I counted, 33 smurfs in 10 open queue placement matches

Don’t blame smurfs, blame blizzard and its lack of content, ppl are bored they choosed to reroll

these smurfs know they won’t get any new content by rerolling right? This show how much stupid they are.

Above diamond you start to see 80% alt accounts in Open Q, if those people weren’t there then simply nobody else would play this dead game mode in a dead game.

The regrind is the new content

that is not new content, that is only ego feeding because they can’t win on their mains anymore, too scared.

game is always the same with same stuff, as you grind there you grind on your main, this is just another excuse to smurf

For some people it is, if blizzard introduced more content into the game, people would be more likely to stay on their main account, blizzard also did nothing against for 6 years straight because it did bring them money, it’s blizzard fault directly and indirectly.

well to me these people are really stupid.

dude if we get a new hero (wich I hoped for ow1 ) a lot of people will begin a new account ‘‘onlyNewheroname’’

but ye blizzard fault for not doin anything for the real community and caring only about owl(wich by now is boring to watch)

Smrufs/alt will stay in the game until blizzard decides it is against their rules, this will only reduce the smurfing but will still be a thing, it’s a lost cause

ye i know sadly, maybe when they see people are leaving comps one after another due this problem they will wake up