I hate Jesse McCree

Forum is forum, it will always has the anti-top dog’s mentality regardless, most of them are platchat, goldchat anyway.

And I highly doubt anyone who is forced to play Cree will do any much better than their mains anyway. If they can only use fan the hammer combo they will still lose to the red Cree, and they will still be farmed by the red flankers.

I have been playing a variety of DPS lately, and never once I felt threaten by a lesser player who pick McCree, regardless of what DPS I chose.

I dunno man. All the people who liked playing McCree because McCree was fun to play… where were they before he was overturned? I know I play my favorite characters even when they’re not meta… but saying this pick rate represents the desires of most of the DPS players seems fishy. By this logic were saying an overwhelming
majority want to play McCree and then half of the remaining players want to play Hanzo. And like 1/8 players play the other 16 heroes…

I think a lot of people are playing McCree to win not to have fun (though I’m sure a lot of people have fun too)

Lets say that were true even… not a good game state

People still played Cree a lot when he s not Meta.

And don’t forget hitscan players can play all hitscans. Once you nerfed Ashe and Widow hard their mains will pick the next best hitscan hero: McCree.

If this is representative of the player base I think it says something about the other 12 heroes that aren’t Hitscan/Sniper and I think that’s sad that in the category with the most hero options (MORE than Tank and Support COMBINED) we see such homogeneity in picks.

If McCree doesn’t need tuning down then the other 12 heroes need to be tuned up to be more fun.

It’s a natural conclusion in a shooter game. Other DPS depend too much on abilities instead of their guns, and we had been there before, Tanks and Sups suffered for it, and no one was having fun.

At least with Hitscan and Snipers, they are just their guns, and we solve the fight the good old fashion way: shooting.

Cool so if we remove flashbang and roll then McCree will be fine since, unlike other, heroes McCree doesn’t “depend too much on abilities instead of their guns” …since he’ll still have his gun, right?

Jokes aside - buff the guns for the other 12 DPS and make them less reliant on their abilities then?

I don’t have anything against that. DPS should rely on their guns, not their abilities.

Rephrase: not the auto-aim and cheese abilities.

They took more time moderating me than taking my problem with the replays serious under my ticket from Blizzard support. My ticket is been disappeared too. So you can try and wait replays from me under such circumstances like this.

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Sounds like blizzard support alright!

is this a tlou2 reference

Why so? They want to punish me not to help me in my problem because of a semi-moderated word in a single post? All my other posts are moderated on my own.

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Oh don’t worry, the way they moderate is unbearable. They’ve given me mutes for the stupidest of things that were well within the rules of the forum, and god forbid you call out someone being a bigot and calling for the death of others. Don’t expect any help from them; they don’t deserve their job at this point.

I always felt like I’m so alone with my problems, but I will remember this.

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In console Junkrat is better/on par with cree but I agree with everything you said bar that.