I feel like Orisa and Brigitte should just be disabled until reworked

So your reply is deny evidence just because you want to? Ok sounds rational, logical and not biased at all.

I feel like the official patch notes are better evidence than unofficial data from a site that still has Symmetra in the support category

I mean, they probably just did that because moving her between sections would cause a discontinuity in their data and mess things up.

So then tell me

Where are the bastion changes. Wouldn’t patch notes reflect what you just said here?

Okay Moira is easier but saying the rest are easier is just stupid. Especially rein, tanks like him and monkey may look easy, but they have a SUPER high skill ceiling. Also just because a hero doesn’t require aim doesn’t mean they don’t take skill.

Honestly, even before this patch, I would have rather had a Bastion on my team than Orisa.

Bastion is a tough nut to crack. He’s received several changes over the past few years, but mostly just small buffs and power shifts.

The last time they tried giving Bastion a major buff, it broke the game.

Making halt faster while also shortening its tether distance is a big nerf.
Removing some of her armor is a big nerf.
Neither of which received compensation.

So what you are telling me is that the devs know bastion is trash but are unable to fix him without making players mad even though he needs it. Maybe then you shouldn’t have such a blind devotion to devs,

Btw the few times they have shared “official” data with us, Overbuff was always spot on or just barely off. Maybe you should learn how statistics work before trying to discredit them.

making halt faster is compensation

How? When you have a faster projectile it means you need faster reaction time to activate that teher, which is harder to do when the distance is also lessened. That is a nerf.

I’m telling you that balancing Bastion isn’t as easy as changing numbers around, which is why he doesn’t get changed very often.

I’m sure the stats on overbuff are semi-accurate, but stats never tell the whole story. Why not try to get some field experience instead of sitting there number crunching all day?

A faster projectile means targets have less time to react! Are you kidding me?

Because playing what used to be your favorite heroes and having them being completely terrible is super depressing?

I imagine it doesn’t feel great

I’m just more of the opinion to adapt to the changes and learn how to play around them rather than accept defeat.

Or possibly there’s some other motive, like forcibly removing Orisa from the high-play meta without any regard to how poorly she’s doing everywhere else - like Blizzard themselves have stated here:

The problem is that the adaptations necessary (playing f’ing Reinhardt) is not one I can make and still enjoy the game.

Indeed, that’s the goal of the nerfs. Orisa has been over performing for too long.

However, forcibly removing would be what they did to Sigma, straight nerfs.

Orisa was fine until Sigma.

I have played it after the patch and I can assure you Orisa and brig is not viable anymore.