I dont like the game anymore due to 222

I dont like losing without the ability to switch.
I dont like fast queue DPS moira/ana.
Im bored of playing tank. None of the tanks has range, and i cant participate in countering certain situations. I like zarya but even as powerful as she is i got bored of her, and also in the future she will get nerfed …So…
I miss playing DPS.
I miss playing my boy mccree…
I know DPS queue is still there but i like playing , not waiting. 10 minutes for a match ; sorry but I dont have all day to play this game.
I gotten bad at aiming due to tank only queuing.
I have very low SR compared to the SR i had when i played without 222.

Sure the 222 seemed like a great idea, I was excited, but in practice, it literally removed all the fun from the game. The game has died for me.

Can someone suggest me a nice game to replace OW with? This is an important question here.

Edit : moved to destiny 2. I can finally shoot guns and play how I want without any dumb restrictions like in over watch . Overwatch and it’s unfun 222 annoyance is now part of the past and shall be forgotten .


I don’t like being locked in but I definitely feel like people flex more. The only thing that sucks is when they don’t


I started playing Smite in place of OW.


Seeing more and more folks who initially supported Forced queue coming forward with their reversal in opinion after actually seeing the horrendously bad (imo) affect it has had on our game

(thanks @Undertone! good to see you here)


It’s just DPS mains that’s all


I am a support main and hate Forced Queue

Many other tank/support mains have said the same in other Forced Queue related threads throughout these forums


Yeah i forgot players taht like to play dps are satanists and the tank /healer players are saints.


Well those players have been putting up with 4-5DPS for 3 years so…


{In hammonds voice}: sarcasm detected


I’ve decided to finally try the Far Cry games.

cod mw is upon us :smiley: get that TACTICAL NUKE INCOMING

Good thing u still have that ability

Oh ur 1 of those that just switches to dps whenever u start losing

I see

Call of duty or any other shooter that doesn’t revolve so much around team oriented gameplay and team synergy i guess


I know i have played with dps players, but i dont ever recall putting up with any, aside from things unrelated to the dps role like toxicity or leavers

Well, on PC , COD is a horrible game with low population, so i dont see it happening…
I like COD, but they dont do a nice job for PC .

Picking 4th DPS is legit toxicity- throwing and whatever you name it. The kind of people to yell on voice chat and in role queue there is a huge amount of DPS mains trying out other roles and blaming the DPS in their team for “not carrying enough” etc. because they can’t switch to DPS anymore. Yikes


Support main here. I hate role queue with all my heart. Playing the game less and less now.



1.Picking a dps character is never throwing in a game that promised every player that they could pick or swap to any available character

2.Toxicity is communication based…swearing, insults, racism, homophobia, threats of rl violence, etc etc etc. Picking a character is never toxicity


its literally impossible to flex now what do you mean


You’re locked into a role so if you feel like it’s not working you’re more pressured to make the team comp work. Flexing within your role is still flexing

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That’s not flexing. That’s "maining."