I guessed it: Moira was next after Mercy

Honestly, if there is one thing the OW team should bring back its the insta-rez. Hell leave the valkyrie nerfs and everything else, at least let us have the insta-rez…or give em to us during ult…

Sadly, you’re in no position to make yourself look better than a one-trick Mercy; a one-trick Mercy would have more understanding of the game than to say that Moira has “the best of everything”, or more survivability than Roadhog. I can’t even begin to imagine the hodge-podge, contrived, moronic scenarios that you pulled out of your a** to say that Moira can kill any DPS within 2 seconds.

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Wait, was Moira nerfed?

in a perfect scenario, moiras orb can deal 200 damage in 2 seconds

in any non perfect scenario, it takes her like 4 assuming some of her ball hits + her right click to burst you down super fast while she can also fade away and near aimbot drain you healing 33 hps with no dmg or healing dropoff also if you don’t kill her in those 4 seconds she regens 132 hp if not more if she used her healing orb instead of damage orb

also you don’t think she has the best of everything? Have you played other supports??? Her mobility or at least escape ability is almost as good as lucios, her self heal is the best between all supports excluding zen and mercy ulting to heal themself, her burst healing is higher than any others, she also will win 1v1s far more consistently than any other support with little to no effort, she also has a fast charging ult so uh

please tell me what she lacks besides damage because if you’re going to use that, please take into consideration her survivability ramps up her damage due to being able to stay alive longer than most if not all heroes and poke while self healing or without even them being on the screen cause 10 second bouncing aimbot ball

As for how you think the “more survivability than hog” argument is invalid, you have yet to give any counter argument besides just calling me stupid
Hog has a self heal and a lot of hp and dmg reduction, sure, but his heal is on CD and he’s a huge target who’s super easy to kill
Moira? She’s as skinny as genji, she doesn’t share his movement sure but her drain, her heal/damage orb, and fade all allow her to contest and live longer than hog when focused because she isn’t as big as the entire screen
let me put it like this, if a hog tries to engage in a fight he doesn’t like and misses hook and the enemy has good accuracy, he’s dead
moira? lol enemy dinked you once? just shift left click fade and dip no punishment for being in the wrong place

I didn’t mean to use mercy one trick in a derogatory way- well more so as in I don’t think you’ve had to play against her with any other 200 hp hero that should ever have to engage moira or be unfortunate to be dived by her when alone getting a health pack or something of the sort

Did you really get out of your way just because of some random internet comments about “Hurr nerf this character”? Maybe Blizzard actually nerfed her and I didn’t see it (been away for some weeks), and I really hope that’s the case, because losing your appetite just because someone threatened your well-being by committing the horrible crime of saying “Nerf Moira” is by far one of the most childish things I’ve ever seen in my entire life.

That’s because most people solo-queue, and Moira works best in uncoordinated team comps. When people are actually coordinated, ie actually play the game the way it should be, like the pros do, Moira is bottom of the barrel.

Moira punishes bad play, and bad players don’t like it. She’s also the only support right now who isn’t flanker meat. She can actually defend herself…oh, that’s the problem. She’s support, and they aren’t allowed to defend themselves, or be good. They all need to be heal bots.


Moira is fantastic in deathball comps which function much better than dive does if your team has poor communication. That’s why Moira sees high pickrates in competitive but not OWL.

Also Zen can delete the evil flankers. js.

Moira is my last hope. As an old Mercy main her nerfs hit me hard and my overall playtime dropped by quite a bit. Once Moira was released I started playing again but she’s the only support hero that is fun to play as. If and when she is nerfed I might just quit OW for good…


I hear ya, I hear ya. Kind of sad, indirect and direct Nerfs to Tanks and Healers, power creep of DPS (causing the indirect Nerfs), etc. etc. etc.
Top that off with Jeff and the development team taking “Balancing” suggestions only from the Pros, ignoring the countless people giving suggestions on the forum.

If they’re taking balance suggestions from the pros, then you won’t need to worry about a Moira nerf, because the pros aren’t struggling against Moira.

It’s the 30% accuracy McCree’s and the Genji’s who take an entire clip to kill someone who complain about Moira, because she punishes the DPS who try and Rambo.

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Stylosa is an idiot.

He made a video dedicated to telling people to throw your team game because you can have fun. An example was throwing games to be a battle mercy.

Lets not speak of him ever again.

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…How was Moira nerfed?

edit: misread. carry on.

Here is a sad fact for you: When a hero counters someone else favorite hero they demand nerfs, the community will not be happy until every hero has the same kit, damage and mobility aka CoD 2.0

She’s survived this next wave of balance changes, only getting her ult visibility settings changed. Fingers crossed that this stays.