I guessed it: Moira was next after Mercy

I took about a month break and at the time I left Mercy was just nerfed into a state where she might still be viable but is remarkably unfun to play as. Prettymuch that was the breaking point for me where I actually quit. (Mercy main since beta through thick and thin, tank metas and dive metas. Alas.)

But I knew that wasn’t the end of it: Moira was next. As no support can be allowed to be viable or competitive.

I made a claim that Moira would be the next to be nerfed once the DPS mains were finished having Mercy reduced to ash.

Guess what?

I was sadly right. And I don’t even take joy in saying that. No really. Hold up. I DO NOT TAKE JOY IN SAYING THAT. I actually hate to say “I told you so” in this instance.

The state that the game is in is currently so rough that even Stylosa who IS ONE OF THE PEOPLE WHO FORCED THE MERCY NERF says that it’s becoming less and less fun to play and more of a “spectator” game.

No I am not making this up, check his channel for his video 6 days old from this post.

And know what? It took less than a span of a month since the Mercy gutting to have a full on “Nerf Moira” train blasting at full speed.

I accept what I am about to type is probably going to be ignored as usual when I bring up these facts for “why does a support have a high pick rate”

1: We have a grand total of 5 healers out of the entire roster.

Lucio, who’s healing is bad and feels clunky and terrible with the recent movement changes and the ult changes made his ult very high risk to get off

Zenyatta is more a DPS than a healer outside of transcendence with 30hp/s trickle.

Ana is immobile and easily wiped out by dive. And shields block her heals which brutally hurts her.

Mercy is the apex of unfun to play. She feels unimpactful, boring and like any ability to make plays with her has been absolutely wrecked.

2: Refer to the breakdown of why each other healer is underpicked. They are underperforming.

I’ve come back simply to check on the state of affairs and see if any progress was made. Alas, seems they think this “successful” rework was actually successful. And that Moira is next on the chopping block.

It is a sad state of affairs for support players. Guess I will continue to not play, which is sad to say. I did enjoy this game, seemingly long ago.


The sad thing is with the increase in people complaining and the rise of Moira pick rate due to her being a good main healer and being able to stand up against flankers, the Overwatch team might just nerf her.

And when that time comes as a tank/support player I’ll be done with this game.


It’s actually genuinely sad because I see you being correct. And when Moira is nerfed, what then? What will support players play?

Lucio when he is clunky and heals so low and his ult is punished extremely harshly? Unlikely.

Zenyatta is more a DPS.

Ana is just too low power and way way way way WAY too high risk in dive meta.

Mercy is completely unfun to play as.

I don’t know what people are thinking if they expect support players to continue. Moira is viable and fine, far from OP. But the other supports are JUST THAT BAD that she seems OP.

Know what else seems OP if compared like that?

My $1000 laptop (“Moira”) is super “overpowered”. Why? Because it’s better than a $50 computer (“The other healers”).

When in reality the DPS are like $5000 custom built PCs.


Who would’ve guessed…


Meanwhile, Mercy swooping in and rezzing people remains one of the best utility abilities in the game.


I wish Jeff would give us their stance on Moira right now, like how he said the teem feels like D.Va is okay on the old forums. I just want to know if Moira is sorta-safe for the time being despite the complaints.


The words of anyone who is willing to quit the game over changes to one hero mean very little. Such a person does not care about the health or balance of the game, only their specific character.

We all dislike nerfs or changes to our faves, the majority find other things fun even if we heavily dislike the direction of a character.


I’ve long accepted the possibility of them nerfing Moira. And I’ve already told myself I’m deleting this game if it’s severe.


Is that sarcasm? She doesn’t swoop (no more instant rez), she stands still for just under 2 seconds and dies most of the time when trying to rez.


Mercy resurrection is normally useful against starting picks and if you’re on attack, but if you’re in a team fight there is no point in ressing because it’ll be suicidal.


Your hate is clouding your mind rendering you unable to think clearly


Now, what will be after Moira?


Zen, because OWL is showing him to dominate in kills and heals. Already seen some nerf zen type discussion in OWL.


Problem is

I adore Ana, I love everything about her. Her kit, playstyle, lore, character; I love her voice actress, I LOVE that she speaks Egyptian Arabic.

I can’t play her because she was over nerfed and left in such a poor state that every other support is easier and more rewarding.

I played Mercy when I had to, it wasn’t what I liked, but I still had fun swooping and and pulling of a big res that saved the day. Then she got reworked when most people were asking for a simple “Maybe longer to charge ult would be okay”. She became a must pick monster, now everyone hates her, even though she is 100% more boring to play than before. There’s no build up to a huge res moment; no saving your team with a well timed Valk res and keep the team up. Now it’s just spectator mode the character.

Lucio feels so clunky now; Ult is way too risky to use when you’re supposed to, movement feels strange, feels like such less impact than before even though before it was MORE passive.

Only Zen and Moira are left that feel FUN AND IMPACTFUL.

Why is it that even weak DPS like Doomfist and Sombra are able to swing entire fights with well placed ults and abilitys, but as soon as one of five healing supports does it is deemed too good.

If DPS are rewarded with getting damage and kills
And Tanks are rewarded with blocking damage and protecting their team
Why can’t supports be rewarded by keeping people alive and making the team stronger?


*Meanwhile, Mercy standing still and getting shot in the face remains one of the best utility abilities in the game.

(I don’t know why it quoted domqe)


Someone please tell me how 155 HPS from any one support is balanced.


D’va obviously lol…

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For me at least it’s not the nerfs to my favorite hero that gets me (if that was the case I would’ve quit a long time ago), but nerfs to characters have ripple effects on the the entire cast.

So if they continue to nerf more supports it will weaken the tanks, causing more of the cast to not be played. And I don’t want to see that happen.


You know, I actually hope moira gets nerfed ,not because of high pickrate or whatever ,but just so the people who go ‘‘OMGGGGG DPS MAINS ARE RUINING THIS GAM THEY ARE THE REASON FOR EVERY NERF (including nerfs to other dps characters like doomfist ,because that makes sense)’’ quit


I’ll just stop playing support then. They obviously want more dps mains so why not give it to them then. Keep nerfing supports and thats whats gonna happen people just won’t play them as much.