That is because the MM will gauge your skill and try to match you, so if suddenly you begin to play better, you will get tougher conditions (better enemies, worse team mates).
But this is a flaw of the MM. A (as an example) 2800 SR game should be a 2800 SR game. If you are playing tank to that level, you should find a well matched game, but on your DPS you should get annihilated. Conversely, if you get decently matched on your DPS, you should absolutely tear through it if you are 1000 SR better on your tank. And it should continue like that until you are 1000 SR higher.
But that is not how it works, instead you will get matched wherever you are, even if you are way better on your main.
What the hell is this game’s MM that would give a 3800 SR player a tough game in a 2800 SR lobby?
Smurfing became a thing based on RQ. While existed prior to it, were really rare.
Anybody who tries to distinct alt from smurfs are going against it’s own definition of:
“New accounts being played by experienced players through matches on purpose”
While often associated with noobstomp or playing below their current ranks, doesn’t change the fact of messing everybody on the ladder between their main account rank and the starting state. If wasn’t an issue folks would do on their mains to begin with.
Banned or locked accounts can reflect on smurfs also, but those cases still are related to on purpose, because bans are often related to breaking ToS the one folks signed.
Anybody who was above of Gold on their mains are already elegible to be considered smurfs, because they’re already playing outside their current ranks. Even on cases of playing above their ranks can also be considered it, but often are just called alts or rank reset, those also can be considered smurfing even if the behavior is weird enough and temporarily put them on other ranks.
Most accounts would land on the same numbers as the previous ones through entropy as long you play on both accounts in similar manner, any deviation would be more related to main/otp different characters on each acc.
Instead of counting alt accounts and feeling sorry for yourself why not actually play the game? Odds are almost none of them are GM smurfs. It’s weird that low level accounts strike fear into high level players. None of you have any confidence in your own skill after playing a game for SIX YEARS. Might be time to look in the mirror.
Except everyone has a ceiling of skill they will eventually hit. Not everyone is meant to be a top player. So unless OW is ONLY meant for top players, everyone should be able to have the matchmaking work as it’s intended so they play people around their skill level, not get stomped by lazy players that want to boost their ego and get easy wins cause their main account got showed up yesterday and their wittle feewings aw huwt.
Amazes me that the OW community talks a big talk about balance, balance, balance… and then when people say, I want my games to be balanced and fair so I’m not getting stomped by high level players in smurf accounts, suddenly it’s not balance, it’s “wHy DoNt YoU JusT LeaRn To pLaY BetTeR”. Balance isn’t just hero stats, it’s what level players are being matched up against each other.
And then all the talk of “skill”… you demand lower level players get some skill, but don’t demand the smurfs just use “skillzz” on their own main accounts and play their own level. What are THEY always so scared of? Funny.
Then find a new game or stop complaining. If you’ve been hard stuck for six years you’re not going to magically climb in the final 2 months of a dead game. You people know exactly what you’re getting into when you queue up for OW in 2022.
You said yourself, that for a few matches you will dominate if you swap to your tank role, which is 1000 SR better than your DPS. Those “few matches” is what it takes the MM to figure out that you are alot better than it thought.
but why only dominate for a few games? You should be dominating until you are 1000 SR higher.
The Matchmaker is evening you out, even at the lower level, making sure you get 50/50 games, where you should instead tear through.
That shouldn’t happen in a fair MM, it should simply allow you to climb to your real level.
Playing against smurfs is fun and is how I got better at it, destroying smurfs is now very satisfying, so even if they are then use it to learn from.
I learned some nice sight lines from playing against smurfs, I just wish I had more games with smurfs as there isnt many.
High level players hate brand new accounts that have been created simply so somebody can start in low gold and make their way back up to their true rank (diamond and above).
I mean what other reason would you make an alt account? There isnt one.
Don’t worry though, when OW2 comes out it will be a complete bloodbath of new accounts starting in low ranks and smurfing.
I for one are going to make many alt accounts and do exactly that. New players who have never played OW before are going to be so confused why they are playing so bad vs other new accounts popping off on genji and tracer
tbh i dont know what op is talking about.
i mostly play openque for the last seasons because its just more fun, peaked at 3900( wich is pretty high in openque) i encountered little to no smurfs in my games, i deranked to 3000 one time and even there its way less smurfs then in roleque.
Thats mostly the reason why you should play openque if you hate smurfs, because there are little to non. MM is kinda mixed, cause of low player numbers, ive had games with master diamond and plat in one team, so if you are plat or whatever and play against t100 master players, thats not smurfing, thats the matchmaking.
If you realy think Openque is only smurfs, go back to roleque, i bet you wont have a good time either if you cant compete in openque, wich is pretty easy and fun to play compared to roleque.
probably because the system was designed when open queue was the only mode. role queue messed the matchmaker up and they never adjusted the ranking system for it… lazy
What’s your definition? Because if it’s simply low level accounts then you would be an idiot. But I’m not calling you an idiot mind you because I don’t know your definition. Just saying that if that was the definition then that’s what you would be.
There is not some massive wave of smurfs. Cheating has ruined high rank for years. Now there are so many it’s destroying every part of this game. OW2 cheats carry on with the same license people use on OW1
I’ve quit OW months ago after playing the game since season 2 because of smurfs and super low match making quality compared to what it was before years ago.
All those guys in this thread trying to convince you smurfs are non existing or not a problem are the smurfs.