I feel like we should re-try 1-3-2

As much as I’m a fan of 2-2-2, the EXTREME queue wait times for tank is getting out of hand. Something needs to be done.

I agree. But making it worse by eliminating many tank players is not the right way to do it.

They need to add more tanks that people want to play and are wanted by other players on their team.

There is no world where 1-3-2 will fix queue times.

I’m not sure if they would raise queue times, but… definitely stay close to what they are now. Only thing I think would change is the tank queues might be instant pop, or at least under a minute for a game.

Even if 1-3-2 causes 66% of tanks to leave, DPS queue time would break even.
I don’t currently even play support in 2-2-2 as I’m not waiting 5+ minutes. I play exclusively QPC as would rather heal for 5 dps than wait 5 minutes for a match that still has the potential to be garbage with a roadhog/dva.

People who are looking for custom games is very scarce but I’m pretty sure you can understand why even from that small amount of people even less joins your 1-2-3… nobody wants this my dude

thats not true, even in the forums you seem to get a 50/50 split,

but what people are looking in custom games is for a fun experience for the lols, what im doing is doing some sort of alternate competitive experience

when i make a silly gamemode “overwatch but everything is slow” “overwatch but the camera is terrible” 500000 people join immediatly

thats probably why people dont tend to join

Whatever orientation you want so long as its 1 DPS ever.

it doesn’t matter, I’ve seen a few attempts at 1-2-3 and I avoid those like the plague, it’s a bad game mode and it shouldn’t even be considered after that test, my opinion, of course

cant say i have,

the best way to test them is probably sneakily including them in another silly mode

Honestly, start a discord channel for 1/3/2 testing and workshop creators. I’d join and be happy to provide what help I could. Then you can pre-schedule test games and have a group ready to join.

Because no Ana main wants to be forced to pocket Rein to keep him alive as if she was a Mercy while at the same time having to dodge Doomfist, Genji and Tracer coming at her at once. That sounds like a nightmare

i could, but im still test-balancing the mode myself,

im trying to get a few creative tanking skills thrown arround for the reworked DPS characters into tanks,

i tried one for bastion and god damn i made him extremely overpowered accidentally lol

then i gotta code em in and stuff

i have a few ideas, but im still thinking about em,

and i also need to find good ideas to buff supports so they arent as defenseless against the triple DPS

I mean surely we got to a point where no one wants to play tanks because we added cc dps through the roof and we buffed dps dmg through the roof and removed half the defensives of tanks, so surely we will fix this problem by further catering to dps. Seems legit.

im a tank player and i prefer 1-3-2 much more than 2-2-2, simply because i can play whathever tank i feel is right inestead of catering to a off-tank

plus it also allows us to buff the defenses of the tanks highly

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As a support and tank flex I think your expectations are very unrealistic. It would require a ton of reworks. I dont see how the same wouldnt be achieved by simply nerfing the insane power creep going on and buffing defensives on tanks, much simpler and easier.
And as a support tank flex, with the current state and dmg in the game it would make both the solitary tanks job super frustrating and support life insufferable.

Plenty of tanks (myself included) were perfectly happy playing tanks as protectors, what they are supposed to do, instead of fat dps.

There was way too much hostility to it, much of it irrational and basically no way minds were going to be changed. So I can’t see any different outcome.

how is turning them into 1-3-2 making them fat DPS??

thats literally what they are doing right now with 2-2-2 by nerfing main tanks into offtanks by destroying all their tanking capabilities

They have been doing that for ages now. I didnt mean 1-3-2 would do that. I meant the current state of the game.

oh i thought you meant the other thing lol

but yeah thats kind of my goal to fix, the reason why they nerfed shields is because they are scared of double shield and other tank synnergies

if you remove that, you can calmly buff tanks and fix the problem of tanks feeling like punching bags

the only issue i see is supports having to deal with triple flankers, and its something im thinking on how to fix on my own gamemode of 1-3-2 in workshop,

for now ive managed to do it by changing how a bunch of tanks work, and adding new tanks

Could you drop a workshop code for this i’d like to try it