I gave open queue a chance

No no no, I meant the opposite of what you understood. Not that I played Pharah vs GOATS – on the contrary, that i didn’t have problems AGAINST Phara while playing 3-3 (even with Sigma or without Brig).

Solo Pharah doesn’t counter 3-3 at all. And even if PharaMercy – you can always discord her with Zen and then fly to her as DVa or add McCree/Soldier to goats.

Oh, I understood, I just do not agree whatsoever.

Everyone’s game is different. Maybe you play at the rank where people don’t know how to play 3-3 correctly. I played this mode in masters (same as my role Q rank) and 3-3 is very strong (although still counterable by Mei, PharMercy or bunker with Bastion or Sombra – there are some variants).

I’d say Sigma goats is better than classic version. But overall strength of the comp is reduced a bit cuz old Brig was better suited for that playstyle. Still good tho.

Where does your 10th or so comes from? Source please…
Btw,he didn’t say that they bring it back because it shortens role queues waits but that it had a 2nd beneficial effect which is to shorten the role queue waits,that’s not the same thing.

From day 1 sats. While popularity of OQ ranked itself can change from day 1 (but most likely it changes down due to people who only complete placements), the popularity of other mods is likely to be more or less the same. We know from Jeff OQ ranked is less popular than Workshop and Mystery heroes (7 and 4 place). So yea, it is around there. 10th is obvious exaggeration cuz there was only 9 mods showed. On day 1 popularity varied from 5.9% to 14.2 outside of Korea. And as I said, it should be more popular at first days.

is a post I refferring to.

USA is 1/23rd of the world population.
OQ being behind mystery heroes in the USA just doesn’t mean anything. You don’t even know the mod ranking.
Btw,Korea is the country where best players of the world are and they like OQ…


Well if we talk about percentile of world’s population Korea has much smaller numbers than US. But yea, since most of best players are from there it can be one of reasons why blizz bringing OQ ranked back. Many esports dps players just can’t play the game outside of scrims and it hurts their performance. Also, there’s almost no dps streamers left and you can guess people like to watch Genji or Ashe gameplay more that Rein’s. So they kinda lost a bit of advertisement from streaming with RQ.


Before 2-2-2 went live, I was one of the biggest naysayers here on the forum. And I still - conceptually - hate it.

But at the same time I sadly have to admit that it massively improved the game quality. To a degree I genuinely didn’t think was possible. It actually feels like a team game now, even if people just blunder about doing whatever. The harsh reduction in kill-speed from not having 4-5 DPS against 0 tanks and 1-2 healers also means that as a support main I actually get to, well, do things! And there’s no constant 3+ sniper crossfire so there’s a chance to move across an open space now, the levels actually feel very different as a result of this.

All around, massive improvement.

Its simple dps mains are some of the most toxic and selfish folk just two of them are toxic enough when you got 5 of them imagine.

That said i enjoy qpc and openque a lot cause im a support main.People are more than happy to have me on team there.

The dps mains are still on the team though, they are just… feeding on Hog or playing dps Moira.


The phara and hitscan ability scales pretty equally…

Pharas below diamond will float in the air and just get pegged out of the sky by any decent hitscan or DVa

OQ has also been very popular in Europe as well.

Sorry America but global game is global.

So happy to have woken up to some good news for a change.


10.3% at first. 3rd played mode, 0.5% above QPC and half as much as regular QP. Better than in US (cuz it’s better than in US everywhere), worse than in China, and I think it’s close to total average. So it was the most popular mode outside of QP and ranked.

Did you observe what I said they don’t do “nearly as frequently”?

Yeah, there are games where teammates get pissed at each other for not playing specific heroes but compare that to OQ where if you were getting steamrolled by goats (for example), some of them in the 21 games I played and hundreds of games I played before 222 happened, where you would get roasted into oblivion and deemed some sort of criminal by your entire team if you weren’t switching off DPS (because OQ is a DPS fiesta) to a goats character (or Sombra or Doomfist at the very least) when you were getting clobbered by a team that was running it.

Or compare that to the times you’re getting ridiculously unnecessary 4-1-1 comps and your teammates conclude you’re “throwing” at the CSS.

That was happening and not infrequently.

Yes, I’m aware of that but most people, including myself, consider it to be far more balanced and manageable than to deal with a fragile 3 DPS comp against a durable comp like goats that runs them all over.

I’d rather have 2 off tanks and/or 2 off healers rather than a team that refuses to get off squishy DPS and we end up so fragile that we can’t manage against things like Snipers or punishing combos like Hog hook along with leaving a tank or a support to be the lone-players on our team to manage an entire element that is key to winning teamfights (tanking/healing).

It’s still outclassed in popularity by 222 in places like Korea and it’s outclassed in popularity by modes like Mystery Heroes (of all things) here in the US.

I’d sure think I am speaking for a pretty large majority of people that share the same opinion if those statistics that Jeff pointed out are accurate.


First off, you can play whatever the heck you want.

Second, I’m voicing these concerns because (a) it’s going to divide the community immensely if they decide to add two completely separate core modes and (b) the dev team will be forced to go against their promise of faster patches since now they have to worry about how they balance their heroes around not only millions upon millions of possible team comp combinations but also between two different modes.

Why has it taken so long just to show us the 20 stomps? Are you lying or?


No. I’m not going to post 20 whole replay codes that you aren’t even going to watch.

I’ve already done stuff like that for other issues that involved entire games and still no one is convinced even though the evidence is there.

And also, the replays are no longer there anyways since I already played more than 10 games from a different mode(s)

It won’t split a community that’s already divided.

If you’re on US servers, the population is pretty unified on 2-2-2. I play on EU, so OQ has its own audience there already.

He said the focus on balance will be on 2-2-2.

The support OQ gets will be against extremes, same as balance is applied at lower ranks.

Yeah and then once it stays as a permanent mode in the competitive card, it’s going to get worse.

So if you play OQ knowing that nothing in your mode will get balanced even when there could potentially be a very overcentralized aspect that needs a patch to control (ie, goats as of today), how is that fun?

Like for real… how is that fun?

It’s one thing if it was mystery heroes where the competitive element is not exactly there. It’s more of a mode to kick back and have fun on (and practice new heroes) but in a soon-to-be core competitive game mode, how is that possibly fair or fun?

Not sure what rank you are playing at but I’ve had a great time with Open Queue.

Pharah and Junkrat can usually stop Goats play unless they are actually good and in my experience when I see Goats I just see free ults all game. The rank and file of this game can’t play Goats all that more effectively than any other comp.