I hate these types of people. QP try hard

You know, while gold metals are generally meaningless and tell very little, in the case of Sombra, something is very, very, wrong with the rest of the team if she’s getting gold damage x.x

As for the whole “try hard” thing, I’m mixed on the subject as I believe in always playing one’s best, but even in comp, ultimately the goal should be to have fun and enjoy the game. And for Sombra, if nothing else, you should strive to at least communicate through the chat wheel to the best of your ability as its pretty essential for getting value from EMP.


Honestly, I used to be this kind of person. Not to that guy’s extent, but I would try to get 2/2/2 comps, etc. Then I just kinda stopped caring. I still like 2/2/2, but I don’t bother asking any more, no one will change anyways.

Yes I see you’re an expert communicator so who needs to practice that. Considering that sombra benefits the team so
Much now what will separate the good and the bad are ones communication skills so I don’t think it’s “try hard” to think a team member merely asking for it knowing how helpful it can be is so unbelievably toxic I’d want to make a forum post about it.


I hope someone ruins your comp games the way you ruin qp games.


Yeah I instant mute people like that and I’ll block them or just turn off chat. This is just a video game to me that I play for entertainment.


Yeah, I always try to win in QP. Sometimes I even tryhard. One thing I never do though is tell my team what to play. If they talk to me, I’ll respond to them, but that’s pretty much as far as my communication goes.

There is a competitive mode. So QP is not to be taken as seriously. Yes, I want to win. Yes I hope my team does too. If they don’t it’s less fun, and I’ll make sure to wait a minute or so before queuing for my next game, hoping for a better team.

Not losing any sleep over it though.


I’d be more sympathetic to wanting to avoid voice chat if you weren’t also playing Sombra. You kind of do need team communication to play Sombra effectively, and I have some sympathy for the guy who didn’t want to lose game after game after game because one of his teammates just had to play Sombra and wasn’t even playing her correctly (because that requires communication).


Neither was Arcade. Neither was hero limits. Neither was the growing hero roster. Neither were metas.

A lot of stuff wasn’t around. The moment competitive mode was released, the community quickly became a lot more toxic and play to win. Back when the game was first released, it was intended to be a brawl-type team shooter where the goal was to have fun. The developers themselves said they had no intentions in adding a competitive mode. But 11 seasons later and look where we are.


Hmm I’m torn here. I don’t play comp. I’m not interested in golden guns and my experience in comp was less than stellar. So I do try hard to win in QP.

On the other hand, I don’t expect everyone to play perfectly. Or the way I want them to. Is it nice if you’re in coms? Sure. Is it flame worthy? Hardly.


My overall experience in QP is always pleasant. The only time it gets super toxic is between Competitive seasons when those players start flooding into QP since they have nothing else to do.


Yep I tend to agree QP is much better. Comp didn’t seem worth the pressure, nor did I like the toxicity. Most of the time it wasn’t even directed at me, but I don’t like sitting there listening to people harp on one another over comp matches.

there are no rules as to how to play in qp. its there so that u can play however u want, u can one trick, u can practice, you can try hard, you can troll, you can play seriously, its all up to you, but remember that since its up to you, theres always a reaction to what you’re doing, be it good or bad, and this is NOT up to you, its out of your control and aside from someone committing banable offenses, most of the time there isnt even anything to report, so basically this is quickplay, deal with it. have fun or dont, if u cant let it slide, dont play anymore. you have to realistically expect that with a few thousand players, some will be jerks.


I hate to break it to you but… they’re right.

If you’re playing sombra you have to call out your hacks… people don’t always know what you’re up to.

You dont have to do anything you don’t want to do, but that doesn’t mean that they’re not right… heh.


Just because I enjoy winning doesn’t make me a “tryhard.”

So sue me for not wanting to throw games in QP. I want to enjoy the game not pick daisies.


This is incorrect, it is a legitimate play form, Blizz has gone on the record stating it’s not “practice time”…

The confusion over this is why we need in reality three modes:

  1. Competitive as it is today.

  2. “Normal” mode - MMR based, like comp, but the feel of it without the pressure, and for people who don’t care for comp but would still like a serious game.

  3. “Quick-Play” sharing the MMR of Normal mode… but essentially a whatever kind of game…

QP is not throwaway… not for many people and not defined that way by Blizzard…


OP: Plays the most communication oriented hero in the game to get better with them

OP: Doesnt want to communicate


Tryhard is what losers call winners.
And there is no “Its Just Quick-Play” as an excuse - winners play to win, and don’t make excuses for why their losses don’t matter.


It could be said that if you are Playing sombra without communicating, then you are playing sombra wrong.

I hate people like this. Some people actually want to win, this mindset so many players have suggests that if you want to win and have a team that actually tries, play comp, and if you want to just lose and ruin everyone else’s games go to quick play.


This right here, is where I have problems.

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