1-10 on tank tonight

Honestly I just uninstalled at this point. There’s no reason to continue this game to just drop and lose dozens of games each night. I’m done for the night and possibly for good. It’s just not worth playing any longer.

Edit; lost 12th in a row. Enemy tank just went damage boosted Mauga and rolled us. Didn’t even stand a chance.

Edit; lost 11th in a row. Our Pharah all game gets hacked and farmed. Doesn’t switch. Watch her die to hack and Moira orbs for 2 full rounds.

Can somebody please help me? I have been playing for almost 3 hours tonight and have won ONE single game on tank. 10 losses, 1 win.

Here’s the replay of my last game. At the end I just gave up watching that turret shoot at us and rocket punched towards it. The game was over and I was just beyond disgusted watching it just sit there untouched into Bastion and Widow.


Here’s replays of the one before that.


Please help me. It’s been 3 HOURS and not a single win. How??? What do I have to do on tank to win a SINGLE GAME? I’ve been playing this game since day 1 of OW1 and has to be closing to 10k hours if totaled up. Why is 5 v 5 so f’ing HARD in this??? This feels like OW1 on the most brutal extreme hard mode.

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Just watching the first round from the POV of your Wid. She’s done pretty well all things considered. Not much help when she gets dived so has to take suboptimal positioning but she’s managing to do stuff all round. Even as I’m typing this she got first pick on the defence round and bastion got a 3K in what was essentially a 3v5 as you and wid were dead. Not sure why you’re playing doomfist on Circuit Royale defence into Ball, Junk, Torb, Ana and Kiri. It doesn’t make any sense to me especially as doom is pretty ineffective v them and there is no real damage mitigation for your team.

Wow. You knew your main healer died leaving solo mercy who’s rightfully with the DPS and yet you pushed up regardless face tanking spam damage multiple times with doom (ignoring opportunities to disengage and return to team), spamming for heals until your mercy felt pressured and wrongfully tried to save you and died because no protection. You then obviously died yourself, ultimately leaving your DPS 2v5 as Moira hadn’t made it back yet and your team was flattened.

IMO you’re a higher rank than you should be, trolling or you’re very tilted accidentally throwing in the process. Stop playing immediately and take a break.


Post codes for these also?

It gets pretty rough when you get tilted. Two things happen. One, you immediately think your players are rubbish before you even start and think you need to hard carry. Two, you die over and over doing this.

When you are on a loss streak, chill, focus on staying alive and the wins will follow.

Can’t sleep so checked this replay

Watching first round from multiple perspectives, you were almost kicked as you didn’t select a character and were extremely late leaving 4v5 until the enemy touched the point on Midtown. Your team still won though. Very messy first round which makes me think this is a low-mid metal rank SR but enemy couldn’t get second checkpoint so your team has advantage even with the messy play. This is yours to lose? On to the attack…

This is even scrappier than the first round, as a tank you need to get a grip and act as a stabilising force. Much like the other replay I watched, big spam damage ruins you and after getting mashed once on Junker Queen you insta-swapped to Mauga for reasons unknown and made a truly awful attempt of… Something. Not sure what your plan was but your aim is everywhere and you clearly cannot decide who you should be attacking so you end up holding down buttons spraying the air between enemies whilst occasionally hitting them. Couple that with turbo feed and death whilst mercy begs you to fall back. You have now died twice in 1m20, including walk time. Really need to come back from this moment with some new ideas. I’d be thinking maybe Zarya corner play with 100% beam? A shield? Dva to dive into their backline or eat the damage? Back to JQ as we were doing “well” beforehand?

I’m almost lost for words as to how you lose the next push with a staggering missplay after being nano’d early. Again yeeting yourself into insane amounts of spam damage whilst your team deal with an ulting Moira and Ram. You have left your squishes attacking alone with all that spam. If you cannot survive there how do you expect the same of those who only have a fraction of your health? What’s even crazier is your attitude as you spam voice lines to push forward upon respawning. No doubt you were spamming heals and the like too which leads to tilting your team?

