I feel like quality of Blizzard games are not gonna improve

The space things I know about…
Cause my field of interest is archaeology, history, nature sciences, etc…
Tho I know nothing about his companies or managment skills. And I am not ashamed of that.

Also, I only wish Blizzard would improve their quality. I just fail to belive it after years of ddisappointments…

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Why would they improve their quality, when goal is to earn as much money for as little investment, as possible.


It’s objectively true, not sure why you think it’s fake. It wasn’t some obscure little event someone dug up, it happened in full view of everyone on social media at the time.


Okay, pointless to argue with you. You just sound like the typical Musk fanboy, who thinks he is the smartest man in the world and can do no wrong.
I am pretty indifferent about him. I don’t hate him, but I also don’t worship the ground he walks on.
He is a smart man, no one can deny that, but he also has shown that he can be a nasty person with an inflated ego.

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I didn´t follow your discussion, but is not there more reasons? Like specificly people would have to travel across the states now and spend more time away from their families - for company, that is cuting their bonuses, while other companies give their people rise after succes?

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I can deny it, easily. The guy is an obvious moron.


I don’t argue with you there. I think anyone with that much money is kind of despicable, to be honest. I’m just saying…

Well, okay. I may just not be aware of it then, lol. Consider me wrong

He is smart enough to make fools throw money at him, when he promises another hyperloop.

In a way, he is like Steve Jobs - goods at promoting products, but hardly competent to make them.

Taking management’s side on working from home, out of spite, is stupid and petty. Everything wrong with the game is management’s fault. And this dumb forcing them into the office is gonna make things WORSE not better. Plus they’re gonna lose a lot of people at a time overwatch needs to double or triple their team. AND the greedy capitalists just cut their profit share by half in a year where profits doubled. Which is disgusting.

Why do people hate capitalism? It may not be perfect, but compared to the alternatives, I rather work a job I like and be able to eat versus a job I didn’t pick and starve.

yes that is actually the crime here and not that they have to office AGAIN after covid is officially gone.

they were promised that money and now get scammed by a ccompany that was scamming their playerbase with overpriced cosmetics.

i would be okay with it when they would have said… we are cutting bonus payments for a fund to help employees to move near the office or find cheaper homes… but they just steal this money.

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What do you mean you can´t pick a job in 21. century? (Unless you live in a poor parts of the world ofc)

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Driving in to work for 3 days out of the week isn’t THAT bad. Let them swap positions with garbage truck workers for two weeks to gain a bit more perspective.

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Depends on, what kind of person you are and if you have a family or some life outside of work.
I mean…talking about 3 days at week hundrets of miles across the states with no point of coming bac to dinner, right?
Cause, that´s what was the point.

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Those lads work 12 hour days. I feel for them, especially in the summer here in the south.

Sure, but again, we live in age, when you are mostly free to pick your job and change things.

So do devs, stop dividing workers.

Do you know their work schedule?
How many hours do they put in at the office?


Break it down for us simpletons.

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I am not sure, what all is included in dev´s work, but as someone, who work in a science field doing researches - people, who are dependand to work with their brain don´t really “clock out” and switch off. At least I know, how it is, when you are in the middle of the research or some project, your brain is running day/night, still finding solutions, thinking about stuff, you find your self constantly go to research something on internet or open some book or…just not sleep whole night thinking about the problem. Curious mind doesn´t give you a break. This is something people don´t relise and I am kinda annoyed, when I am for example compared with people, who do just physical work, how “my life is much easier”. Until I got my degree and got here, I also did all kind of physical work and it sucked, but after the work hours, I was able to switch off and relax.

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That’s basically the summary of it, what Blizzard is doing is scumbag-level bs. And the attitude they gave to all of their employees is exactly how they treat us as players. The only difference is they begrudgingly pay the devs to work, I imagine most of their leadership has no real interest in even giving any money back into salaries or otherwise.

Also Ybarras statements on how QA isn’t really a big deal or whatever, so ridiculous. It’s like he and many others in leadership positions ignore all the bugs their games constantly have because of a lack of QA or lack of paying them enough anyways.

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