There’s always a chance to lose. It seems like more players want to complain instead of figuring out what they can do to improve their gameplay and increase their odds of success.
yes because asking to nerf a hero thats the number 1 most picked character with some of the best stats for dps in every single rank is wrong now.
The character is broken and forces a mirror pick or Ashe or widow like the op said.
You said increase your odds of success? well pick McCree. done…
and he is not the almighty high skill hero either. he is at best a medium skilled hero. tracking isnt that hard of a skill to earn all it requires is practice and boom you are a great McCree and will dominate the playing field. No thats just bad design. you should not dominate the game because you practiced one skill.
It’s not that cut and dry. McCree’s pretty bad at dealing with being swarmed since he has a tiny magazine and a long-ish CD on his CC ability. Dive and rush comps still dump on him, especially if you know his CD usage and bait out flashbang before you engage.
Picking a fight with arguably the best 1v1 duelist pick in the game and then complaining about losing that exact scenario is a big thonker.
He’s not THAT overtuned. I’ve beaten MANY McCrees as doom and junk, really the reason why he’s too strong is he has too much of an advantage in matchups with his extra health. But really many many mccrees make enough mistakes to where he can easily be killed for misplaying