I give up, i can't carry terrible dps players!

LOL same problem Im having…just brain dead dps with 0 awareness. Its like its just tank and heals v other team…like 3v5.
Game really should shuffle teams after 1 rnd

There is literally only two people max that ever agree with you except your alter personality accounts. MM been broken, there is constant flood of people complaining here. Most with your responses in their threads😭 All in All doesn’t matter to me , Keeps account sales up

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Of course there are alot of people complaining here, its a forum. Nobody is going to be so happy about a game they come to praise it here. Negativity and bad word is spread here by an extremely small portion of the population. There is no hard evidence anywhere mm is broken. People use personal experiences to make bold claims in a space other people with similar thoughts share those thougts. There is literally no evidence besides personal anecdote. Its as ridiculous as believing holly wood stars deink the blood of children to maintain their youth. Absolutely bold claims people elieve because other people on the internet said so. Show me one example of unbiased numerical based evidence that mm is broken. It does nt exist. You cannot extrapolate your experience to everyones, and the couple hundreds of similar stories here pale in comparison to the average experience.

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Given that my other account hasn’t been logged into on here for awhile, so part of that is garbage.

Also, never needed nor asked anyone to agree with me. Couldn’t care less.

Sorry, you want more buffs?

Look at the end of the day: Just stack and win. Its not broken in this manner, . But Solo Q is a different story. I think part of the issue being experienced is what’s considered a balanced team by the MM. It’s flawed but the flaws are objective in nature.

The Game shouldn’t feel the same across multiple ELO’s but it does, a decent way up the ladder low GM literally feels like Plat

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bro, you do not log into OW2 for any real form of competition or enjoyment.

you log in to derp about.

if the devs want want people to take the game seriously, they need to earn it.

just go play something else, unironically, the only way OW will get better, is if the managers get fired and new, actual talent gets brought in.


this isn’t specific to ow2…ow1 had this problem as well…I remember reading a reddit post when the game first came out where one of the developers admitted that if you’re doing well then the algorithm will pair you with people who are not doing well to bring their chances as close to 50% winning and bring YOURS down to 50% as well. Effectively punishing people for success.


Nah the matchmaker only sees player mmr. it has no concept of a “player doing well” over someone else.

Meaning, especially if you are in the metal ranks, that you may be in some games the “higher rated” player by mmr, and in some other games the lower ranked player.
Regardless of “how well youre doing”, but instead what players are available, etc.

But yes, the matchmaker tries to make matches where both teams should have close to 50% chance of winning.

Its only when you are actually high rated player in the ladder where it may start to break down a bit in a way.
e.g. when for example 99% or more of the whole playerbase is lower rated than you.

Some DPS players just have bad games, but there is a very obvious trend with them. There will be 1 carry dps player on each team & 1 struggling dps player. The carry players will farm the struggling dps and they’ll end up barely being neutral/positive while having nearly double the elims as the carry.

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this is my sense as well.

i know the commendation level stops mattering at higher ranks, but boy i wish lower ranks were stacked with 5/4 together, 3 floats between groups, 1/2 together.

the game needs to send a message that team-play and cooperation will be rewarded, and throwing/trolling will not.

at the silver level these numbers very much correlate with actually trying consistently from match to match.

this game sucks big time, actimeme bli$$ard and their pathetic lazy clownfe$$$$$$t rapey company and their PATHETIC lack of idea how to configure meme making, bot ridden “gAmEpLaY”, its just not worth wasting time, either players dont communicate and run for ffa fight and die in comp, or they’re toxic af and dont try to adapt, or theres some ai/bot standing with lucio against the wall and sometimes moves left and right and uses some hero ability… its just so wrong and truly pathetic, please get bankrupt actimeme bli$$ard, die off, microsoft close this meme and re-do games yourself or something

It’s only on W/L
ie: you have people in low elo, who are actually insanely good.

So basically you can be gold 5 but have a good mmr.
You’ll get actual golds who can’t play but be matched against higher mmr golds to match the overall mmr.

50/50 which even when the matchmaking lead says it exists everyone goes full flat earth but is probably the carry so I guess they don’t need to carry. It’s a thing, this is how match making works in this game.

So, in short you can be at a diamond mmr but lets say gold elo. Why? Because sure you drop 40 elims and die twice, but you lost so. Womp womp lol
idk how people can’t wrap their heads around a fairly basic concept almost every game uses.