I dont like the game anymore due to 222

Sorry, but “flexing within one role” is one of these statements that make little sense. Like, okay, you can flex within “tank role”, can you flex within “dps role” then? And did it count when your 4th DPS Genji swapped to Hanzo? Technically, he flexed, right?


Support/tank player who also plays dps, I hate it even though i liked it like one week ago.


The solution is really simple and i hope blizzard sees it. They can kill two birds with one stone. Lower dps q times substantially while incentivizing people playing off roles to win (and not just play matches for rewards/lower q times in that role).

You accomplish this by giving high priority in dps q to those who have won a match or matches as tank/support without playing dps. So the more you win in those two roles the higher your priority becomes until you play dps which resets your priority back to regular. Problem solved, the game becomes much better instantly.


To me, that masks the problem rather than solving it


I guess I have a few.

  • World of Warcraft Classic. - If you want to stay with a Blizzard title. Btw it is $15.00 PER MONTH to play. (it really should be $10 per month)
  • Team Fortress 2 :wink: - Except the Ammatuer server owners get out of thand.
  • Minecraft - Fun game MINUS the new mob “Phantoms”.
  • Dead by Daylight - It was fun until BBQ & Chili ruined the skill level.
  • Payday 2
  • Left 4 Dead 2

Don’t mind the semantics, most of us get what you mean and yeah, I agree, “flexing” within a role definitely helps. At least for me it did, been having to do it a lot more with RoleQ, it feels.

Ok then I have two questions for you.

  1. How does that not solve the problems of high dps q times and lack of incentive for winning in off role matches?

  2. What is a better solution that you can come up with to these same problems? And it has to be realistic so something like get rid of 2-2-2 doesn’t count. I am assuming that role lock is here to stay.

It kind of is though… it really is. You get tilted and go Widow or Torb from Tank when you can’t even aim- to throw on purpose. That’s toxic.

I have already clarified that “toxic” is a word that only applies to communication, both text and voice

I hate when I get 5 dps insta lock 5 times a day.


There’s tens of thousands of great games out there. Do your own research - it’s not hard.


Apparently some people couldnt use the LFG and had to force all the rest because they lack versatility.

Yeeey! Thats basically it. With the forced 222, one of the pillars of the game, the base it was built on, gets severed. Brutally.
… and some people are clapping, but also complaining that the things that many of us said was going to happen, are happening. Enjoy! :rofl:


Still just the extremely vocal minority who were likely the 5th dps on a team before


I was wondering why every tank in this game feels so bad to shoot with and i’m hoping for a mid-long range tank

wow are we the same person

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I know of no valid data to support the claim of a minority in the satement quoted above

Sure, the anti 2-2-2 people are not just the loud small group, The game is obviously collapsing from this :open_mouth:

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Yeah, we clearly have not seen like 12-20 threads per week of people regretting or backing out from 222 support. Yep, totally never happened because, let me guess :

  • Disagrees with you and points clear issues = vocal minority
  • Agrees 222 is god sent and fixed 99% of the game and anything else is a weird extreme and hyperbolic example = voice of truth.

Gotcha, thanks.


I mean, I highly doubt Blizzard would make a change as big as this without certainty that a majority of the playerbase was cool with forced 2-2-2 and role queue so there’s that.

I do not find that to be valid data to support the claim of a majority

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What kind of game, the same type? There are lots of shooters out there AFAIK. Perhaps not exactly like OW, the only thing that comes close I think it’s team fortress 2.