I guessed it: Moira was next after Mercy

And it was a MASSIVE “garbage pile” as you put it. And even with the pinned thread, the old forum was still just page after page of people crying about Mercy nerfs and claiming Blizzard was trying to cover up how angry people were about them despite pinning it to the top of the forum.

The old forums were basically a constant stream of don’t nerf Mercy threads.

I was simply reply to Jamster’s claim that there were more “nerf Mercy!” threads than people complaining about Mercy nerfs.

And there’s a new megathread in the new forums now because people were still posting a constant stream of threads crying about the Mercy nerfs.

And just in case you’re not sure that “heavy influx of conversations” about the Mercy updates were not “Great job on the Mercy nerfs!” They were majorly complaints about the Mercy nerfs.

C’mon, both the old and new forums have been overflowing with “Mercy, Mercy, Mercy! Jeff, wry u nerf Mercy?” post and threads. It’s silly to pretend they haven’t.

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By “not viable or competitive” you mean “not top of the hero rankings”?

According to Overbuff, Moira is the #1 most-played hero in comp right now with a 10.6% pickrate overall. She’s way higher while Zen, Mercy, and Ana are all within 1% of eachother, and Lucio is lower.

I think that indicates she is much better than the other healers right now.

If your bad, maybe that’s what happens.

Yeah man even though a whole category of the DPS roster has been sitting on F tier and only one DPS hero has been released that being doomfist. Pretty sure what’s going on here is dps favoritsm.

Moira MIGHT need nerfs. But only because she is eclipsing other support picks. But since she’s new they should wait until they FINALLY kill dive meta and see if Ana comes back to compete with Moira. If it doesn’t happen then she should be nerfed.

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Uhhhh… Come again? In what universe do you currently reside in, OP? Moira most certainly isn’t nerfed, just because Mercy was, lol. Moira is very viable right now. Hell, even Mercy is still viable (Mercy/Zen is a strong comp at the moment).

A. Zen has always been a solid pick, even since day 1, so nobody will complain about one on their team.

B. Lucio had a pretty high pick rate for a while, much like Zen, before Mercy got buffed (Lucio/Zen used to be a pretty common comp back in the day). Even now though, Lucio is still pretty good for his defensive ult if you’re running Mercy or Moira as your main healer.

C. Mercy may not be as good as she was before, but that doesn’t mean she’s bad now. You still see her regularly in competitive play and in professional play as well.

D. Moira has been a solid choice as a primary or secondary healer since release, so she’s not going anywhere any time soon.

E. Ana is the only healer who is in a rough spot right now because of how popular barriers are in our current meta. It’s incredibly difficult for Ana to heal because of barriers and a Winston is usually jumping on her in the back line to shut her down, so it’s just safer to play someone like Moira since her orb can go through barriers (but I hear this is a bug and will be fixed at some point).

In any case, Brigitte definitely brings more to the table, but as a secondary healer, so she’s definitely not going to be taking the place of Mercy or Moira, that much is certain. Between applying armor, healing, and having a defensive ult though, she will more or less just be another Zen or Lucio in terms of picks, so we’ll probably see her in a lot of matches since Rally can not only help defend your team against a push, but it can also help you initiate a push and get through a choke (much like Transcendence and Sound Barrier).

Anyway, it’s probably best if you stay away from the game though since you’ve already made up your mind about how the balance is, OP, despite what’s actually happening to the game.

They aren’t saying she’s nerfed. OP is pointing out that when the echo-chamber of “Nerf Mercy! Nerf Mercy!” was quelled by making her into basically a heal-bot that can fly.

That now a new one is starting of “Nerf Moira! Nerf Moira!”. The OP is stating that there is a possibility the Moira will get a nerf and therefore leave her a husk of her former self.

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Even if they do “nerf” Moira, she’ll still be viable because of her kit. It’s just another day of people trying to spread doom and gloom, that’s all. Mercy got nerfed and she’s still fine. Anyone that tells you otherwise doesn’t know their butt from their elbow.


Mercy is fine?

Really? Because it was so foul to play her it drove me to actually quit playing after maining her since release.

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Yep, no wonder there are fewer people who play tanks cause they relay on healers and few healers means few tanks - what we have here is total DPS clown fiesta - it’s good for Pro level plays maybe and 100 team coordination but for 80% of players base, less healers and tanks means a very COD style OW.

I think it would be a mistake to make OW some form of DPS type COD, cs-go or even PUBG cause it will lose it’s charm that brought all those players that don’t like these styles.

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If the pros and top 500 players are still playing Mercy on a regular basis, that just basically tells me you’re the one that has a problem with her. If they’re fine with her, even after the nerfs, then she should be good enough for you too. She still has the second highest pick rate, under Moira, so yeah… She’s fine.


she was too overpowered she wins every deathmatch she can self heal herself she can fade away and she doesnt have to aim i dont mind her doing high damage but i would like some falloff or NOT BEING GRASPED 20000 FEET AWAY

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Thankfully nearly EVERY “NERF MOIRA” thread is chopped full of people defending moira, quite heavily.

Ii really seems the only ones complaining about moira are largely genji mains. Not all. But quite a fair few.

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but healers do need a buff

Only healer I would say actually needs a buff right now is Ana. The rest are in a good spot at the moment. Ana’s really the only “odd man out” at the moment since we’ve been in a meta with barriers for the past 5-6 months and she has absolutely no way of dealing with that.

I think the support are pretty well balanced right now. Maybe there’s room for little tweaks here and there but nothing too drastic.

Looking at OWL, or my matches in competitive Gold/Plat…I see pretty much all of them being played somewhat equally, and in different duos. That is a good thing in my opinion.

As I said maybe a tweak or so are needed but this is as best as it ever was in term of support balance right now.

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Ana needs a major fix.

Mercy is run primarily as a damage boost bot or in uncoordinated teams. We should not encourage pocket supports, which is basically what Mercy is atm.

Lucio is a speed boost bot. He needs something beyond, press E at start of battle.


I agree fully with you!

As is the supports are shoehorned greatly into a very specific role and that’s just not fun even if viable.

Let’s play a game and guess who’s a one trick mercy who hasn’t played anything else to know why Moira isn’t balanced. Sorry I have over 80 hours across support, like 60 across all tanks tank, and around 200 across all dps, I’m not all knowing but I more than likely have a better understanding with matchups of any 200 hp hero vs moira than you as a mercy who would never have to deal with being attacked by moira. Btw your assumption on my SR is completely false as is your ability to white knight heroes like mercy and moira with zero backup or explaining why anyone else is wrong xd

I vote moe

sadly blizz wont nerf what REALLY needs a nerf but will listen to the minority that loudly whine on the forums about a healer that can fight back for a change.

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I certainly couldn’t care less about Moira’s power level because at the very least, in contrary to Mercy, she does interact with opponents for her kit to be used at its fullest, she can die on mistakes. I might be a little concerned about her healing output however, compared to the likes of Ana.

Also, that whole CODwatch and DPSwatch trend in messages makes me cringe.