I don't get 6v6 with 2 tanks

I’m talking about how Orisa/Rein wasn’t the meta, but it was fast on it’s way to becoming one, but that was stopped by the Mei nerfs.

Skip the nerfs, and wait 2-to-3 more weeks, and it would have been meta.

No it wasn’t.


How can you possibly know that?

There’s no synergy between a brawler and poke. There never has been, and never will be.

You only saw rein/orisa in low ranks, or in QP games.


That’s wrong. Mei was largely interchangeable for Brig in DoubleBarrier comps.

And the reason Orisa/Rein was in ascendancy was because Mei full countered Sigma before her nerfs.

Mei was not interchangable with Brig.

And you played Mei in rush comps. Orisa was never played in those comps.

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What’s your justification for that statement?

I put hundreds of hours into this stuff, and, at the time, in December 2019, I was watching the stuff like a hawk.

So I’m not gonna accept “Because” as the entire justification.

6v6 was the more popular version of ow.

Which version we get is still up in the air because there’s several.

But playing tank and playing off tank are two different styles. That’s one of the things 5v5 is missing.

Roadhog doesn’t hit the same as a main tank. Just as Tank Doomfist is a downgrade from DPS Doomfist.

But since you haven’t played the biggest difference is 6v6 has a slower pace and more strategy because having more tanks cuts down on instantly getting deleted.

Widowmaker’s has to work harder for that one shot.

I look forward to 6v6, but I have no clue which version the devs are bringing. And if we are keeping these horrible role passives

What’s your justification for claiming they’re interchangeable in rush?

With respect, what you’re saying just doesn’t make sense.

I didn’t make that statement.

You’re confused. First you claimed Mei was interchangable with Brig in double barrier comps (which suggests to me you don’t know what Brig’s role was). You also claimed Mei countered Sig (which is true, but not in double barrier, Mei countered Sig because of Rush).

I’m trying to correct you.

I didn’t make that statement.

Mei was not interchangable for Brig in double barrier comps.

Mei countered Sig because she was part of rush comp. Orisa wasn’t played in Rush.

Then I wish you didn’t sound like someone who has never actually played in any of these comps. Again, I’m trying to correct you. With respect, you sound like a typical lower ranked/quickplay player

it was glorious! you would have Orisa, in her original configuration…and Reinhardt…and between them…you could spend the entire match shooting at shields…

why, it was amazing! and mind numbingly boring

Here are the forms of play in 6v6:

  • Both teams looking at each other until you got ults and then you tried to burn the other team’s tanks down. This was with two brawls or two pokes.
  • Two dive tanks diving your back line and you scrambling to protect your supports. Then you do the same to them. This was when the tanks were dive tanks,
  • Your tanks didn’t make picks that synergize, and you just lose.

Where’s the respect if I use evidence, and you don’t?

Your opinions aren’t evidence.

Did I write a bunch of Mei nerfs in December 2019, that ended up in the game by January 2020?

Did you read the posts for any of them?

If not, where’s the Objectivity?

Mei wasn’t played in double shield. Mei didn’t hard counter sigma alone, rush comp did.

Again, your opinions are just that. Your opinions. You’re not a subject matter expert here. You’re an average player who has their own opinions.


argumentum ignorantiam

Can you point to literally anybody else in the entire community with a better track record than me?

Asside from current and former Blizzard staff.

If so, who?