I Finally Reached Masters!

It’s like GreyFalcon and Hawnu had a child, actually baffling what I’m reading lmfaoo

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Probably untrue for Top 500 since it’s an absolute number and not a percentage, but otherwise yeah (albeit over exaggerated, 600 SR from Diamond is mostly Masters and a bit of GM, 600 SR from Plat is mostly Diamond and a bit of Masters, you get the point).

When I first hit Masters in S1 I was legit scared to play because I thought I was placed far too high. Then I realized that new players → ranks inflate. Took that load off my chest.

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I’m sorry for what people did to your thread, OP, but congratulations nonetheless. Well done!

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How is it cringe if it’s absolute truth ?

This season I kinda on ease got GM without really even trying, it’s obviously because of the rank inflation/trash OW2 rank system and matchamaking.

Lemme guess, you also got your season high, and now after you read the truth Scuffed wrote you got mad that you actually don’t deserve your rank lmao.

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Welcome to Masters

Maybe we’ll play against each other some time!

(Probably not lol)


Ive personally “dropped” out of Masters hundreds of times

As in, lost a game → diamond, won next game → masters, cycle repeats

(Granted it works a bit differently now with the 5 wins before rank changing.)


Ranks are still, by and large, accurate. This inflation of ranks is not due to match making problems or some unknown bugs, it is the expected outcome from a huge influx of new players who are, generally, ranked very low.

So if you are GM now you deserve it as much as you did in OW1. You are in the top 1% of the player base at that time, that is what GM means. Does the OW1 GM5 have more skill than the OW2 GM5? Probably. But it’s still just as deserved.


I for one appreciate the work that hugepick has contributed to making overwatch a better game

I’m seeing plenty of likes but it’s not even relevant the number of likes that a comment has since oftentimes unpopular ideas are the best ideas…

For example cloud gaming is a very unpopular idea here but it’s very obviously a very good thing as it allows many people to access the game…


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I mean, I hit a career high last night. Previous peak was GM5, made it to GM 4. I’m not mad lol. People can cope however works for them.

So I was right. If you’re not mad then why you called him cringe ? The only explanation is that you got triggered that he spoke too much sense in his post revealing the reality. Don’t lie.

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“spoke too much sense” = “tell someone their rank is fake and suggest their accomplishment is meaningless”


approves this message.

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I know right, and the most funny thing is that you got triggered from reading that lmao. Why ain’t you honest that you got butthurted ? Be a man, face your feelings.

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Kinda lame trolling attempt. 3/10

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You fr can’t admit that you’re mad lol.

I’ll give you credit. I didn’t expect someone who uses “triggered” unironically to know how to use your/you’re so well done.

You called me troll while your first post was:

Ironic isn’t it ?

And you rather still seem mad, you may have issues with anger. Make sure to find some help.

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I reached grandmaster 3 from diamond 3 with 50% winrate. Congratulations

Same, which is why i believe the entire playerbase got worse, not that I got better.

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they said next season they’ll basically push your rank to where your mmr is as part of their getting rid of rank resets every season at least that’s my understanding. I’d be curious where a lot of people end up.

But yeah congrats. idk about you but personally im just glad to have my mmr and rank somewhat closer than before.

I mean they did, a lot of new players are just worse than ow1 players. By percentages you’re just way better than a larger percentage of players. At the same time though ow1 was not representative either with how small the playerbase was at least towards the end of ow1

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