I don’t think reworks are something that devs should do anymore

I hope torb basically gets deleted so everyone who played torb will see how it was for sym and then maybe they will do somehting

No, Mercy stayed OP for a year. This Healing nerf does not erase her being extremely OP and a must pick. Rework didn’t work well.

HARDY HAR HAR you’re a funny guy

Clearly shows how much Sombra you play

The majority of players think the Mercy rework worked out. It just doesn’t seem that way because we’re not creating 52 threads about it a day.

HOW TO FIX SYMMETRA - from a Symmetra main

I jusss gonna leave this here.

I also think Sombra didn’t need her infinite stuff like… plz… my speediness… giv eit backkkk…

It was a buff overall. I think it was a good rework.

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