I don't want 2-2-2 if it means 2 off-tanks or 2 off-supports

I dont want a free pick system if it means 5 dps and one crying mercy


Many of us don’t find the main tanks fun. It’s not about not wanting to learn a hero - it’s about playing heroes we find fun.

Then don’t complain if you’re not willing to step up.


As soon as they design the game so that main tanks aren’t required, we’ll stop complaining about not having one.

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The entitlement is strong. You’ll be waiting a long time lol.
Imagine not knowing how to play Reinhardt xD. I dont understand how he ISNT fun to play.

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The problem is, where are you getting the extra tanks and supports from? Most DPS players and many support players aren’t willing to tank. So instead of 5 dps and one support you just have everyone waiting in queue for a supply of tanks that doesn’t exist.

I do like 2:2:2 in principle but the issue of there being one almost completely undesirable role nobody likes is a big one. Especially since in 2:2:2, the other team has tanks too so you can’t just play tank to get easy wins.

I main supports so whatevs :stuck_out_tongue:

You think that’s much better? Supports outnumber tanks over 2 to 1. The support queue isn’t going to suck as much as the DPS queue, but it’s still going to suck a lot.

We have looking for group to prevent this but hardly anyone chooses to use it.

They should work on giving people a reason to actually bother using it and keep improving it rather than forcing everyone into something they already have access to but don’t want to use.

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Wouldn’t the support/tank queues be super fast though?

Yer no it really wont

Not support. Because while DPS outnumber other roles a lot, supports still wildly outnumber tanks.

I think you’re confusing support players, for the number of support heroes.

All of my comments referred to the number of players, not heroes. People willing to play support are far in excess of players willing to play tank.

I don’t find heroes without aiming requirements fun to play. You don’t need to be a jerk about the fact that other people find different things fun.

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Pulled this week’s pickrate numbers from Overbuff into excel:

Comp seems pretty balanced, with more Tanks than DPS even:

  • Damage 31%
  • Healer 36%
  • Tank 33%

Quickplay is less Tanks, but not nearly as few as you seem to be implying:

  • Damage 44%
  • Healer 32%
  • Tank 24%
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Ok, so here’s the thing, there’s this game Nintendo has, called pokemon, it has 18 types, all of which are an amalgam of heal/tank/dps, unlocked role reqs, teams of 6, with 807 heroes to choose from for a team… and yet, that game has better balance than this one.

The blame for bad balancing, or blizzards inability to balance, has nothing to do with roleq. Will roleq make it easier for them to balance? Sure, obviously. But that’s why I’m saying let’s all take the hit and make it really easy for them, and only have 6 heroes.

Heck, if you just want straight up dps, tanks, and heals with no amalgamation, then let’s just do 3 heroes.

Well, that’s not as bad as I thought, but not great. However, I think the number of people who don’t want to tank and are just sucking it up not to lose is high… and the number if not-actually-tanking off tanks is high too.

Perhaps, but I think the number of intentional-tanks would go up, if they knew they had some decent healing.

Then if you had a role queue and didn’t queue for tank you wouldn’t have to worry about that any more. Someone else will play tank.

This ain’t it chief. Main tanks will always be required. It wouldn’t be Overwatch if you just didn’t need tanks anymore.

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