I don’t think reworks are something that devs should do anymore

Ah I see what you mean then. Carry on

What? They completely dismissed my opinion and called it a joke, then took off without explaining… Are you missing something?

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So what? Brush it off and don’t get so triggered by it.

Guess what, people are sassy, and normally you reply with sass as well, not general rudeness

Edit: ONE PERSON said it was a joke, and you claimed “they” did it

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They don’t know how to buff/nerf in moderation. They always go to one extreme or the other.

I am not triggered. Sorry is responding to someone now classed as being ‘triggered’? I don’t get what your point is. If someone is going to call my opinion a joke, what do you expect me to do? And I did leave it, yet you respond and start it all over again.

Sorry where was my ‘rudeness’? I wasn’t the one dismissing other people’s opinions with no explanation.

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You have yet to give YOUR explanations on dismissing their opinions. Would you PLEASE explain so you don’t look like a hypocrite?

I gave my opinion. If someone wishes to disagree with me, then they can do so. But then they need to explain why, and not just call it a joke. I was commenting on the OP, sharing my thoughts. I really don’t know what you’re arguing but it doesn’t make sense. You’re changing your argument everytime.

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Your saying they need to explain why they believe they are correct, yet you have done none of that yourself.

Yeah, you gave your opinion, SO DID THEY. And their opinion is contradictory to yours, so dismissing it is only natural.


Are you missing something? They didn’t state any opinion, all they did was call mine a joke. They only responded to me here.

The rest of the post is not replying to me. They didn’t explain why they thought I was joking, or how I am ‘wrong’.

Context, mate. Context.
You don’t have to say flat out “I think this hero is blahblahblah”, you can clearly tell by the extremity of “Nice joke” means her opinion is polar to yours. Meaning she thinks mercy is WEAK.

I can not believe I have to explain context and the English language to a forum user… actually I can.

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No. Now you’re just assuming things to support your argument. Which I still don’t even understand.

I cannot believe you think ‘Nice Joke’ is a reasonable response to then just take off after without explaining yourself.

I am done with this argument because I really don’t even understand what you’re arguing. You can say they were ‘implying’ this but at the end of the day they were just trolling. Goodbye.

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It’s not a reasonable response, THAT’S HOW YOU CAN TELL SHE’S AGAINST YOU.

Please, PLEASE be done with this argument! Your grasp on human interaction seems to be fading away by the second!

I’ve had to explain English before too. Don’t worry. XP

Also, I was literally just doing exactly what you did in your post. XP
You just said “She’s fine” with a single emoji and didn’t provide an ounce of detail as to why. So… Yeah! :innocent:

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It sucks that Sombra will never get looked at again because pros claim shes good.

Such bs

Because that’s was my opinion. You didn’t state your opinion, you just said ‘nice joke’. If you’re going to take it as a joke, then at least explain why it’s a joke.

And you need to stop shifting goalposts. It was a conversation you weren’t part off, and you called out Hanqz for no reason.

That’s what OP asked for.

You aren’t doing anything better either. You’re arguing with him and resorting to name calling now. Please heed your own advice.

If someone has a different opinion than him, they can tell him why, and he has the right to respond to it


D.vas rework?
hers was a massive success.
they made her less a DM bot and more of an offensive off-tank that pressures the enemy, and dm actually takes skill now because it’s usage is as short as a zarya bubble.

I actually did. XP

Just, super simplified.

Actually, we were talking about

That! How they were saying that we were providing no explanation… even though they did the exact same thing. XP

It’s important to differentiate between “sucks and didn’t used to suck” and “sucked and still sucks”.

Because the latter covers everything resembling a terrible character rework aside from Roadhog.

Likewise, Lucio and D.Va (aside from a few very short “badness” windows) have gone from “good to still good”.

As far as “made them OP” goes, we have Hanzo and Mercy as far as I can tell.

I don’t like D.va’s rework at all. I’ll admit I was a DM bot main and didn’t like learning the new playstyle, but it also left her quietly OP. She used to be a more defensive option in dive or triple tank and would be swapped out for Hog or Soldier with more aggressive teams. When she basically became a fat DPS, triple DPS dive vanished and every triple tank comp uses her. She’s consistently had an even higher pickrate than Mercy at her height. The rework removed a lot of variety within metas.