I feel like quality of Blizzard games are not gonna improve

…Including Overwatch. Remember that thread about more than 100 work offers in just Overwatch team? This explains it I guess…


Yes, so there goes the answer to many questions - including but not limited to…

… why support tickets take weeks to be picked up (not to say resolved) and/or often are forgotten (Read: CuCa)
… why a lot of patches feel like half-baked change where balance was left as an afterthought (Read: QA)
… why match-making is in such shambles since launch (Read: talent scarcity and resignations)
… why the monetization is the way it is (Read: Corpo culture)

Blizzard of old is gone. Times changed, people changed, games changed.

They no longer create games, they ship products.
They no longer have passion, they have financial goals.
They no longer want players, they target customers.


Well, they’ll be forced to work under management in less than five months. So things will get better. Deadlines met and quality ironed out more. You know, accountability mattering.


Did you not listen to Sty? More and more talented people are leaving and it would be even worse…


Yeah and I’m the next pope.

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And that’s how you get a disaster like cyberpunk 2077. They tried to make devs do crunch time and they made the senior engine dev leave… it was never able to leave development hell after that.

My advice to Blizzard employees is to start a strike and demand higher payment plus other benefits. Everyone should be getting higher incomes in high inflation, and that BS about wage spiral is total ignorance as wage inflation and inflation is not 1:1 periodt


It’s much easier to just apply somewhere else with better benefits, strikes are soul draining plus it puts a crosshair on you not just in blizzard but will affect your chances of being rehired elsewhere.

At this point Bobby is scrapping the barrel for every last but if cash before microsoft handover so nothing will change.

So crunch time? They are forced to work under peer pressure already


There has been a significant drop in polish though ever since wfh.

Ow2 was the biggest blizzard release.

Who cares, it has to be done to change the USA’s work culture regardless.


the game is absolute trash now, blizzard only appeal on streamers not actual general players, if you are just normal general player, you gonna become a cannon fodder for those target consumer

at this state, even valorant is better than ow2


As someone who was part of strikes and stuff during college days it’s not worth it from a personal stand point.

You just give an impression of ignorance.


Blizzard isn’t a starbucks, they are highly skilled tech workers. They have power that is always underleveraged. Status quos always get challenged after a pandemic, a few universities in my city actually have strikes going on as faculty are tired of being undervalued by administration.

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For disagreeing and having skepticism?

Do go on.

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Which is why it’s more easily detrimental to your career than a strike in Starbucks, you get blacklisted.

A’s hire A,s B’s hire C’s

Blizzard’s A’s left 10 years ago, even the B’s left 2 years ago

they’re now left with the C’s…

Well, soon the can C their way out.

LOL, if you are in demand, they can’t blacklist anything. Some company will be willing to take on the risk to hire you.

That is the problem with the current status quo-- they don’t have any risks-- nothing really pressures them. If workers aren’t willing to pose a risk against the MBA idiots, then they lose the right to complain at all.

And that is all changing. People are thinking about risk more and looking at things with a risk-based perspective. Because a risk-reward perspective makes everything crystal clear.

And inflicting risk on other people is extremely powerful. Risk can cause even the most conditioned of minds to decompose into something primitive with enough pressure. 99.9% of the population actually handles risk very poorly, it is a decently studied facet of human behavior.


It’s easier to apply now and move on than try to struggle against the machinery.