I give up, i can't carry terrible dps players!

Well looks like i was wrong. was speaking to my friend today after some frustrating games Mostly people playing genji,Widow and tracer just throwing my games because they can’t aim in gold to save their own lives and my friend said overwatch 2 does not have skill based match making.

So basically every game is just a damn coin flip i guess and if you do well you will just get plebs on your team who you have to try and carry. Kinda sad if i knew this i would never of started playing this game.

Thats why even when you get to diamond you still get idiots who can’t even get 5 elims a whole round. I am just so sick of playing tank and getting a dps on my team who can’t get a kill and then we auto lose.

Even after the buffs Tanks just aren’t strong enough to carry terrible dps players.

Honestly Tracer,Genji and Widow should be locked until diamond because people just throw so many games in lower elo on these heroes.


This is fake right? Engagement farming or something lol.


true statements, but they would never lock lower rank players out of what they want to play.

Real solution is to play a DPS heavy tank and carry the underperforming player.

You seem to always get at least 2 higher mmr players on your team, if one of the dps are performing and you perform at the same level then you can still win without the other player. What I find hardest to carry is when the best teammate I have is mercy because she never makes up a dps player’s worth of output unless there is at least one dps performing. Wish they would swap instead of throwing, but too many are one tricks. Even a one trick lucio is easier to carry, though I find almost as many games lost because you have a one trick lucio and the dps players refuse to play dps that can get healed by lucio so they are just down heals the whole game. best is when they go pharah, then I get to watch as they get 0 healing for 4 fights in a row as they feed

tank life is terrible. that’s why I don’t do that anymore. dps only in the rare event I play

How can you be so dumb.

Not sure what my intelligence has to do with it. There is a rank system, and mmr. Its a bold and just wrong take that there is no skill based matchmaking. Your source of information is just a friend. My uncle told me jabberwockies lived in the cornfield behind my housee, doesnt make it true. Albeit your friend might be an expert, so lets see his qualifications to speak on the topic. Cite your sources please. OTherwise your just venting yoir frustrations and not actually contributing in a positive manner to the ongoing conversation.


This “friend” of yours… I assume they aren’t the sharpest knife in the draw.

Also, you are complaining about gold… where all the inconsistently average players live.

Your statements contradict each other. If there were no skill-based matchmaking, the system wouldn’t know that “you are doing well” and therefore couldn’t assign you weaker teammates to carry.
It needs to measure player skill to make these assessments in the first place.

Skill-based matchmaking is what allows the system to gauge your performance and match you with players of similar ability.
Without it, the matchmaking process would be random, and there would be no basis for determining who needs to carry whom.

The system uses MMR to set up balanced lobbies. The idea that the system deliberately targets players to “carry others” is a misconception.

Everyone has bad games, some players do better with certain comps, against certain comps & certain game modes and maps. There is a lot of variables for which the matchmaker cannot account for.
And usually the lower ranks you go, the more inconsistent players tend to be. Leading even more into volatility.


I’m sorry but OW2 clearly has biased matchmaking that “balances” teams by putting high performing players with low performing players in order to try to “balance out” the teams.

You don’t notice any of this? Prolly because you’re one of these low performing players, who consistently either get carried by their teammates or lose anyway due to their sandbagging of their team.

If I go on any sort of win streak, this is incredibly noticeable. By the time the win streak is above 3 or 4 , I am being matched with such plums in an effort to drag me down and get me a loss in order for me to be closer to 50/50 it’s shockingly apparent.

The worst games are (as someone else described above) is when you’re tank and the high performing players you’re matched with is essentially 1 support who’s a Mercy main. The dps are both dogwater and as such this game with be a super fast turbo loss which could not get legit carried by a GM player. You can get a triple kill on the objective and die and your team will then lose the resultant 4v2. Hair-removingly frustrating.

You can test this - when on a win streak, go into the voice comms and ask people how their last games went. You’ll be told by two players on your team they’re currently on a loss streak, and woe is them. Even if your initial comms was “Hey, guys, on a win streak here, how have your games been going?”.

Long story short; Blizzard likes inclusivity and for all their players to feel good about themselves. That’s why they dumb down games and implement these sort of systems. Shame is if you’re a high performing player. You don’t get teammates of your skill level and are forced to carry potatoes in order to win. Sandbagged to hell and back, sadge.


Replay code 6V9TEJ

At any point in time tell me how we could have won this game with the DPS (Mowgli.)

Tell me how I need to “play better” and etc for a person literally spending all game making it not only 4 v 5, but charging enemy ults all game.

