I don't understand the Mercy logic

Patch notes leaked!
Rez now applies a dynamite on the ally

No, one is demanding Mass Res…there is never a time that a little digging will not uncover that buried worm.

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I think he felt himself called out.
But hey if the cap fits, he should wear it.

I’m all for having skill expression within a hero etc etc. I do want that for Mercy.

Not through Mass Rez though. We need to just move on from that for real…

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I really never understood the sense of urgency Blizzard had when they told us they were about to rework Mercy

She wasn’t that of a much needed pick back then, Zen, Lucio, Ana, even symmetra with shield generator, they all provided something.

The issue now is that you have 3 mains healers Ana, Moira, Baptiste: these 3 provide insane burst heal but dont have defensive ult

And you have Zen, Lucio, Brigitte, as off healers with utility (discord, speedboost, aoe healing and rally) but they got strong defensive ultimate.

Finally you have Mercy, who are in what they believe in a fine spot, when she’s not a main healer with only 50hp/s beam, no burst, but she’s not even an off healer neither.

Sorry she’s an off healer, but out of Zen, Lucio, she’s by far the worst pick. Valk never felt so much unfun and useless compared to a real sound barrier or trans, and her rez is somewhat makes her interesting in first point 2cp.

Other than that she’s a kit that is the least competitive compared to other healer.

So it’s either they revert the rework, they put the mass rez on ultimate like before and we get back a solid counterplay to grav, and they put valkyrie on a shorter cooldown and as an ability
OR they buff both her healing beam back to 60hp/s and they allow healing/dps beam at the same time during valkyrie.

Then maybe we’ll have a Mercy that is not a must pick and is competitive enough with the other healing cast


this is one of the changes included in the dodo compromise rework.

feel free to take a look

Many, many folks are still demanding mass rez, including but not limited to the toxic and entitled revertmercy/reworkmercy (same thing, different packaging) groups

I find Mercy to be impactful, period, both in games I play and in games I watch (across multiple tiers, including top 500) where others are playing her

The debate isn’t whether or not she’s boring.

Most players find mercy balanced. The problem is many of the suggestions people who play mercy make will cause mercy to not be balanced.

Not to mention that mercy players can’t seem to agree on what would make mercy better and that there’s 90,000 different suggestions and “fixes”

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I agree that this shoudnt be what is debated, but unfortunately a lot of player complaints focus on how fun and/or engaging she is to them personally, rather than the more important issues of balance

For example, I personally dont find Genji to be fun or engaging. This doesnt mean I need to post thousands of complaints about how I want genji changed so I can have fun playing Genji, it means I need to try playing the other characters instead and find another character I do have fun with - or barring that, another game I can enjoy.

After all, many other players love Genji, so why should he be changed simply to suit my personal tastes?

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Exactly. Fun and engaging are subjective. Balance is not.

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I mean the devs also have said “fun” is one of their 3 tiers of balance, so if the people who love the character are complaining that they arent fun, well they’re failing 1/3 of their balance triangle

That was literally why Mercy was changed. Because a minority of the playerbase complained enough, so they needed it changed because it didn’t suit their personal tastes.

Blizzard has set a precedent that if you complain enough they’ll cave in eventually. Complain to Blizzard if you don’t like the current state of the forums.


Blizzard’s stated reasons for the removal of mass rez do not match the reasons stated above

Blizzards stated reasons for the removal of mass rez was that there was unwanted behavior occurring with Mercy players wherein healing was being withheld from teammates, and teammates were being encouraged to die

So, you’re basically saying players should leave Mercy to die because she’s easy to learn so she should not be able to do impact. And any player can just pick her up and master her, because she requires no brains. BRAVO. 10 OUT OF 10. Oh, and you had an argument with skill. Know Reinhardt? He is a one-star hero. According to your argument, a bronze player can play him as well as a grandmaster. Why play 2-star Orisa when you can play one-star Reinhardt? Because she has her advantages. And she is fun to play for some more than for others. It’s the same with Mercy. As you practice, you become better. But with her, you just can’t keep your team alive. You can’t solo heal with her when she is supposed to be a main healer. That’s the point. And out of all the people, you should know. And leaving her is as good as deleting her. She should be used to an advantage, but right now there is no good picking her if you want to keep your team alive.

And to top it off she has literally no option to ‘amp it up’ or boost it in any way. Her healing is ‘the most consistent’ but it’s also the lowest, slowest and in a game where fast and heavy is king it’s… Kinda worthless.


What they did for Brig. The whole delete brig movement of ppl saying she isn’t fun to play against so the devs nerfed her and pleased the haters… kind of

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As an experiment, I invite any reader interested to work with Carver in the following fashion: set up a custom game with Carver as any non-support character he/she wishes and you as Mercy, versus 3 hard AIs. Run at least one game (preferably several) where you pocket Carver’s character with Mercy’s healing, and then run the same number of games with identical conditions with one exception - this time, you play Sombra, and you remain invisible the entire time to simply observe what occurs

Report results of how well Carver did with Mercy’s healing and without Mercy’s healing back to this thread

I’m not sure why they don’t change Valkyrie to be more involved, some people just seem to be scared of change.


You forgot the second half of the Guys against Mercy:

“…like she’s supposed to be, because she’s low skill.”

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