I don't understand the Mercy logic

That’s not really an accurate summary of what people want. It’s a rather significant mess I’ll try to summarize it.

You’ve got two main groups of people with loads of splinter groups coming off of them:

  1. Those that have liked some iteration of Mercy

  2. Those that have never liked any of the iterations of Mercy all that much

Mercy’s original design utilized a healing beam that put out solid healing numbers, while also having excellent movement and survivability, and an ult that was short and potentially high impact with some decision making at most but not all skill levels.

Mercy’s new design has the same healing beam but, to balance out some of the new features the healing took a nerf, she’s got expanded movement capabilities, her ultimate has swapped to being a sustained ability that provides increased capabilities across the board including amplifying the ability to kill things, she’s now got resurrect on a cooldown that provides a potentially risky way to turn a fight at the cost of being unable to heal for a period of time and having limited mobility for the period of time that an attempt is active.

Depending on what drew someone to like/dislike Mercy the current version may be good , bad or sameish as you do have differences between the versions that may impact the appeal of the character

As the character presently is probably overpowered on consoles and only a little bit off balance on PC you don’t actually have much room to improve in any area without having to nerf something else which would lead to further conflicts as people like different things about the character and would not be pleased to see what they like getting nerfed.

Mercy’s performance is a little on the weak side on PC and appears to be a little bit on the overpowered side on consoles which can also lead to differences in interpretation.

Players tend to be more satisfied when the heros they like are overpowered and the heroes they dislike are weaker.

As a result, players that dislike a characters design may end up going quiet about it if the character isn’t in play much (as changing the character could easily make them more of a pain by making them more popular and not necessarily addressing what a person dislikes about a character or making it worse) and will be very loud if the characters they dislike are in play a ton.

Mercy also has a multitude of reasons people dislike/disliked her below are a few examples for some people only one applies but for many that dislike her it’s not just one thing:

Some people hate her beam

Some people hate that her kit is easy

Some people hate her regen

Some people hate her res on cool down

Some people hated her Mass Res

Some people hated her invulnerability

Some people hate res period

Some people hate her damage boost

Some people hate portions of her movement

Some people hate the hitbox on her gun

Some of these are also the same reason’s people like/liked the character so you can’t make both the people that like and dislike the character happy by changing them either. Additionally, any change that is a nerf would likely lead to a buff someplace else that would annoy another group of people that dislike her.

This isn’t a problem that has some nice easy solution that leaves everybody happy. You might be able to iterate changes/additions where less people are unhappy but, you’ll have a few broken eggs no matter how you do it.

The statement I replied to indicated that Mercy’s healing is worthless, when factually this simply isnt the case

No, it implied that how she healed, slow and reliable, was worthless over fast and heavy. Please, PLEASE read what I am writing.

The first group states why they don’t like playing her, and typically believe Mercy was always this way. They did at launch, they did at peak Valk Mercy, and they still do.

The second group wants to use the “weak and boring” part as an excuse for buffs.

No matter what Blizz does short of turning her into Ana 2, the 99% of first group will still find Mercy braindead and boring.

I read the statements on question, as stand by what I have stated in response

Factually, Mercy’s healing is not worthless, or is any healing with a hp value of greater than 0

Well enjoy keeping her slow and steady when all the other healers get an extra nitro boost I guess?

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And for some reason, many of these individuals are fixated on changing Mercy to their personal liking rather than identifying and playing another character they do enjoy, or another game…without even acknowledging that many other players enjoy playing Mercy in her current state

I for example don’t enjoy playing Genji. I don’t complain to the forums for going on 2 years how I want him changed to how I want him to be…I instead found other characters I enjoy playing.

All those other healers have serious limitations that Mercy doesnt have, and their real rate of healing in actual matches is far lower than their potential

In any case, it appears you have found one or more other characters you do enjoy playing, so you can move on from Mercy and complaints about her

Dude your first mistake was acknowledging Megadodo in the first place. He’s a troll.


