I hate Jesse McCree

Noooooooo, I already had to live through this once.



You can play just about anyone into McCree. Maybe Pharah unpocketed is a bit sus, or Reaper. But other than that, you should be fine as long as you are not… Um… flustered?

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yeah yeah yeah, I play against him too, and know what he’s capable of. Doesn’t mean the whining about heroes and asking for nerfs isn’t wildly out of control either.


I am sick of him statistically being in +75% of games across all ranks. Also of the tanks and supports that have equally high or higher pick rates but fdor the damage category it’s outright shameful. I mean Offense has more heroes to pick from than tank and support COMBINED

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Believe it or not it takes a tank to stop Mcree.

My Orisa is quite a problem for Mcree. :shield:---- :cyclone: :boom: :boom: :boom: :boom: :boom: :boom: :skull_and_crossbones:

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mccree needs a nerf or two honestly…

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Yet nobody can seem to agree on WHAT nerf or why…

Pretty large majority of the community want the 25hp buff reverted

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All these nerf McCree threads XD

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You pick dwarf, problem solved.

Yes and no… Mccree is Also one of the Best option to play against dive. He counter tracer and can destroy hammond and Winston with the massiive damage. You can’t justify a hero state because You can kill him if like 3 dive heros jump over him.

A single Winston can counter genji. I can’t Say the same against mccree.

Is really fun when some Players says that widow is the mccree weakness xd. Yeah widow Will destroy mccree on very long range. But mcrre range is better than the majority of heros on the Game. Then mccree range is not a true weakness.


do you blame people though? Mcree counters so many heroes its unreal.

Do they also want to give back the longer flashbang and machine gun left click? That’s what he had when he still had 200hp and he was basically garbage. If you just remove 25hp the he’ll be ultra garbage. People here constantly saying how they don’t want to dumpster him yet only suggest changes that dumpster him.


No I don’t.

I’m firm in my belief that McCree needs nerfing. Do I want him trashed? God no. But he needs tuning down.

:thinking: You mean you need more than one person to win a duel against a hero intended to win 1v1s more often than not?

Like, don’t get me wrong, I’m not a McCree main or a fan of the new meta of McRightclick, but McCree didn’t get buffed in any meaningful way in the situations where he’s bad.


No we want to take away the 25hp and that’s it :slight_smile:

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Doomfist with 150hp too then? :slight_smile:

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Sure idc what happens to him

I already stated my point. the 225hp buff is dumb.