I Finally Reached Masters!

as a gm mercy main, i used to be in your shoes and god i remember how exciting it was. props to you too for ranking up on the hardest solo hero in the game (mercy)!!



for such a huge advocate you sure do have zero original posts about the supposed ā€œstomp festā€


0 post? either youā€™re new to earth or new to forums.


Honey, read that again. I think you missed a word.

all i see is clarity. turn your brain up.


You still canā€™t read?

oh you mean threads? i donā€™t make threads usually. i donā€™t have to. so your point is invalid.


Your most liked reply on a thread has six likes and isnā€™t related to the ā€œstomp festā€ topic at all. Where is your impact, again? :thinking:

Hey, congrats! I wish you luck in further climbing too.

GM here you come!

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fiction. my most like thread is well over 50 likes ignoramus. see how dumb you are? and desperate. anyhow, view post history to see impact. i donā€™t make threads hardly ever. i donā€™t have to.


Youā€™re really not that good at reading when youā€™re angry lol. I said reply on a thread. Your most-liked reply has six likes. So, even your replies on threads arenā€™t being noticed because less than 6 likes is nothing.

Thatā€™s so exciting Yettles! Congrats!

thatā€™s fiction also. thatā€™s why i assumed you mistyped. i get it. you dumpster dive my post history, chose a post with 6 likes and said, thatā€™s his highest. what an idiot.

angry? when iā€™m usually right, what is there to be angry about. perhaps youā€™re discreetly telling me that was your intent. you arenā€™t smart enough to anger anyone imo. on top of that, admins have the ability to artificially limit likes on posts. the same way they can inflate likes on post. before i was critical of many decisions, my like were endless. now, admins allow me to have 1 or 2. which only illustrates how insightful i am.


Good job OP. Hit an all-time peak tonight myself.

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Dudeā€¦ when you go to someoneā€™s profile summary, it provides a link to your top liked replies.

Iā€™m going through your post history because you told me to lol

And iā€™m not seeing any impact :b

then show us. i already know 6 isnā€™t the highest.

i canā€™t read for you.


thank you. 20 characters

Who wants to tell him that masters is now basically the new plat


Literally the entire player base has been shifted up like 600sr from where they were in ow1

Plats are in masters, diamond are low GM, masters are high GM/top 500

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Grats. be ready to do it again the next season :clown_face:

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This thread is something else :joy: