I gave open queue a chance

You can play literally all of these in open queue too…


Yeah if only I had any control over what role my teammates picked rather than them just instalocking DPS all the time

you dont have any control of what your teammates pick in any gamemode


The fundamental idea of Overwatch is the come together AS A TEAM to strategise and put together a team comp to counter and beat the enemy team comp.

When you experience this with a team of 6 players all willing to coordinate and help each other out, this is the best game in the world. It’s just a shame people are mostly selfish and don’t bother.

No but at least 222 gives me that security of knowing that for the most part, both teams will have balanced durability, damage potential, and healing power.

One team could be running Hog, Ball, Tracer, Reaper, Zen, Brig and the other team could be running Sigma, Orisa, Ashe, Echo, Mercy, Ana. In what way is that balanced.


And guess what people say to each other as a means of accomplishing that.

“Just goats it.”

And by the way, coordination and strategizing in this game unless you’re in Top 500 is dead. Players are offended and instantly leave VC when you suggest they switch heroes.

Because both those comps you listed, for the most part, are relatively equal parts in damage, heals, and durability. Only thing it really comes down to are small details like utility and what not in order to try and get that edge on your opponent.

In what way is 3-2-1 or some dumb multi-DPS comp “balanced” when the other team can simply go goats or play a sniper comp and harass you with raw and durable kill power?

Have you never played with 5 friends in a 6 stack? Honestly man it makes the game so much more fun.

And I guess I’m one of the lucky few that gets to enjoy those Top 500 games where players mostly scream at you to play the meta until you switch.

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Oh yeah, that’s why GOATs never found success in professional play, because it’s wrecked by Pharah, right?

Haha! I don’t see why this matters but I’ll chime in.

Basically, I’m not going to solely restrict my comp play time to only when I have a 5 or 6 stack on when we all have different schedules with other activities that aren’t video games as well as times we actually hop on OW

no wonder you are salty about dealing with goats, all the heroes you regularly play suck versus goats, including sigma and hog

how is this at all not like role queue?

have you considered that you just don’t like fast paced chaotic games?

you are just pulling bs arguments out of a hat at this point. you think 222 match ups are more creative??

no kidding. characters are balanced around 222 now of course stacked sustain is too strong. AND the balance in 222 is still bad after 10 months so not really an argument. anti goats tank buster dps exist i expect a dps player yourself to finally learn who they and use them instead of half assing a goats mirror


Thats why I was so happy when 2-2-2 was finally introduced in Overwatch, and I really don´t understand why people keep complaining about it. I only play Open Queue on Arcade and its because of lootboxes since all other arcade games are a complete disgrace… I only like Total Mayhem and that is rarely seen on the Arcade, it wouldnt be so hard to just add all games on arcade instead of a Russian Rolette of games appearing at a time.

75% of my matches

20 games can’t be all stomps. That’s just funny. You must have had a chance or many chances in many of those, just exaggerating it for the sake of the post. I don’t believe it.


And yet the OP is complaining about Goats… which is 3 DPS and 3 Supports being a problem is a mode that’s overwhelmingly DPS.

Goats was a barely in the game before role lock, when you actually had more tank players. So how the heck is goats a problem in arcade where “nobody takes the match seriously” and “full of selfish DPS players”.

Selective memory. Much like how back before role lock, people were complaining as if every game was 6DPS while those of us that actually record and track our games see mostly 2-2-2 and 1-3-2. I’ve had a game where i thought we had 6DPS, but when i was went back and rewatched that days games, it was actually four DPS and two off tanks. Not 6 DPS. People see Roadhog, but mentally count him as a DPS. (BTW, we won because we had a Soldier and a Sombra healing the team)


Because teammates do not nearly frequent the toxicity route over people’s choices in what role they play (because they can’t lol)

Nope. Not selective at all.

All my games except one were complete stomps on one end or the other

Pharah was a key component of why it was ever broken up to begin with at the highest level, first of all. Beyond that, we are talking about ladder goats. Specifically diamond/master.

Show us the replays (codes).


what?! youre saying you never had teammates flame a tank player for playing hog/dva instead of main tank? an off healer instead of main healer? a low-damage utility hero instead of hitscan or high-damage hero?

despite what you believe, there are in fact different roles than just “damage”, “tank”, “suppprt”. players have always got tilted at teammates not playing a needed role/character. at least in open queue you can swap to counter/fill from the whole roster

2-2-2 was so needed that open queue is a huge success around the world and will be back along role queue in jully…
So please,just admit that your opinion isn’t everyone’s opinion. Ty.

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If your world is Korea then yes. On NA servers it was less played than Mystery heroes and workshop modes.