I don't want a healer Symmetra. Periot

Well, I speak English. Its bad enough that people keep butchering it, but really. There is no need to misspell words intentionally “just because”. That makes any person look like they are trying to get attention for what I don’t know. Just my opinion, don’t get all offended.

She is an architect, not a doctor nor a nurse…

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I mean I’ve seen it written as periodt too because that’s the way it’s written. Language is ever evolving. Embrace change.

Welcome to the internet.

I don’t mind change, but change for the sake of change is often bad. And there is no reason to change the spelling of a word like that that I can see or fathom.

I honestly don’t care, spell it however you want. Not the point here really

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Did you ever stop to think there was a reason I deliberately spelled it that way or did you just mash your keyboard?

I like her as a DPS but I would not mind seeing how they would give her healing.

My only concern is that reworking her again can change her too much. Since giving Sym healing is a pretty big deal. Which would change her playstyle.


Pretty much what I was trying to clarify. Your obviously offended at me asking about it, just as much as I’m offended that its butchered up. So we both lose.

Don’t get me wrong, not like I’m mad, just seeing people butcher words for the sake of looking different in my opinion is wrong. And I’m allowed to share my opinion as far as I know.

Moving on with the topic.

It was once considered wrong to start sentences with “and” but I see you’re happy to do that.


Touche’ Surprised anyone even knew that one. lol

Said reason: Actual Sym mains want their character fixed, not butchered beyond recognition.

Damn them, actual Sym mains. They give reason sufficient for utmost fury, they do. My “Sombra + Sym —> Support” and “Mei + Bastion —> Tank” ideas will never see the recognition they deserve so long as these damn “mains” (who are too busy playing them to even post radical revamp ideas on the forums about them, the pretenders) insist on actually holding hopes for the character they’ve played as… that same character.

What’s wrong with them? These new heroes would even have the same name and aesthetics and maybe even a couple of the same similarly named abilities!


Well every Sym main wants her to be good, but every Sym main has a different way of going about it.

Putting her in support might seem as butchering to some but helpful to others. While I like her as a DPS I am open to support (or tank) if it can work.

Well, I am a teacher and an ex-journalist.

She was never a support for me. I always played her as a DPS.

The fact that she could give shields and had barrier means nothing in a game that is so healing-reliant. No amount of utility can cover for lack of healing.

I, too, thought that for a while. Then I read Hemingway and was just like, “Why waste so useful a tool?”

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I aldo dislile the idea of hesling turrets… but Sym 1.0 had the right idea with overshields. Just add a bit healing to these and she would fit after some compromises between Sym 2.0 and 3.0 into a good support with lot of versitilaty.

Her current turrets are terrible. The plan you just said works like 10% of the time, and usually in just the lower ranks…

I’m all for an off-healing Symmetra, bring it on!

Isn’t the goal for most want Support Sym to restore some of her identity that was butchered by 3.0 though?

So long as she isn’t turned into a main healer and is instead balanced against Zen or Lucio as a off-Support, a 4.0 rework should be the best way to unify all the different aspects of her and more or less make everyone happy.

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I mean you say that but you are supposed to add the t after the d in periodt.