I feel like quality of Blizzard games are not gonna improve

You are entitled to your opinion, that just was not really an informative argument from you…

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Jeff was a A mind it.

One that isn’t well liked.

I mean this xD
Sorry, but I just can´t take people making such arguments seriously

You really belive I don´t want to see Blizzard in better state again?

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If you can find a better, higher paying job then that is the best decision from multiple angles, I agree.

but collectively, team 4 has way more power than they think for influencing upper management. They could really put their foot on upper-management’s neck and pose a huge risk to the company (basically cease all work to launch OW2 PvE or even maintain the game). Create enough risk, and anything will collapse. Holds true ecologically, financially and socially.


Imagine not doing the work your company is paying for.

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Yep, you didn´t really read it/listen to the video than…



Low hanging fruit attempt.

Get ready for permanent content drought #2!

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All I want is a Mythic Mercy Skin tbh. Others are Tuesdays.

If anything, it will boost productivity. Less people staying at home watching netflix and hulu and more time programming at the office.

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So you don’t work in IT? Every FANG ( Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, Google ) are having layoffs. Hospitals are closing due to cut backs. The top IT companies are all laying off ( One that I worked at shut down 2 more locations last year ). Programmers are NOT a revenue department. Losing a programmer isn’t going to hurt the board or directors. If devs leave then the profit is higher short term and that makes the business valuable to other parties. I’ve spent almost my entire adult life, 30+ years, in IT and I can tell you this is the way it’s always been. Do you think this is the first time Blizzard did a refresh of it’s developers? Blizzard North ring a bell? Forgot, if you leave a company of your own free will most recruiters don’t want to deal with you.

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This game is going down.

It is spoiling over with bugs, bad matchmaking issues for half a year, no polish, bad quality of skins they charge 20€ for… We all know the list can go on.

Blizzard reported 100million revenue for their last quarter. Suddenly they are cutting bonuses and calling people back to the offices. They know people are gonna quit, they WANT people to quit, they want them to feel bad and leave so they can hire cheaper staff that will wont fix anything.

100 million is not enough

They wanted fortnite 2.0 numbers.

Now they ups are very unhappy and try to layoff staff by telling them they have to come back to the office for 3 days a week.

This game will just get worse.

They release one hanzo skin, outsource a badly optimized sim and are SO CREATIVE to come up with a deathmatch mode.

The only content of this event is the main screen.


That just sounds like the most boomer way of talking about working from home.
Like legit you have no idea what you are talking about.
Companies have ways to monitor productivity of their workers.
If someone doesn’t do their work while WFH, then they should get reprimanded.

You clearly have absolutely no idea what you are talking about when it comes to this topic.


Simple solution. Get dressed and go to work. Easier to manage the lackluster employees face to face.

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Look at the game how terrible it is.

It cannot get worse at this point.


Blizzard and being jealous or stingy over lost money they can’t bank on has been the match made in heaven since they lost Dota/LoL. They’re so petty it’s absurd.

I hope the ship sinks to the bottom of the ocean, I am tired of seeing my favorite game being run into the ground. At this point, I’d rather us not have access to it in any capacity so OW1 memories can be preserved in full.

The skeleton crew keeping the servers running soon will not be enough to do a single thing.


It can and will if lots of people quit.

yeah, you very clearly have no idea how management and WFH works.

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Apparently their employees didn’t know how wfh works either. Have a good ride back to the office.

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Uh, they have about 100 positions for every game. You realize that’s just called increasing their workforce? I think they said they increased their number of developers by something like 50% last year.

And I’m not sure why you think the quality of games won’t improve? At the very least, bringinig people back to work will DEFINITELY improve the quality. Or do you think most companies require people to work in the office for no reason? Heck, when musk bought twitter, he said “come back to work or find a new job.” But I’m guessing you kids on the forums think musk doesn’t know how to run a company either :roll_eyes: