Yeah Moira is unbalanced. Probably. But then it’s absolutely fine to have clearly untouched pests like Tracer and Genji (specifically this one, even if after the Sombra patch we are finally getting some justice) that can easily outplay most of all the other characters.
For once that there is a “potential” (quite far considering Moira can be killed easily anyway) character that can counter those two, and happens to be a support, “OH NERF MOIRA”
It’s fun, considering that then you expect to be also healed every time and because of the nerfs, the support class is basically unplayable.
Also, fun fact, Moira is the best healer for those two impacted classes.
It’s disappointing to see how people are trying to make Overwatch a mechanical-skill only game (Nerf Moira, Nerf Symmetra, Nerf this and that) when the whole point is that there are heroes catering to all type of players.
Exactly! The diversity is what overwatch was all about. The fact that it ISN’T just another call of duty clone. We already have more than ample amounts of those!
Sadly I feel there is truth to some of this topic.
Every healer has had a net-nerf since the game has released (well Mercy was reworked into OP, until Blizzard nerfed her into the ground), except Moira though I feel this is going to change.
Honestly, I think DPS mains hold WAYYY too much sway over who gets buffed and who gets nerfed…Or more so Blizzard listens to them wayyyy more and thus bends right over for them.
Like the whole point of OW is it’s diversity, but if you want all the DPS characters to be the top of the totem pole, than honestly go play another FPS like COD or Halo. One of OW’s greatness is it’s difference in numerous characters, and you don’t have to necessarily be super good at aiming to be good…But when supports and some tanks start getting nerfed, this is just turning into a “let’s totally rely on the dps while we just sit here and watch” kind of game. And that is NOT GOOD for OW.
hog has a huge hitbox and zero mobility : ) nice try buddy, he can’t fade to subtract 1-2 seconds off his self heal nor does he have aim assist or hp drain or her range
as for your ana vs moira thing, first of all, ana cant heal multiple people outside of nade nor can heal as much as consistently as moira can with her ball and left click
but hey lets defend the class that makes every other support look as bad as an attack torb with 0 people playing around him
but you actually understanding this would be like a flat earther understanding that the earth isn’t flat
After I absolutely hated the Mercy meta, they need to buff Mercy again. Just revert the lastest nerf where she is slowed while rezing in valk and no longer gives another rez for valk. Then buff another support, like ana, or nerf zen damage a bit but give more healing.
Hog doesn’t need Fade to survive more damage than Moira when he has 3 times her HP and self-healing, with additional damage reduction just for fun. Once Moira blows that cooldown she can be chased and deleted. And just for the record, Hog also has orders of magnitude more damage output to boot, meaning he does everything people complain about Moira doing minus Fade, only better.
You said burst healing, not multi-target healing, so now you’re either moving the goal posts because I countered one of your arguments, or originally failed to articulate said argument.
Asserting things with nothing but hyperbolic appeals to emotion to back it up only further shows that your position is emotion-driven rather than fact-driven. And this is exactly why I didn’t originally want to explain why your BS post is accurately described as BS.
Sorry what did you counter? you’re saying ana has better burst heal when moira’s left click isn’t restricted to 1 target like anas is, I added the fact that the orb is much better than nade in terms of healing as well as additional information, not to change a point of mine which you still fail to prove wrong
and moira has much more consistent damage than hog does especially in a 1v1, if you miss hook have fun trying to hit with right click
also you seem to forget once she blows fade CD(assuming she didn’t fade to her team or a healthpack which are all extremely likely) you seem to forget that she can right click you 20 meters away and heal 33 hps while also putting a heal orb for 100 hps
moira can actually escape if she flanks and screws up, hog cant
you’re thinking everyone can just 1 clip moira when people like kragie have issues with her even though he’s a top 10 tracer iirc and this goes for other 200 hp heroes too
Well, Tracer has needed a hard counter for quite some time. Glad to see it is a Healer that can do it, because normally Tracer eats our collective lunches.
I just want to say that [Edited by Blizzard] if Moira is or isn’t OP. I’m just happy with the fact that people willingly pick a healer in solo queue due to her. You have to be stupid to want more 5 dps, one tank comps. That’s what you get when all supports suck and nobody picks them. No heals for anyone. I play hog a lot, but the reason is entirely because people dont pick healers enough. They’re just not fun. Mora is somewhat fun, so her being chosen at least lets people like me get to choose other tanks. I don’t have to rely entirely on myself in those situations, which means picking a zarya, or orisa, or whatever is doable. Its not without a healer. Nerfing every good healer kills the game. Thats just a fact. It makes most of the roster obsolete.
Yup… and sadly that’s what people don’t realize the more nerfs they ask for supports. I have only logged onto PTR to play Bridgette and aside from that I don’t care about this game anymore.
Meaning there is at LEAST one less support main in game.
Care is a two way street, it takes two to tango, yadda yadda.
I hate moira more than i ever hated mercy actually i never hated mercy she was find i couldn’t care less about her moira is a teaming pile of sh*t this game is a mess and the devs no longer care to clean it up and honestly at this point they cant overwatch is stuck as is honestly it would be better if they started over and actually you know thought about balance, use the ptr, release concepts so its not just we release something brokenly op and you have to deal with us taking forever to change it.
Technically there was far more nerf Mercy threads then threads about keeping Mercy how she was. In both the pre-rework state and the post-rework state people cried for nerfs consistently.
I mean, I haven’t really seen anyone complain about Moira on the level that Mercy was. Sure there are the odd post of “I can’t kill a Moira” but that’s generally because the person playing DPS is bad.
I don’t think you were reading the same forums as everyone else. There was literally a thread to cry about Mercy nerfs pinned at the top of the old forum.
I don’t think you looked at the rest of the forums then. There was plenty of additional threads for Mercy most of which we’re nerf threads. Specifically either being “I’m sick of this Mercy meta” or “Hide and res needs to go” kind of threads.
You realize that was only a garbage repository right? That’s the same reason it exists here. Every other thread was closed and redirected there, every single last one that didn’t fall out of their sight or script.
They are ignoring it intentionally. But it’s a garbage pile they intentionally made to herd mercy mains like myself into.