Speaking of a very tilted team, it’s that or this is bronze (maybe both?) or something - I don’t think going into details are worth it any more. This play stresses me and I’m only watching it! … For goodness sake you could have even capped the point in spite of all this but your aim on Mauga is everywhere and you are feeding the enemy reaper so hard that he gets an ult and wipes your team again. There is one minute to go and he has 28% ult charge. He shortly gets a triple with another blossom in OT, even after Cassidy headshots him forcing a walk back from spawn. It shouldn’t be possible if you were tanking well (and probably on a different character).

Did you ask for the heal swap or was that desperation to try and keep you up longer with immo? In general you should not ask for or expect anything and instead just focus on what you have been doing because it’s almost certain this loss streak is mostly down to you and your actions. What I saw in that replay was crazy. With a major attitude shift it’s possible to help you but you must realise that how you have been playing is of an unacceptable standard for your comments here. No more talk about match making and team mates but a fresh start.

Are you open and willing to be better? You will still lose games and sometimes you will indeed get some loss streaks (hopefully smaller than what you’ve been getting!) but I see no reason why things can not improve and your match quality and in game experience will too, in time. You have to put in the work though.

I really need to try and sleep as my coherency is dropping considerably but I wish you well.


I’ve been playing this game for nearly 10k hours and 8 years. I’ve accepted this is about as good as I’m going to get. I can climb and do incredibly well with DVA and Zarya, but after 8 years, I can only play them so long before I go on autopilot from sheer boredom. That’s why I try to play more Hog, JQueen and Mauga.

I’ve accepted what it is and decided to stop pumping more hours into a lost cause. Not only uninstalled after a 12 game loss streak, but requested the account deletion on all my accounts from Blizzard. I’m either stuck playing autopilot with characters I’m good at or losing by playing heroes that are fresh to me and keep me mentally engaged. Neither are a good gaming experience obviously. So it’s better to just delete the accounts so I won’t be tempted to come back for more punishment. I won’t be able to reply back to any of these once the deletion goes through, but I’ll check for your replies. It is what it is. This game is just too frustrating. It reminds me of the pure frustrations that fighting games bring to the table (which is why I’ve also banned those from my life back when I was an early teenager.) You’re forced to play 1-2 heroes to win or just get beaten into the dirt over and over trying any variety. Play Mario or Fox in Smash and win, or play Ganon/Ike and be juggled to high hell and projectile spammed into the void.

I watched both. You really have to view all the players to get an idea of if things are fair or not, you can have awful teammates but if the other teams players are awful then it’s “fair.” 1EP2JF is a classic example of COMPLETELY broken matchmaking. Your teammates are awful.

I watched the support - they clearly have no idea that they should be healing MOST of the time. It’s like they’re healing you and expecting you to be good for the next five minutes. They are disabling your ability to push.

The DPS are really bad, they should have swapped heros to help counter the ball which would theoretically allow you to get healed more, but even then I doubt it. The cass clearly cannot aim and is providing almost no value, he should have gone sombra and held right click since it doesn’t require aim. It literally looks like he’s wiggling his crosshair which is typically a sign of someone trying to use a trigger bot (wiggle back and forth until the crosshair gets on top of the enemy) but he’s so bad I don’t see how he could possibly be cheating.

The second match AEM140 was possibly a fair match but came down to hero choices and positions IMO. I watched all your teammates and I could tell they knew what they were doing and were helping, I wouldn’t have minded losing this match, but the first one is wildly lopsided, those players have NO business at whatever tier their at, but I have no doubt the matchmaker will keep them there.


Good to see an honest review instead of you threw because of 2 minor mistakes

i had to watch it.


Tank is a more important role now. IMO, you should work on getting better if you’re losing that many games.

If you want to win, you play heroes you’re good at. Learn the others in QP. This is comp.

What makes the broken matchmaker so obvious is it’s not just ONE teammate that is atrocious, he gets 4. All four of his teammates have no idea what they’re doing, they look around 1500 SR above where they should be at. Really? Are we that unlucky to get them ALL in one match? What did they all have a bad day at the exact same time?

The matchmaker is broken.

Says the gold/plat player. Probably best not to judge plays skill from one replay code.

If they had an off game, so be it. But what you’ve said is nonsense.

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Maybe learn to play ?

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