I Finally Reached Masters!

Just felt like I needed to share. I finally reached Masters after playing a bunch of Mercy and Kiriko!

So excited! Never been this high before. Im so happy :partying_face:


You’ll still play with gold player tho


you’re welcome. as i was one of the primary advocates for discontinuing stomp fest.


Thank you. Even though this is the first time I have ever interacted with you, looking back, I totally see that I couldn’t have done it without you. You deserve a tribute thread. You’re a saint.


no interaction needed. effective advocacy affects millions.


you’re crazy if you think you single handedly influenced blizzard enough to make any changes… not trying to be mean, just stating how it is.


that’s because you’re comparing me to you. examine one’s post history before making impulsive assumptions. plus since when does primarily = single handedly?

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I doubt you’re in the top 1000 most influential people for Blizzard. They’re far more likely to listen to content creators and professional players than they are to Forumers.

And what exactly does your post history say about you…?

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Huge pick is like number 1, thus the name huge pick.

Don’t question his influence. He’s but one cog in the line of gears but what a large cog indeed he is.

I have no idea what’s going on


We’re talking about a forumer LMAO

Without my advocacy, who knows when stomp fest would end.
All I said was you’re welcome and you took offense. You reaching masters
was reasonably contingent on discontinuation of stomp fest.

few exhibit intrinsic insight on specific matters. who do you think, facilitated console AA in unranked pc cross play? following my repeated advocacy, it was implemented.


That one forumer is the sole reason why you are what you are today.
He made you.

If we were to list the most influential people today in modern overwatch society, he would be numba 1.

Huge pick has huge influence.

Huge pick is huge in other areas too

I’m completely drunk rn btw


it sounds like you’re begging for a list of things that i’m responsible for.
you’d laugh. but it would be all true.

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Your influence is too great.

Go ask for Dva buffs in my stead next please.


It’s like Greyfalcon except miles more arrogant. Great.

Apologies OP:
Grats on Masters! I hope the matches up there are much better.


Thanks sm! Tbh, I’m worried to play more in fears that I’ll drop out of Masters. But I’ve been doing okay! Matches definitely feel better.


greyfalcon is an exceptional forum contributor as far as i know.
and doesn’t come off arrogant to me. just because you’re oblivious to my
advocacy doesn’t mean that most are. you and OP were quite quiet on the topic of stomp fest. so don’t compare yourself to me. acknowledgement isn’t arrogance. however, obliviousness is ignorance.

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congrats, but it’s not your actual rank though. There’s so much rank inflation going on don’t take you’re rank right now too seriously. People in all ranks are getting much higher ranks since the last patch than they should. You will see it basically everywhere " I got my new season high " I’m in diamond or Masters and I was silver or plat since early Seasons! ETC. It’s everywheeerreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee This isn’t anything towards you it’s just what’s going on. There are loads of people now in ranks they shouldn’t be and you can actively see it especially if they have open profiles you can manage to catch it sometimes seeing them multiple ranks apart all of a sudden.



When I say that saturday would be a better day if there was less traffic, I don’t take credit when there’s less traffic though.

Whatever makes you feel good .

Greyfalcon has a lot of GOOD suggestions and I don’t doubt he contributes to the ideas that get passed up from the CM’s, but being as they have publicly said they generally ignore the forums because we’re too negative, i don’t put too much stock in that.

Same way that you saying things that might actually help and/or MIGHT solve the problem on the forums doesn’t necessarily mean that them fixing something has direct correlation. I’m sure your suggestions might work , but assuming posting here was a primary factor is pretty pompous.


Here it is: