I feel like quality of Blizzard games are not gonna improve

Right? Apparently this kid has no idea about the business world. Most companies recently have been laying off people in DROVES. Like 30% of their workforces.

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They’re giving everyone a great example of low level manager mindset however.


Idk, it looks good to me. Way better than post 2019 OW1, that’s for sure.

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Cause I´ve been playing Blizzard games for over a decade now and I see, how it all went down. I remember specific qualities about these games, that are gone and no longer inclusive for Blizard. And there is lot more of it. All that harrasment, racism and other stuff, that were going on, now people who never wanted to leave are leaving. So many names with quality are already gone. I don´t know/don´t care, what Musk does, or who he is, but I guess it has nothing to do with creativity. After of years of disappointment I can be sceptic about “impruvment”. That doesn´t really mean you have to be condenscending to me…

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Blizzard games have lacked quality since Diablo 3. This is a fact.

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You don’t know who one of the richest men in the world is? That runs multiple extremely successful companies? Okkkay.

I don’t mean to be condescending, I just don’t think anything in that article shows that game quality will degrade. If anything, they are making changes to make their game quality BETTER.

You probably would be petty too, if you managed to lose chance to be one of top esports with insane popularity and just as insane cash prizes for winners.

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Why would I care? I know his name and that he is rich. That is all. I have no reason to care more. If he was a scientist of my field or a good book author, I would definetly care more.

Calling people with different opinion a “kids”. I lived this scenario, that is happening in Blizz and I´ve seen it a few times. Never went good…

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He is self-proclaimed engineer and entrepreneur. His “successful companies” are surrounded with controversies, such as poor treatment of employees, Tesla batteries burning, and other similar incidents.

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I might be weird, but I don´t really care about “modern celebrities or rich people”, unless they do/did something, that is within my interests, books, studies… :woman_shrugging:

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That’s fine, don’t educate yourself about the world around you.

Just like every successful company. Unless you can name one that isn’t?

He’s also changed the world with every company that he’s both ran, and sold.

Dude, you probably missed, that I am a scientist. I educate my self a lot and I love to learn. I just don´t care about people, just because they are rich.

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He created paypal, runs spacex…which sends rockets into space, he has satellitle internet up which is providing free internet for ukraine right now…he has a company that put a chip into a monkeys brain that allowed the monkey to play pong with the monkeys mind alone. I could go on and on about what he’s done.

If that doesn’t interest you as a scientist, that’s fine, but it SHOULD.

There is a big difference between people that are rich because they sell designer clothing, and rich because they are changing the world with what they do.

Anyways, my point was just that he knows how to run a company, and the first thing he did when he bought twitter was tell people to return to work. Meaning, that is a GOOD move for blizzard as well, and not a sign that “games will get worse.”

I would not sacrifice my workforce, player bases/communities and much more just to be petty. I’d let it go and move on if I missed such an opportunity. Though I suppose some unknowns would be in place as that is a lot of money no matter what, I also just don’t believe anyone should be in control of anything if all they care about is money and nothing else at all. (Even if that isn’t how the world works, it is odd how much humanity wants to be controlled nonetheless)

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Cyberpunk 2077 happened to be in very middle of COVID. No one was prepared for total home work. And later they had troubles hiring more people to catch the deadline.

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You sound soooo pretentious and up your own a-
He also did not create PayPal.
My favourite story about musk is probably the one where there was a group of people trapped in a cave, Musk made some plans with a submarine, got called out that this would never work and then Musk called that guy a p*do

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He sold his company to the people that turned his work into paypal. What he had was basically the foundation for it.

I haven’t heard that one. But it sounds like you don’t know much about him anyways, so you probably think it’s true.

"PayPal is the successor of a company originally named Confinity that came into being in 1998. Interestingly, Confinity wasn’t founded by Elon Musk, rather it was a brainchild of Max Levchin, Peter Thiel, and Luke Nosek.

The first digital payments version of Confinity was launched in 1999. By that time, a remarkably similar platform called xcom had come into being. Xcom was founded by Musk, Harris Fricker, Christopher Payne and Ed Ho. Musk served as the xcom CEO.
In 2000, the two digital payments firms got merged with each other. However, combining the two firms did not turn out out be very successful. Elon Musk took over as the CEO in April 2000 and was fired in October 2000."


Funny that you haven’t heard of that one despite “educating yourself about the world around you”. It’s not hard to find more info on that incident.


For me he is just another crook, that uses big words to get money.


Sounds like propaganda to trash elon musk. It’s not hard to find MANY stories like that, I’m sure, lol. People don’t like him.

It didn’t? The merged company sold for 1.5 billion to ebay

Where are you getting your info, lol. Selling for 1.5 billion is “not very successful?”

Many “opinionated facts.”