For some reason that wasn’t a good enough excuse because this person was still all up in my grill.

I couldn’t believe what was happening to me. I paid just as much as everyone else did to play golf. How is it that the other golfers had an issue with me having my fun. Their so called “rulez” only make it so I can’t play the way I want to. It’s not like the game was designed specifically not to incorporate horses or polo mallets. I mean, it wasn’t like it was a tournament or something. It was just a random round of 18 holes that don’t matter.

Now back to reality.

Just because you paid for something does not give you the right to enjoy said something while making this very thing unbearable for the other people who are playing the game as it was designed to be played.

It does not give other people the right to demean you in any manner. It doesn’t take away your right to have access to the thing you paid for.

Still, there is a specific way the game was designed to be played. If you aren’t playing it that way then you are wrong. All matches, rounds, and games matter to someone. You do not get to decide the importance of each to everyone else.

Again, casual is not the word you want to use. Casual players play to win. They follow objectives and do what they think should be done to win. But they’re not into the game that much, and they don’t want to do extra efforts to become better at the game. But still, they’re playing the game. If they win - great. If they lose - great.
If you’re not playing to win the objective, you’re not playing OW. You’re playing something, but it’s not OW.

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You can play that version of golf outside of the regular one if you wish. If you want to change the rules of football you can just play it with your friends.
That’s why there’s more than one game mode.

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By your logic some characters aren’t allowed to be played as they are useless and a different hero would contribute to the win more. (For example why play reaper if there’s hanzo? Etc)

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Allowing a horse on a golf course would cause millions of dollars in damage. The greens superintendent would have a heart attack.

The only way to play Polo-Golf would be if you purchased land and design the game yourself.

Focus on the “design the game yourself” part. Players didn’t design Overwatch. You should play like the game was designed, by Blizzard, to be played. If you don’t want to, then design your own game and see how that pans out for you.

Considering the fact that blizzard lets me play any of their 28 heros I’m pretty sure I’m playing the game as intended

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If that is the furthest an explanation you can give to how the game of Overwatch was intended to be played then I hope to never cross your path.

When I play qp I mostly want to have fun, if I play comp I tryy best to win, it’s that simple

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Then I guess a modified quote for Forrest Gump is adequate in this situation.

“Simple is as simple does”

You can use that one or the original, they both fit.

Also don’t worry, I play on eu so ours paths won’t cross :slight_smile:

I hope people like OP gets mass reported. I do it already, I hope more people joins.

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Well isn’t that a little rude?

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20 characters

Well, mate, by your logic then it’s enough to pick the “meta” comp, and you’ve already won regardless of what the other team is playing and how they’re playing …

Actually it’s not. How is playing the objective not fun? Why do you even play comp then? You like to get frustrated or what?

How is playing a hero you don’t like and going through tense situations not fun? I don’t know mate, you tell me.

As to the meta part - reaper is literally inferior to hanzo in every way rn. Hanzos the better tank buster

Well, for competitive player - it’s fun.

True, but that doesn’t mean games with Reaper are unwinnable, especially not true in QP.

Wanna know what is worse than qp tryhards?

Arcade tryhards

cri more pls about how qp matters;~;