I do not believe I am a troll, or that I have ever acted the part of a troll

I have responded to posts made by others with clear statements that express my genuine positions on said matters

Factually, disagreement is not equivalent to trolling

But we’re talking about reality vs potential:

Mercy is an engine that runs at a constant 5 MPH. All other healers run at 2 MPH, but get to go 10 MPH for 5 seconds every 10 seconds. Who will win the race?

Now, you might be fine with Mercy not having ANY ABILITY to change her healing output. But I am not. Especially when you compare the fact that she cannot be healing 24/7. There’s time in matches when you can’t be healing who needs to be healed because it’s unsafe, so you’re stuck damage boosting a DPS behind a tank, or whatever scenario- basically, you can’t say that Mercy gets to move at a constant speed because in the game of Overwatch it’s not like a constant flow, it’s up and down, stop and start. That’s WHY those other healers- while being limited by not pumping out a reliable stream of healing- have an advantage over her, because they can adjust their healing needs based on the moment rather than just… being stuck going 5mph forever.

I’m not sure how else to explain this very basic concept to you, you’re free to like being slow and boring Mercy, whatever. I disagree though, and as the main healer of the game she should be getting.

Also, if you google it you can find plenty of sources that show Moira actually outputs an average of roughly 15/16k and Mercy only average 12/13k, so you’re not even right about her being ‘the most output’.


I mean, that’s only two sides, right?

What about “People who play Mercy and like her”?

Wrecking Ball isn’t for everyone but I’d feel pretty sour if they decided to take away his freedom, consistent CC and mobility in the hopes of giving him “Rein level team protection”. I’m sure the devs know that some people like her playstyle and would rather she just feel consistent and good rather than “more attractive for people that don’t play her”.

I can understand people that did like her only to have parts of her kit change, however. It sucks of course but like with 1.0 Speed and Range Lucio, sometimes things are going to change; some will love it others will hate it but we have to move forward.

Ah I didn’t realize, I’ll ignore them then. Man, you’d think trolls had anything better to do with their lives, but they just like wasting people’s time I guess. It’s such a sad mental state I frankly can’t understand it, but whatever- I don’t have to live that life lol.


Except there are many that say the opposite. They just spend less time on the forums because they have better things to do than complain.

The thing I don’t understand is folks complaining about Mercy when they have specifically stated that they have identified characters more to their liking

I am not saying folks don’t have the right to complain – folks do indeed have every right to do so. But if one has already found a character they like better, to me, they move on and leave the less liked character behind…no need for further complaints

Megadodo isn’t a troll. They can just take things a bit too literally sometimes.

To be clear, the statement I replied to was that Mercy’s healing is worthless, when it factually isnt

That doesn’t work when they constantly keep changing the characters that I like. You can’t say “Just find a character you like!” when the game is constantly changing the characters.

Like - people deserve to have opinions on characters. If you like Mercy as-is, great for you. I liked Mercy AS SHE WAS when she had mas res. Who among us is ‘right’? Both, really - because ultimately it’s an opinion.

In my opinion the game is becoming hard trash, Mercy has been screwed over to the point where she’s fundamentally boring to play, and she’s been outclassed by Ana and Moira as a primary healer because she has no ability to introduce skill to her kit. That’s all I gotta say about that.


Yeah I explained how what I said wasn’t about her healing, it was about the concept of how her healing is distributed [slow and steady vs. hard and fast] and they either still were trolling me or still didn’t get it.

Like there’s a difference between a concept and what you’re literally talking about but I don’t know how to get through that with tone and the internet and all that. And TBH I’m just here pre-coffee dicking around so who knows maybe I don’t make all that much sense, but - Mercy’s healing isn’t ‘worthless’, it is however worth LESS than other healers like Ana and Moira when you’re looking at the big picture of the current game where speed and burst everything is KING.

Slow and steady don’t win this game.

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Hi there…Mercy’s healing is fine.

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