I dont like the game anymore due to 222

I think zarya is actually to weak for the current meta. Ive played her alot.
If you play in low ranks you always get 100% energy dont matter what happens.
Yes then she is broken. In higher ranks Diamond+. PPl dont shoot on your bubble that much anymore.

When Zarya cant get energy she is useless. Also i think there are to much counters now for grav. Moira can just run out Orisa can just run out. Baptiste can do his survivability spell.

I hear the new Call of Duty looks nice


You know what suddenly brought people out of the woodwork too?

Mercy stuff.

You guys are the new Mercy threads


Open a second queue for freedom of choice and keep 2-2-2- queues open


man you got told off lol

Team Fortress 2? Dirty Bomb?

the Meta was literally 4 dps a healer and Hammond before they told pros 222 was coming. What are you EVEN on about


Definitely rocket league

I’m so glad players who think they can carry if they switch to dps can no longer screw over thier team.


So you are suggesting a 222 q and an old school pick whatever you want q? That would split the comp playerbase too much not to mention that it’s unrealistic.

I think it’s safe to say that 222 is going to be the only option available, so then the question becomes what can be done within 222 to solve the issues?

My solution is the best one that is also realistic and within the confines of what is clearly the system they intend to keep. Going outside 222 for solutions would make blizzard look very bad and quite weak so I doubt that is a path they would choose to take.

They’re a minority. Most people who wanted 2-2-2, still want it. Including myself. I would never want to go back to the ****show that was ranked before 2-2-2. Never would I ever want to have 4 DPS without me having any say again. Never would I want having zero healers in a ranked environment again, or zero tanks. No thank you. 2-2-2 is a blessing


There are some titles in the same genre that come close but they’re way less polished. I can’t really recommend. If you like mix of melee/shooter but co-op pve Warhammer: Vermintide 2 is my go to. The gameplay is quite fast paced and satisfying.

You still have the ability to flex within your role.

Report and avoid those players. People have been throwing in Overwatch since the beginning of time it’s not anything new.

In no way a problem of 2/2/2 role - lock itself.

The only true issue in this whole post.

You still have the ability to do both.

Well, unfortunately, that’s simply how it is. You better start learning more heroes if you don’t want to wait for the DPS queues, because if more people start playing Tanks/Supports then that’s the only way the DPS queues will be decreased.

It’s all in your hand.

Most Tanks out there require aim. Not a good argument at all.

Funny, I have increased SR in all 3 roles. Maybe you didn’t belong where you initially placed pre - 2/2/2 role - lock?


Actually had the opposite affect on me. I thought it’d be horrible, but discovered I quite like it.

I totally understand the other side’s views though (I mean … I came from there. XP)

I wish something could be done in an effort to compromise. Keeping QP as-is and adding unraked or RQ QP to the arcade instead might be a good start. … But then again, if the game is going to be balanced around 2-2-2 in the future, I guess it makes sense that that’d be the normal QP play experience. :confused:

They could at least let people queue for a DM lobby while waiting in queue. Give them something to do instead of alt-tabbing out, I suppose, and allow for more practice.

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Just play some minecraft during the dps Que time. Ive gotten a pretty decent World just playing during the Que. I recomend a HQM like Regrowth or BloodnBones if you like the older versions

a return to No Limits is the only solution!

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BBQ & Chili ruined the skill level? I’m sorry, but if you actually believe that, then . . .


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Why do you spam this as a “solution” when you weren’t even around when that nightmare was in place? You’ve often said you started in season 7.

If you want a replacement, wait till “Bleeding Edge” comes out.

Seems to be a game similar to Overwatch

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they weren’t aware of my genius solution How to Perfectly Balance the Game