And that was only counting players who had a bronze border with 0 stars as smurfs. Obviously a few of them were legitimate new players, but there were so many obvious 1/2 star border smurfs that didn’t get counted that I’m pretty sure 33 is an underestimate.
There was also a match that got cancelled because our team had an afk, our team also had 2 smurfs and they gave us such an advantage that we won 2 team fights despite being down a player.
I remember a few years ago when I thought seeing 1 smurf every couple of matches was bad, but now we’re averaging more than 3 per lobby which is just unbelievable
Note that in Open Q overperforming players aren’t necessarily smurfs.
Due to the lack of role based SR/MMR it is extremely easy to mess up the matchmaking in a completely legitimate way.
For example my Tank SR is over 1000 SR higher than my DPS SR, so if in Open Q I would play DPS for some time and then start playing Tank again I would completely steamroll through the majority of the next bunch of games.
I’d wait in queue for 10mins as support if I could only play with Silver frames and up, 20mins for gold and up. Playing 10 quick “competitive” games that are just one team walking through the other isn’t fun win or lose.
Didn’t know that, but I’m pretty sure people bulk bought a lot of accounts in advance. I’ve seen smurfs before that are like level 30 wearing limited event skins from 2 years ago
I legit feel bad when we steamroll a 2CP match on attack in like 2 minutes, and I’ve got 3-4 gold medals with like… 7 elims and damage in the mid-four-digits. I also hate wins where the first round is a fierce fight, but then after we cap the first point 1-2 players leave and we just stomp the second point because (if the game bothers to backfill) the backfillers keep cycling out, leaving the team down a player or two. Feels almost as shi**y as being on the receiving end of either of those scenarios; I’d rather play a match where we end up losing, but it’s like an 8 minute match, and as the POTG is rolling I realize I haven’t blinked for like 5 minutes.
I actually tried open queue for the first time the last couple of days. My mmr for my first game was silver, I’m guessing because of some pre-role queue games I played a long time ago. I was surprised by how many people there were who did not fit the rank we were playing. I also got a lot of players who strongly felt like they were de-ranking, 2 stacks playing Mercy/Lucio or Lucio/Zen, or tanks/dps refusing to play with their team running in and dying 1v6.
After my placements I ended up almost plat and games really did not change much, only the smurfs seem to get even better. It might not be worth worrying about with OW2 coming in a month and a bit, but I thought I would share my experience as someone playing it for the first time.
NO you didnt OP…Those who are better than you are not “smurfs”
Guaranteed you have never played with one nor do you even know what a “smurf” even is…They’re NOT the little blue fellas from the cartoon neither