I feel like Orisa and Brigitte should just be disabled until reworked

So why don’t you go play a different game then, eh? Since the developers here clearly don’t respect you, why not shove off?

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Neither are your anecdotes vs overwhelming data that shows orisa is bordering on being a throw pick even in gm after this patch while she was a certified throw pick everywhere else before it


Well, I did stop playing. But I’m still kind of holding out hope the incredibly destructive balancing trend can be reversed. I’m pretty attached to this game and don’t want to leave it.

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Oh dear, half a week of unofficial data has me beat

How about months of her being worse than rein in gm, a throw pick from bronze to masters and already on a downward trend. But you’re right, 2 heavy nerfs with zero compensation will miraculously make her stronger


So many people fail to realise this. I feel like simply reworking him into an off tank without a shield could have solved everything so easily but they went down the rout of nerfing every thing countless times until it’s all hog and ball with snipers having the time of their life :joy:

That, or treating him like a real main tank and weakening his peel so he and Orisa don’t just take turns peeling for each other

Zero compensation, eh?

Making the ball go faster isn’t compensation when the ball doesn’t freaking DO ANYTHING ANYMORE.


I don’t remember them nullifying the ability to shoot at people that get pulled

The problem with this game’s community is that they think that it only works in a specific way. Orisa can’t pull a team into a dragonstrike anymore? Halt is useless clearly.

Instead of auto piloting into a method of play, you should play it by ear and adapt on the fly. It’s more fun that way.

I mean, adapting doesn’t mean you should simply ride a hero into the ground as the devs intentionally try to destroy them. The devs are beating Orisa and Brigitte players over the head with “Stop playing them!” At some point, adapting means picking a hero that isn’t engineered to be trash.


I mean, they aren’t meant to be trash and they aren’t trash.

Are you ever willing to admit heroes are trash? Like, do you think there are any fundamentally bad heroes on the roster?

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I am! I think Bastion is the only fundamentally flawed character in the roster.

As for every other character, they all have things they can do that other characters can’t do and aren’t excessively difficult or unreliable to utilize provided the player on the character knows what they are doing.

Sombra, Mei, and Symmetra are other characters that are low on the tier rung generally speaking because they have major flaws, but there are obvious reasons and situations for why you would pick each of them over another character.

Characters like Widowmaker and Tracer perform quite poorly at lower ranks, yet they are not considered bad heroes. Why? Because they are hard to play.

Orisa used to be on the easier side of the difficulty scale before all of the changes started happening. Have you considered perhaps that instead of being trash, Orisa has just slid over to more difficult side of the spectrum?

Prove it. Prove that Orisa isn’t trash. Show me with hard data and not anecdotes that Orisa isn’t trash. Because every stat we have says she is garbage.

I feel like the nerfs speak for themselves personally

Yes, they speak of how garbage she is and then the stats agree with them.

Brig is literally the easiest hero in the game and she has 450 effective hp, 50 of it armor, a stun, a boop, the best support ult in the game, super strong individual heals, and strong aoe heals :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: just because your braindead hero isn’t meta doesn’t mean she’s unplayable

Nah, because why would they pile on nerfs to a character that’s bad?

Perhaps the official stats show otherwise? :thinking:

I disagree with Brig being the easiest hero in the game. In terms of low skill floor, I think Lucio, Reinhardt, Moira, Torbjorn, and maybe Reaper are easier to play.