This is a team game. Someone who is 3-9 on DPS is not a team game. That is a 4 v 5. I would say it is playing with a leaver, but playing with a leaver would be more beneficial because it wouldn’t be charging enemy ults in the process.

I’ve had enough time for 1 hour of play time tonight. 2 games have been like this so far and the hour is almost up. There’s absolutely no way the match maker in this game isn’t FUBAR on purpose. How can a person like that even get into the rank to begin with??

Wow, next game, same thing. DPS spawns and holds W all game leaving us staggered. Enemy team knows he does it, so they just sit, wait and dive him, leaving it 4 v 5 over and over. Another L. Can’t get him to stop. Nothing I can do in my gameplay to get him to stop running straight in unless I can somehow get in with TeamViewer and stop him via his PC.

Oh, game ended, what did the DPS say in chat? “I was throwing.”

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You can’t win every game, unlucky.

As for the match maker; it cannot account for people deliberately throwing matches. It’s impossible. The only thing you can do is report them and the offender will get banned. I only report people who throw competitive matches or the odd cheat and I get “thank you for reporting” messages nearly every time I log in.

Good luck for the rest of your matches.

If you can’t carry it’s because you’re at the rank you belong FYI

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I can’t win every game, but I can lose 11 in a row? Which is what’s happening as we speak. 11th loss. Pharah 4-9 because she just continues to get hacked over and over and die to Moira orbs.

I made a reply regarding that here …

Not true at all i have had pro players tell me my rein was at the very least masters and at the highest GM level. The problem is your statement is true. This match maker favours bad players by putting them on good players teams. My last game i had a junkrat that went 2-9 all game and that is 2 rounds he ended the game on 2-9 … yes you heard me 2 elims and like everyone knows if you get bad dps you just auto lose even now on tanks. I am a rein player and i have games where i cannot do anything no matter what i do and this is why no one wants to play tank in this game. Because it is too hard to carry bad players and i am on Australia server so the player base is even smaller so you end up vsing plats,diamond and masters in gold league.

So yeh its like 1000 times harder than america. Americas diamond is like australia’s gold league and if you dont believe me come to australia server and get kicked by gold players.

Honestly this game is so good but the match maker lets it down and i can honestly say without a doubt that once Marvel Rivals comes out overwatch is gone 100%. The only thing that can save overwatch is if they fix this stupid match maker that forces wins and loses. its so obvious now even flats said oh so overwatch is forcing 5050 in one of his recent videos. Ask yourself why you go to your game history and 9 times out of 10 its 1 win 1 loss 2 wins 2 loss etc etc its because the system is forcing those wins and loses. At the end of the day you can say what you want but even Jay3 said the games were rigged. Everyone knows this deep down and it ruins the game for people.

Its like if i do well for 2 games guarantee the 3rd game i will lose because i will get a dps player that gets 3 elims the whole round its bull to be honest and its not acceptable for a competitive game.

That old chestnut.

If your Rein was Master/GM… you’d be in Master/GM playing Rein.

The match maker doesn’t do anything but pick people based on a number… But if Marvel Rivals is good on arrival that is only a good thing for everyone.

More good games is always welcome. (i played the alpha, I have my doubts)

I thought if you’re good, you’ll climb?

your friends are right. MM in OW is not dependent on skills but rather what are your probability/chances/% of wining/losing the next game based on how many you have won/lost recently.

Since the games now heavily depend on teammate, this MM system does not accurately individual skill but rather a team’s skill. Thus, making growing on solo que next to impossible.

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What on earth are you on about.

The match maker matches based on MMR. MMR is a rough skill rating based on wins and losses.

It is literally a basic skill based match maker. The match maker doesn’t know what results you’ve been getting, nor does it care about what will happen in the match. It just goes “oo here 10 people with same MMR. Good luck”

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MMR is not skill based. Its based on wins/loses. OW2 is mainly based on team fights so, its difficult for a one single player to carry (unless using ult of course). So, wins/loses are not individual skill based but rather based on team’s collective skill. Hence, MMR does not represent individual skill anymore.

Again, i don’t want to have this argument with you bcoz i know you aren’t open to contradicting facts/viewpoints.

So, your argument is noted for records. Have fun !

That is a totally incorrect assumption.

Winning games is the skill in OW. It is an objective based game.

MMR is everything to do with your skill in maximising your conditions. The more can, the more you win, the higher your MMR, the higher your rank goes until you hit that skill ceiling.

Given that you’ve not given facts, you can scrub that. But responding you your view and correcting is showing an openness to it. If I didn’t I’d just laugh at you for a stupid take.

You probably shouldn’t project your attitude on to others.