I dont like the game anymore due to 222

Just play some minecraft during the dps Que time. Ive gotten a pretty decent World just playing during the Que. I recomend a HQM like Regrowth or BloodnBones if you like the older versions

a return to No Limits is the only solution!

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BBQ & Chili ruined the skill level? I’m sorry, but if you actually believe that, then . . .


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Why do you spam this as a “solution” when you weren’t even around when that nightmare was in place? You’ve often said you started in season 7.

If you want a replacement, wait till “Bleeding Edge” comes out.

Seems to be a game similar to Overwatch

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they weren’t aware of my genius solution How to Perfectly Balance the Game

You don’t get to decide what toxic means. The definition of a word commonly used by the playerbase of a game is determined by how the overwhelming majority of the playerbase considers the proper use of the word.

The overwhelming majority of players agree that swapping to a hero you don’t feel will actually give you higher chances of winning is toxic regardless of context.


Dodo does that, changes definitions to suit their own argument.


It’s the game’s fault cuz playing DPS heroes is much more fun, you have more characters to choose from, more playstyles to master, and in an First person SHOOTER game you just want to have fun shooting and killing the enemy and not holding a barrier or holding down left click so the others can have fun, pushing the payload is not fun neither… Overwatch is a game where you have to actually work for your team and not just have fun, is a game with which i’m not having fun playing it, but it’s addictive and the lore, the characters, and the abilities drags you in… I’m support main for like a year now(Baptiste/Ana), cuz a lots of my friends quit OW cuz nobody wanted to play tanks or healer so I became one, and i’m not saying that I don’t enjoy playing this role but I would really want to master Ashe,Sombra if I could…And after all of this, when your dps just flank alone against 3 enemy, don’t stay behind the barrier or behind the tank, don’t group up or work together with us, cannot kill anything and they just cry in a corner for healing WITHOUT THE LINE OF SIGHT,don’t even join Voice chat and just calls us gays and blames us for losing…Yeah i can’t help but i’m gonna smile when I hear that dps has to wait 10 minutes for a match…

In 7,400 posts have “they” ever responded to your “genius”? Spamming nonsensical ideas doesn’t make them worthy of response from a development team. Globally adjusting hitpoints for heroes every time a game is won or lost with that character in an asymmetrical team-based game goes beyond nonsensical, beyond trolling, beyond anything I know an appropriate word for.

Go improve your skills instead of spamming nonsense and you’ll climb.


that took a lot of time for such a small amount of words

but it should be symmetrical, rock paper scissors lizard spock is a symmetrical system

All about my personal climb through the SR ladder talk about that here please

Exactly … I mean I’m tired of the few tanks there are, and most of them are boring and not appealing at all . Now when it comes to dps, there is a nice variety , they are automatically more fun too. I mean even in OWL they promote the dps action BECAUSE it’s fun, but the player base gets the shaft with having to play THE FEW tanks there ,and the BORING tanks there are…


? It took me 8 minutes to formulate and type out of thoughtful response. It took you 3 minutes to ignore every question I asked and point I made, and add some more nonsense on top. Are you saying every post should take 3 minutes or less, regardless of quality or length?

Then maybe you should make your own 2-dimensional game on a square board where each side plays with the same pieces, and there is only 1 person on either side?

Have you considered that checkers might be more your style?

Paladins is really fun imo. It’s like Overwatch, but less frustrating

1- Better to not switch constantly to different roles and have a proper comp till the end, than starting with a decent comp and 2 minutes later when one single wipe happens, 2 people swapping to dps.

2- DPS moiras and anas are throwers. You might not have noticed, but this isn’t new in this game. Report, avoid, move on.

3- Then don’t que as tank!

4- Then que as dps and wait 3 extra minutes…

5- If you’re still not satisfied, then goodluck and goodbye. May you find a better fps game to play.

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this is unfounded

no, I’ll post my request on the message board, one of the reasons why they’re here

The SR system will match me with similarly skilled players.

Yep, and dps heroes are harder to play(not all of them), and requires more mechanical skills to master… It almost feels like the game itself would say that if you go tank or healer you don’t have good aim…And ofc there are tank,healer characters now who are hard to play like Hammond,Ana, Baptiste, Sigma, but we need more…
EDIT: Ohh and I would suggest TeamFortress 2, Apex Legends, Paladins, Rainbow Six Siege, Cod, Star Wars Battlefront 2

But people play it on PC? Are there active players ?

Plus 222 is boring af.

My play time has gone down about 75%

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Eh prob best for the people that don’t enjoy ow anymore to quit.

Then the devs will come out and ask the community why is everyone leaving and maybe listen.

For now these threads are ignored. Show your voice with a silent breakup.