I hate Jesse McCree

Thats why Ashe yells MccREEEEEEEEEEEEE

You should change your name from Azrael to Ashe :blush:

i have more success against mccree with ashe then widow. he usually kills me as widow and i for sure wont mirror against him since im terrible at mccree.

so yea that leaves ashe and i have to be long range of course and hope i get him with my dynamite bomb. other dps heroes i play like reaper i have to get the jump on him unawares and with pharah i pretty much have to surprise the hell outta him too. ( this is just me and yea i suck or am just average im sure higher elo players have more success no matter what hero )

or if i play tank character i just bully him and hope his flash is on cooldown since yea he can pretty much melt tanks like rein and d.va if your not too careful

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For braindead McCree players, obviously. Not for ones who are self-aware not to play with tanks closeby if not necessary.

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Post several competitive replay codes and show us how it’s done. You’ve mentioned several times now that you have exceptional awareness, I’d like to see it in action.


Get out of my head LMAO.

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If I could actually show them to you right away, whilst I cannot because the system doesn’t save my replays. Not even at the time when I pin those replays.

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Very strange and unfortunate.

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It is indeed. Any idea to excavate them or anything? I opened up my profile and replays menu and I literally have no replays on the list. Why so?


Maybe this will help. Thx.

Changed the thread title just for you.

Apparently my phone likes to autocorrect Jesse to Jessie.

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Revert all four of the buffs that were given to him after the minor fire speed nerf he got. Namely the health buff, the reload speed buff, the roll buff, and the Deadeye lock-on buff.

He should be a glass cannon, with a slow reload time. He needs to have defined weaknesses and not just be able to do everything and counter everyone.


What close range DPS are you trying to play? Both Tracer and Genji can take on McCree just fine, they all have more than enough tools to play around flash bang and fan.

But if you are trying to cheese with Sombra, Mei or Sym, don’t be surprised that he can cheese you back.

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You know… I am reminded about the bonus post-clip from Reunion from your topic title…


I want to keep the roll buff thank you. xD

Torb, Hanzo and Tracer also do work.

People hates getting stuck in Rein/Zarya’s jails because it’s boring to play after a while. For McCree there is no such problem, you might getting sick of playing against him, but Cree players love to play him and don’t feel they are forced at all.

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Thats not true. I’ve seen people complain that they feel like they have to play him in competitive or else they feel like they’re throwing. Believe it or not everyone’s favorite hero to play is McCree. Jail is Jail. If my favorite hero is not McCree this McCres meta means i get to play my favorite hero less. Even among those who do like him do appreciate playing multiple heroes still.

McCree is statistically in +75% of games. One week he was in 83% of games. Theres a LOT of anti McCree threads. There are a lot of people are playing him to win not out of enjoyment.

Or you could play something else instead.