I hate these types of people. QP try hard

if you aren’t wanting to win a game then you should be in the arcade. QP is for people who want to win the game. Someone asked you to join coms and you said no when it doesn’t hurt anyone for you to join. The issue is people will use QP to try new things but still play as a team as everyone should.

Say if you see one member on the team getting jumped a lot then you should back them up. These are simple things that people tend to ignore. It’s sad. Just like if someone say playing widow is dealing dmg and yet no one follows up its just a bad game.

It’s called playing as a team if you dont want that then you should play something else or play arcade.

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Maybe those type of people don’t want the pressure of losing SR/rank in competitive but still want to win? I don’t play QP but if I did I would at least want to try to put effort to win.

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I love it’s just QP people, have reported every last one of them for throwing and admitting to it.


Op I hate people like you. No need to explain this any further. This is a team game, you not wanting to communicate with the team is an issue.

How did he ‘‘ruin’’ a QP game… By not being in chat? Excuse me? None in QP is ever in chat, and i do mean NONE.
And it happens in comp pleanty of times too, when you have only 4 in chat, and guess what? It’s completley fine and is not throwing.

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If you’re playing sombra and aren’t in voice chat, you’re doing it wrong.

Then play at the arcade. Stop finding excuses. Your fault for not communicating. Always trying to blame others and not yourself. Thank god. I’m not playing the match with you. OP is the one who is toxic.

That is false flagging.
Throwing is when you don’t try.
It’s just QP is usually something said when somone wants you to have a perfect 222 comp, So if they still try while they say ‘‘It’s just QP’’ Then you false report.
So… You are the one that should be banned.

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No, I have no problem with people playing whatever they want, I have a problem with people who clearly aren’t trying to win the game or co-operate with the team. “It’s just QP” is an admission of not playing to win or being uncooperative, I have gotten more people banned from QP than from Comp expressly because they think that behavior is justifiable in that game mode when it obviously makes no difference.

just like you hate people who are “tryharding” in QP instead of just goofing around and such I am sure there are people in QP who hate the types of people like you who say “i don’t care it QP”.


Worse than that are the skirmish tryhards. And worse again are the skirmish 6 stack spawn camping tryhards.

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Here’s a fact; qp yields no reward, win or loss. So logically it makes sense for people not to care about playing the game optimally. Another fact.

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here is a real fact. Your opinion isn’t a fact. Players will play how ever they choose. most will try to win.

Since i really don’t win anything in comp besides fictional numbers i guess there is no reason to try and win there either

The fictional number is your motivation. You win you get more, you lose it goes down. You get fictional numbers win or lose in quickplay. There is no motivation and why should there be? It’s unranked. It’s supposed to be a chill mode to just play. Im sorry btw, my fact that qp means nothing is a fact. There’s nothing to work toward, in comp there is. Factimundo. Factigrandous. Factimus. Factasia. Factwatch.

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I always turn off team chat. But I do still want to win a match when I’m in QP…just because I always play in QP doesn’t mean I think it’s a place for throwing or trolling.

This is why we need two game modes. There are two very different ways that people use quick play. And they are not compatible philosophies.

We need a quick practice and an unranked mode instead of quick play to separate out the two types of players.

you have a hiiden mmr in quickplay. you win it goes up, you lose it goes down. this is basic knowledge. So fictional number in comp is fine but fictional number in QP isn’t. thanks for another reason to disregard everything you ever say

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The mmr that supposedly rigs games? Hey make it visible and people might care then. Oh wait! That’s ranked mode!. Duh doy!

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I did so after the match ended but if he acted like that with me chances are he was going to do it to someone else so he needed to hear it atleast once

QP matters exactly as much as Comp if you are remotely rational and keep in mind that your SR is just a number and really doesn’t matter.