I mean, having these characters in the game in such a blatantly and severely unplayable state is just sad.
It’d be fairer and better to just grey them out until they can be fixed someday.
I mean, having these characters in the game in such a blatantly and severely unplayable state is just sad.
It’d be fairer and better to just grey them out until they can be fixed someday.
Add Sigma because he started this meta in the first place
I feel like Sigma is still sort of playable, though. Orisa is so absolutely trashed that picking her should automatically be gameplay sabotage. Same with Brigitte.
Cant lie there :/. But honestly Sig also needs a rework. Too much stuff goin on
Eh. Without Orisa in the game he’d be ok, and Orisa isn’t going to come back in the same form ever.
Either she’ll be left in F tier forever like Bastion or get reworked completely.
Problem with sig is that the devs dont know if he should be an off tank or main.
Off tank: Make grasp his main thing
Main: Make his barrier his main thing
But the devs decided “Nah, lets just nerf both! thats a good idea”
Yeah, that’s his issue.
Honestly he needs to entirely lose one or the other.
You already know blizzard has no plans to rework them. They’re just going to let them suck. Like bastion, symm and reaper.
Have you even played them within the last two patches?
I feel like they can’t get away with permanently dumpstering tanks and supports due to the low populations of them.
I mean, there are seven supports. They can’t afford to permanently lose any.
They already lost zen for a few months, and d.va has sucked for a year or 2. They evidently dont care lol
No, I uninstalled before the experimental went through, but by all accounts they’re incredibly bad. Orisa might be the worst right now any hero has every been in the game’s history.
I kind of think the devs are worried about Zarya and Roadhog running Sig over if he didn’t have barrier so they think he needs it so he isn’t reliant on his team to keep him up. They could just make KG more solid though and block hook again and maybe eat lasers.
I don’t even want to hear it
You have no right to complain about patches if you aren’t even playing them. Your words and opinions on the matter are worth nothing.
All you do is contribute useless thoughts that fuel the ever ongoing negativity around here. It’s honestly disgusting.
Hey, I want to play the game, alright? They just made it so bad I can’t enjoy it!
The idea is to get them to fix the terrible balance so the game can be fun again. It’s not like I haven’t played in months. I know what the state of the game is.
Why not revert orisa to her state before sigma’s addition and disable sigma instead?
Orisa was one of the most balanced heroes without sigma
Why not just revert Sigma and Orisa back to when they could be run solo, and implement a “one anchor tank rule” until they can figure out a better solution? So you can’t pick more than one of Orisa, Sigma, or Reinhardt
If you really want them to improve the game, I imagine you would provide constructive feedback rather than continuously making pointless whining posts.
Look, I actually think this is a good idea.
Orisa and Brigitte are so incredibly bad right now they’re not ok to play. It’s sabotaging your team. They need to be disabled. In the long term, the devs have clearly implied that the previous playstyle of both is a problem. Orisa and Brigitte will never, ever be allowed to be good again in the previous way they existed. They need reworks, and I’d rather not have idiots throwing on them until they’re reworked, so just TAKE THEM OUT.
or they should just fix them properly…
ive been on the side doing my own OW patch on workshop for the past 6+ months now
most of it ends up beeing reverting whathever the heck they did last patch and adding something else lol