it makes sense to think of it that way and honestly it was kind of like that, however tanks were squishier and their skills were weaker as well, breaking rein’s shield was honestly relatively easy
not saying double shield meta was fun but it wasn’t as bad either, personally I prefer the weaker tanks with potential for strong combos
That was a problem at first, but they nerfed Rein’s barrier (along with Sigma’s and Orisa’s). It went down to 1.6k HP at the end of 2019 in the Great Barrier Patch™. Before that, people ran double barrier comps that featured characters that could work around barriers, like DPSfist.
It did suck to burn down, don’t get me wrong, but it was easier than it is now due to having another tank to help burn down. Add an Orisa on to a team and that’s ~130 DPS of barrier break, even if it was still really darn boring to do so.
Little bit of column A and a little bit of column B imo. You’re right that Rein had 2K shield (before later eventually being nerfed to help try and address double barrier), and there was potentially another barrier (or matrix) to help prevent potential incoming damage. Tanks also had lower health pools and did overall less damage than they do today. The addition of a 2nd tank also meant you had a little more damage going out to help break those barriers.
Honestly though, I don’t think double barrier would be quite as big of an issue as it was back then. There are more counter play options than there were back then. I also think 6v6 would have a different set of balancing challenges, though it would also help alleviate the counter swap the tank mini game a lot of players have grown tired of.
Well, OQ was probably the best state that OW1 was in. It didn’t used to be RQ, until everyone started playing only tanks and supports. They couldn’t figure out how to balance the game properly, so they added RQ in, and then double shield happened. Double shield wasn’t fun to play against because you couldn’t switch to 3 DPS to break it, and…well, OW has pretty much been a mess for a long time, lol.
5v5 is probably one of the best states it’s been in, post RQ. If they for some reason test 6v6, I’m almost positive it will fail. Not only because queue times will be insanely long (like they were in OW1), but also because it’s just not fun to play against two tanks, like you are saying.
To be fair, I don’t know if they rebalanced tanks for april fools OQ, but they were balanced much differently in OW1. Not that it was much better though.
Didn’t they confirm they are going to inevitably in the future after they figure out some of the kinks they want to work out and then hear what the community thinks? There was an article about it where Aaron was (from my reading of it anyways) they would prefer 5v5 for a number of reasons but they hear the community and want to try and resolve the issue whether it’s 5v5, 6v6, or both.
I did prefer 6v6, but I think if they brought it back as is it would immediately fail. One of the big reasons they changed to 5v5 was queue times, and presumably that would still be an issue. So no way they could go back to RQ 6v6. OQ 6v6 they already tried to move away from with RQ. I am guessing they will do something like role limits when they test it?
I’m mostly curious to see what they do. I prefer 6v6. Am also okay with 5v5 even though I think it has issues that frustrate me a bit more personally.
It was not the meta, but in mid and low ranks you had this kind of stuff, yes. Ultimates where the only point two equally strong teams could make a move or a big mistake from an enemy.
I don’t know. I think they said they want to bring it back but 6v6 has too many “kinks” as you call it, so they said it’s still something like at least a year away. But they also said we’d have PvE with skill trees so…I’m not exactly going to just say, “6v6 is coming back!”
I was a big fan of overwatch before they introduced RQ, so, if they could figure out some way to get back to that, I’d be all for it. I just, don’t exactly have faith.
Fair enough, I myself would rather have the two tanks back, I enjoyed the tank synergies and as much of a slog it can be to fight 2 or more tanks, I find it’s more bearable than being the only tank on the team. That’s why I more or less stick to OQ now and rarely play RQ. Plus OQ has the added benefit of a lot less DPS players in it doing DPS things which makes playing support a lot easier
Rein’s shield was never a problem. Rein gets to be difficult to play into when he has too much armor. Two tanks means you can nerf them to not be raid bosses.
You’ll never Rein and Sig on a team together, given Rein is a brawler and Sig is poke
You can see Rein and DVa together, but with two tanks you can actually nerf both of them so that if you catch one alone they just explode in two seconds. You can’t think of 6v6 with the assumption that tanks have anywhere near their current power levels.
OW1 tanks were pretty much double shield or Rein/Zarya buble trouble. Diva back than was a glass canon and pretty much all the tanks were not such fighters, like they are now.