I gave open queue a chance

It’s good that Jeff announced that open que is going to be treated same as role que ranked. So everyone can choose what they like more.

Loved every bit of that mode, my only regret is that i didn’t get top500 because my account was not SMS-ed that time (didn’t bother with SMS before cuz in normal ranked i can’t get to top500, but in this mode it started in masters where I am and i was just barely about to finish 50 games after SMS when that mode ended today…)

I don’t think that they bring it back just because of a small country like Korea…
You know,there is Asia (China),Europe,Africa,Australia… The USA only represents a small portion of the world.
They don’t just make it permanent in arcade,it will be a choice between role and open queue which means that it really worked well…
We will never know all the numbers but what happens tell much.


I haven’t tried open comp yet, but this is what I expected. However, I personally feel that 2-2-2 became necessary only because powercreep made hero balance such a mess (necesitating the banning of GOATS) and turned regular open comp into the nightmare you experienced.

I am hoping that the upcoming mega patch to “fix” supports and reconsider a few dps will naturally make open comp better due to finally balancing out the roster. Let’s hope.

No. No, it wasn’t. Never was, never will be.

Oh yeah, because there’s so much creativity in Rein + Zarya or Genji + Ana. I carried a game to win by swapping from Ana to Hammond and spinning on the payload, knocking every enemy off it and the map (got PotG too).

Again, the only reason people insta-lock 5 DPS is the 10+ min queue in QP and it tilting people. I played QPC comp placements yesterday and it only one time we didn’t have 2-2-2 on our own. No one said “go 2-2-2” or “we need 2 tanks”, no people just know how to play it, they just hate being forced into it.


It varied from server to server. They just might think it’s a good solution for dps q times and worth splitting the playerbase. It probably is, can’t tell for sure. But it wasn’t, like, extremely successfull overall. But anyway, people who don’t like RQ will have OQ back, and it will mostly attract dps players who dont wanna wait too long.

If that were the case, there would have been zero GOATs on open maps that allowed phara space to fly but that wasn’t the case. Discord + DVa laugh at your naivety

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Let’s just not “imagine” things and see facts…

One of the best thing about that mode is that i carried a good chunk of games by switching to tank when sucking on damage or vice versa.

Omg, at an OWL level I agree, Pharah was not enough on her own. At freaking diamond/master, she largely is. Just play really far back, Dva cannot go on her own. They are forced to run McCree goats and you still more or less have the advantage at range.

What other dps would you say solo counters goats better? I can wait.

I like open Queue, my winrate is much higher. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m not imagine things, Papa Jeff himself said in recent developer update that ranked OQ was the second played mode in Korea and was less popular than Mystery heroes in NA. Sounds lika fact to me. Also he showed a stats for day 1 of it which is, well, only 1 day but had a similar picture. #2 in Korea, somwhere in bottom in NA, varied playtime in other regions.

Yes you are.
You say that numbers varied from server to servers but you have no idea. They didn’t say it.
You say that open queue isn’t a huge success but they bring it back “in the light” as fast as they can.And more than half the video was about it when Bastion’s,Junk’s rework and supports changes only took one or two minutes.
Did you miss the part where Jeff says that they weren’t expecting that success for open queue?
You keep considering that the USA are representative of the world when it is not,there are 5 times more people in China than in the USA . Korea is in Asia,China is in Asia…
We all could read that you have issues with open queue and for mysteries reasons had to post it in the forum as if your opinion mattered much but as i said,facts speak and what you 'd like doesn’t seem to be a reality.


If being 2nd played mode in one region and like 10th or so in other is not variety i dunno what is. Jeff said about variety in the video btw. And why the’yre bringing it back - well, again, he said it’s because it takes q times from the regular ranked.

Didn’t have any problems with solo Pharah when playing goats in this mode. And it were quite untraditional 3-3 setups which barely can be called goats (with Sigma instead of Rein, without Brig etc.)

PharaMercy may cause some trobles for 3-3 but then again – you can always run McCree with 3 tanks and 2 healers.

Exactly, these people do not even run the proper 3-3 and when they do, it is not as though they understand how to execute it and even if they did, the coordination is just not going to be there. Pharah messes that up. I solo carried so many games when I was over 500 sr behind. Easy as hell.

No no no, I meant the opposite of what you understood. Not that I played Pharah vs GOATS – on the contrary, that i didn’t have problems AGAINST Phara while playing 3-3 (even with Sigma or without Brig).

Solo Pharah doesn’t counter 3-3 at all. And even if PharaMercy – you can always discord her with Zen and then fly to her as DVa or add McCree/Soldier to goats.

Oh, I understood, I just do not agree whatsoever.

Everyone’s game is different. Maybe you play at the rank where people don’t know how to play 3-3 correctly. I played this mode in masters (same as my role Q rank) and 3-3 is very strong (although still counterable by Mei, PharMercy or bunker with Bastion or Sombra – there are some variants).

I’d say Sigma goats is better than classic version. But overall strength of the comp is reduced a bit cuz old Brig was better suited for that playstyle. Still good tho.

Where does your 10th or so comes from? Source please…
Btw,he didn’t say that they bring it back because it shortens role queues waits but that it had a 2nd beneficial effect which is to shorten the role queue waits,that’s not the same thing.