I don’t think reworks are something that devs should do anymore

Absolutely OP - :eight_spoked_asterisk:
Absolutely sucks - :negative_squared_cross_mark:
Actually worked out - :white_check_mark:

Mercy: :eight_spoked_asterisk:
Symmetra: :negative_squared_cross_mark:
Torb(His is going to be coming soon)::question:
Sombra: :negative_squared_cross_mark:
Bastion (yes I’m going to count him, because his Ironclad ability): :negative_squared_cross_mark:


Mercy - :white_check_mark:

Symmetra - :negative_squared_cross_mark:

Sombra - :white_check_mark:

Hanzo - :eight_spoked_asterisk:


Hahahahaha, nice joke. Anyways…

Both :eight_spoked_asterisk:️ And :negative_squared_cross_mark:, started out absolutely OP, now it just sucks.

I’m not sure how I feel on symmetra. Yeah it’s cool and all, but it’s just… eh, I guess.

And I am legitimately scared for Torbjörn. I really hope he doesn’t go down either Mercy or Symmetras path.


Ok, my opinion differs to yours. Therefore I am wrong.


Lucio and D.va. You could count Hanzo’s since he’s finally balanced.


Surprised, someone would think Mercy rework worked out


I do. I don’t think it was the worst rework at least. I think it’s better than her previous state.


D.Va’s rework ended up working out fairly well. The biggest issue I have with the rework is that she can no longer viably solo-tank, forcing me onto Rein a lot more than I would like.

But any opinion that differs yours, you call spam, toxic, troll, etc…

And the only people who find her ”Fine” are the people who don’t actually play her, it seems. So it’s more “I don’t have to worry about her undoing kills and put healing damage with 60 hps anymore, so it’s fine.”

Please explain. If you’re talking about the ‘Buff Doomfist, Hanzo and Brigitte’ thread then you simply do not have an argument.

No… I have played enough to make an opinion on her. I think she’s fine.

Um, no. I mean countless other threads before that (On Mercy! XP) that you’ve said that on, I haven’t even looked at the “Buff those guys” thread because I don’t agree. Mostly if I don’t agree, I stay out of them. I wish others did the same.

Yes… and I stated my opinion on those…? Your point is? If they are spamming, trolling or being toxic I will then say they are… Which, cough they were.

And no. I don’t stay out of things I disagree with. Because if everybody did that, nothing would improve. If someone is making a statement that I disagree with, I will challenge it. It’s called a discussion.

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sombra is good, her downfall is team coordination.


Bruh, you comment on every post that disagrees with you… What gives?

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I’m…okay with reworks…

But they shouldn’t be handed out so casually.

Like, take scatter arrow for example. People were upset it could one shot tanks. So…why didn’t they just change the damage? Why did they have to go and make a WHOLE NEW ABILITY? It was unnecessary.

And rez, if they had a problem with the number of players getting Rezzed, they could have just capped the amount of players Mercy can revive with her ult. Let’s say three, the three most recent killed players would revive. She wouldn’t have lost her multi-rez power and would still be considered fun.

TLDR: The devs should try to fix what we have instead of going STRAIGHT to reworking/replacing abilities.

I comment on them yes. I don’t call them a joke just because they differ to my opinion. Unless of course, they are trolling. Sorry is disagreeing now not allowed?

I think you took the comment a lil too seriously my dude

it aint that deep

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I liked the rework…could it be better? Sure…but absolutely prefer it over the old ult…but we can sit here all day and argue over opinions

the most arrogant comment ive seen on forums today…mercy mains obviously have a right to their opinions of her…but theres something to be said for the opinion of a person who doesnt JUST play mercy…someone who has knowledge of how all characters play/feel (healers in particular) and can make opinions based on how she compares to others…i daresay that opinion might very well be more valuable than that of a mercy main…the devs dont just look at her…why should we…changes to her affect everyone else as well


No, I didn’t take it too seriously. Other people did. I simply gave my response yet people want to keep replying to that response so of course I will respond.

And I’ve seen that person’s posts, thats how they always respond when someone disagrees. They just call it a joke without actually explaining.

They legitimately said nothing to you before you started spamming them, like what?

God forbid someone have a differing opinion

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