I cannot believe how... "not smart" these balancers are

Good point. Balance is a good foundation but there must be more to it. Nobody plays heads or tails with friends for hours with no twist

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Will try to answer those questions, in my usual pessimistic and cynical manner.

Worse, it’s pride. Reverting change = admitting, that you were wrong.

To put it bluntly, yes. Players always will be unhappy about something.

Because fun of Mercy players doesn’t matter.

Probably has something to do with company culture. If performance of developers is measured by how many changes they made, they would do pointless changes just to not be measured as underperformers, which leads to cuts in profit shares and bonuses.

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I’m sorry but we clearly know the don’t do that

so your view is for everyone then?


They changed mercy in a way they knew people would hate. Now they will revert those changes and do something else to rez or DB “in exchange” for the revert. I bet on them putting DB on a CD (which would be sensible) as a minimum and mercy mains will keep quiet because they got their GA back.

they will not revert the changes to mercy

Do you have a source on that? Because I don’t believe that until I see one.
I know that one developer was a GM back in early days of OW1, but I haven’t heard about him for a very, very long time, and I don’t even know if he works there anymore.
But according to you he got promoted to Lead Balance Designer?

Don’t be shy with the details, please.

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The devs are truly geniuses. quite possible the most intelligent game devs of all the AAA games combined

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You forgoten about that support players gets another nerfs across the hero pool but DPS gets buff.

People dont like Play support?
Nerf support and buff DPS .
Hmm … Yes that make sence :+1::+1:

Moira 55dmg to single torget is too op
But mei praimery 120dmg that goes through shields and enemys is ok

most of the designers who play the game are low ranks, they listen to streamers for there advice most of the time, got to keep those streamers happy !

It’s Josh Noh. The source was a dev twitch stream leading up to release with him and Goodman. They mentioned it twice. Second time was when Noh was discussing how healing may be overtuned, and Goodman said something like, ‘I didn’t consider that. That’s why you’re 4.6K and I’m plat.’ :rofl:

Needless to say the timestamp is too time consuming to hunt for. But it’s probably the only stream with just him and Goodman, so that shouldn’t be too hard if you’re willing to find and watch through it. I enjoyed it well enough.

It is hard to believe when you read the guy’s answers (on that reddit AMA f.ex.). He is just about statistics and little else.

He might be a GM, but that certainly doesn’t translate to his game design skills at all.
That he managed to slip through an unkillable Support that just murders flankers and then reworks Mercy to also be unkillable speaks for itself.
That Sojourn was made skillless with the railgun also speaks volumes to his game design skills.
Not to mention the entire switch to 5v5 and making the tanks raid bosses. If the guy had any influence on that decision, he should just be straight up fired. But hey, that may happen on its own when the game dies.

Amazing a thread like this wont get deleted but misgender someone and you can get a forum ban/suspension?

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Answer to your first question: They simply don’t care.

Answer to the next 2 questions: This is the C team at best working on the game now, so again, they do not care lol.

And not to sound really rude but having a bunch of gold/play players balancing the game is why the game is so terrible in the first place. I understand we can’t let pros balance the game or the 1% for sure because they’d just remove literally everything, but at the same time it’s what people whine about every single day anyways, to have everything removed. :thinking:

Well I don’t disagree with some of that, but to be fair some of it happened on Goodman’s watch. No one individual is responsible for anything in the game. Noh’s answers in this particular AMA may have focused more on statistics, but I’ve heard him discuss how the way something feels is a balance concern in the past.

They’re of course going to focus on statistics when discussing Mercy specifically though. They already know the GA changes feel worse. They knew that when they tested them. But their stance on it is basically, ‘suck it up.’ :sweat_smile:

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They wanted to nerf her and nerf her pocket potential, but ended up keeping her the same but buffing her pocket… “The changes are fine” :skull:
Yes, the changes that did the opposite of what they wanted and upset a lot of players are “fine”.

  1. Get Mercy into a roughly correct place statistically, then worry about fine tuning and powershifts to make it more fun.
  2. Assuming you take skewing factors into effect, full data unmirrored winrate is a useful tool. And ultimately the whole point of “Hero Balance” is increasing the number of heroes that are both worthwhile and interesting/novel to play. And while pickrate isn’t a perfect measure of that, it’s pretty close.
  3. I’m a Hog main, and I’ve asked for pretty much every buff he got. And even I was suggesting the nerf he got. The whole point with his changes was just to get him into a “boring, but not a complete throw pick” status because his current design is to frustrating for him to be meta. He’s gonna get a total rework in the next 1-3 weeks, so whatever he has now really is a placeholder.

That said,

I still think Mercy players should be making calm rational posts on “So we can all agree that a lot of people aren’t happy with with, but I can see what you’re trying to do to make sure her survival rate doesn’t go too high, let me help you out by showing you a better way to implement the devs idea, in a way that doesn’t piss off a bunch of Mercy players.”

Formatted less like a threat, or reads like a passive aggressive dictionary entry, but something more like a resume, like this post is the damn best formatted Mercy post I’ve seen in years.

Why the new Mercy GA (not SJ) is actually good

It’s just frustrating that almost all upset Mercy posts are trying to “work against the devs”, as opposed to “work with the devs to find a more agreeable implemention of the devs idea”.

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People loved Mercy prior to the OW2 change, why even DO the change in the first place? A good designer would have asked that question before even starting. Seeing that they actually managed to make her movement require LESS skill, from a hero where that was the only skill expression (save the basics like game sense).
Healer passive? WHY?! You take skill out of the game and you make already unkillable healers EVEN MORE unkillable?

The game is wall-to-wall soaked in poor design decisions with OW2.


The Mercy changes suck for several reasons:
Made her unfun to play for those that play her.
Made her even more of a necessity to target.
Made her more of an issue when pocketing.

It failed on all fronts, for everyone. Even people that hate Mercy.

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What little respect I had left for them died the moment they buffed mccree and soldier AGAIN.

I’m honestly at the point of quitting. I didn’t update to OW2 just to go back into the same god awful boring meta that was forced on us for 3 straight years.

Without even factoring that in, NONE OF THE HITSCANS EVER NEEDED ANOTHER BUFF.