I hate these types of people. QP try hard

So today I’m playing some quickplay which isn’t a big deal but this guy on my team tells me to join voicechannel to communicate with the team. I told him that I was fine because I don’t care its quickplay. I’m playing Sombra getting some good practice in and trying different types of EMPs for pushes and countering enemy pushes especially for the enemy lucio’s sound barrier. Our first match on defense ends fine but the dude still is talking about “oh it would be good to communicate with your team” nonsense as if I’m trying to go try hard for comp or something. Quickplay exist for you to just play around and experiment. I was just doing good emps for myself and if I missed it so what. I tell him again I’d rather not.

Then I think we lose on attack even though we pushed much father than the other team did and I did pretty good for myself getting gold elims and damage because I countered two sound barriers so i was just satisfied with that. However this dude at the end of the round starts saying "yeah just don’t play Sombra if you aren’t going to communicate as if he gets to dictate what I do in qp. At that point I had it with this dude and just went off on him and insulted him then he acted all surprised as if he did nothing wrong and told me he was just “relaying his opinion.” I ask him if I even asked for his opinion in the first place and go off more.

This is the issue, when I’m not bothering you and you keep harassing and pressing me to play your way in a mode that doesn’t matter. I told this guy I didn’t want to bother with voice channel and I know some might say to turn off team chat too but these people need to understand they don’t dictate everything. Please learn to shut your mouth if you aren’t enjoying a QP match just leave it doesn’t count for anything gosh. This dude was obvioulsy just slow at processing as well as many others


:sunny: bbbb ut muhhhh shot call endorsements…


Your opinion is not FACT

some people play the game to win matches

If you want to play around you can always go play Arcade or something else. This is coming from someone who doesn’t play a lot of QP unless i need less than 1000 xp to level up. When i do play, i play to win the match as to not ruin the experience for others


Some people use QP as Comp-Lite for whatever reason. Wanting to win of course is what everyone wants, but there’s no reason to be that hardcore in quickplay. When people get like that in QP, I just tell them Competitive exists for a reason.

There’s a middle ground between “it’s just qp lul troll pick” and “it’s not that deep fam”. Some people just can’t seem to find it. I keep team voice chat off at all times.


You can want to win in QP without trying to micromanage every little thing your teammates do. Balance.

:joy: We said the same thing at like the exact same time.


Quick Play - Quick - Fast - Not Requiring Much Time

There is no word about it being for casuals only. If i have 5 minutes i can play a quick play match, I don’t enjoy the game when I don’t play at my best.


You could have very easily turned off the chat…

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lol well at least you are honest

there is no reason you need to join voice chat if you don’t want to, it is not a requirement to play any mode of Overwatch. this guy sounds really pushy, I do not blame you. but belittling a mode he might take seriously just because it is “not competitive” is probably not the best route to take. after you told him you did not want to join voice chat once and then kept engaging him, anything beyond that point is on you as much as it is on him. you could have just dropped the whole thing but on some level clearly you wanted to have this fight just as much as he did.


Quick Play exists to play the game, and part of playing the game is communication. It costs you literally nothing to count down an EMP or say who is Hacked, but you chose to be a jerk about it and flame them out.

Being a team player is not the same as being a try hard. You can be relaxed and have fun and practice your skills while still talking to your team. In fact, if practice is really what you’re doing, then practicing calling out plays would be good for you, because it is a critical part of playing Sombra.


Any time someone gets a reaction for enforcing their opinion or giving out unsolicited advice they are all like

“Whoaaaaa! I am just sayin!”

I know there are people who are really trying to improve and appreciate advice even when they didn’t ask for it but more often than not people just want to play the game and don’t want to be preached to.

One thing you can do is preemptively silence people and another thing, you don’t have to actually respond or “go off” on them. It doesn’t help. Maybe it helps you. But it mostly doesn’t help.


*quick to get into

But THIS here

While the guy doesn’t sound like a nice person. Sombra is one of the most communication reliant heroes in the game… even if you just want to get good with her and her EMP placements you might still want a way to quickly communicate with your team to make them understand when you go for the EMP so they can properly follow up.


LFG exists for people who want a specific QP experience. It’s a different thing to some people. Some use it to practice heroes, some use it to tryhard. Either way no one can complain if they are going in a random group


When I see those groups in LFG called “QP tryhard” I’m just asking myself what’s wrong with those people. When I see groups with the same title but with “chiil” right next to the word “tryhard” I just freak out.

Casual is not a place for tryhards, and being a tryhard is not chilling.

I’m getting really annoyed when I play QP with a bunch of tryhards and get forced to play something I don’t want to.


I know how to play sombra but I don’t need to communicate anything with a team in quickplay thanks for trying to validate a harasser though :^)

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Actually QP is intended as a training mode. Blizzard themselves, in their Path to Pro, contenders promotions said “Start your training in QP”.


so explain why QP was here at launch but comp wasn’t?


Arcade doesn’t have any competitive-light modes. Like it or not Quick Play is the only place we have to participate in semi-serious matches and try to get real training without having to organize it yourself. Its not perfect, but its what we got.


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That’s OK, I hate ‘It’s just QP’ people like you.


But there isn’t any word in there that says competitive either. From reading OP’s post, it sounds like he was doing alright as Sombra. Nothing wrong with that. It may not be meta, but it doesn’t have to be.

What’s not okay: Sombra running around invisible, not hacking, not shooting, not ulting, just spamming boop.

What is okay: Sombra working her butt off doing all the good Sombra things.